Corrected entry: When Rimmer arrives with his girlfriend and his seven kids, watch the sky. Whenever the camera is on Rimmer and the car, its a bright blue sky. Yet when the camera is focused on Lister and the Cat, the sky is darker and more cloudy.
Correction: This is not a mistake, it was done that way intentionally. It's designed to show the basic difference in the game make-up for each character. When looking at Rimmer it is from Listers point of view, which throughout the game is basically fun and sunny,and therefore sunny, when looking at Lister it is from Rimmer's viewpoint, which as you see from the episode is pretty horrible in general, and therefore cloudy.
Corrected entry: When the meteor hits the ship, everyone is thrown about except for the skutter, who does not move at all. (00:04:10)
Correction: Skutters perform operations outside the ship as well. They probably have magnetized wheels or some sort of stabilizers to keep them from being knocked into space.
Stasis Leak - S2-E4
Corrected entry: Just after Lister first enters the Stasis Leak and ends up in the shower, there is a shot of a man standing in front of the sinks. Above his head is a digital notice board. The date written on it is Wednesday 2nd March 2077. But 02/07/2077 will be a Tuesday.
Correction: The calendar has been altered since the present day, as evidenced by the newscaster in "Better Than Life" giving the date as "the 27th of Geldof".
Corrected entry: After Lister uses the Holly Hop Drive, Holly says 'There's nothing out there, just space'. When they switch on the monitor, the duplicate Red Dwarf is orbiting a moon. (00:08:40)
Corrected entry: At The End of the chess game where Queeg checkmates Holly, you can see the view-monitor of the game, with almost all of the pieces still on it.
Correction: That's the whole point. It's 'fool's mate', checkmate in three moves, with only a few pieces moved. Clever plotting, not a mistake.
Corrected entry: When Kryten paints Rimmer's picture, he paints Rimmer wearing his Series 1 uniform, when he is plainly sitting there in his Series 2 uniform. Kryten couldn't possibly have known what Rimmer's Series 1 uniform looked like, as he wasn't there. (00:26:00)
Corrected entry: When Queeg is telling Rimmer to work on the computer, how can Rimmer do this if he's a hologram and therefore can't touch anything?
Correction: As Red Dwarf is designed to support a holographic crewmember, obviously all its systems would be set up in such a way that a hologram would still be able to use them - not much point otherwise.
Stasis Leak - S2-E4
Corrected entry: When we first see the photograph of Lister and Kochanski married, Lister is smiling in the photo. The second time we see it Lister is not smiling.
Correction: This is intentional. The photo reflects Lister's mood. When he believes he is the groom he is smiling but when he thinks he is the best man he is not smiling because he believes he has just seen the woman he loves marry someone else.
Corrected entry: In this episode Rimmer receives a letter telling him his father is dead, however in an earlier episode he said that his father committed suicide. He already knew his father was dead, so why was he so shocked by the letter? And for that matter, why did his mother tell him his father was dead?
Correction: He says "...before that rather unfortunate suicide business." The joke in it is that Rimmer's Father was saying that with a short haircut, you can handle anything, but then something came up and he obviously couldn't deal with it so he attempted suicde. Rimmer doesn't actually say that his father killed himself, just "unfortunate suicide business" which could mean he attempted suicide, but failed. It's a long shot, but possible, especially when considering Rimmer's usual poor choice of words and his tendancy to crave attention/lie about his family.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Admiral Rimmer signs the copy of "My Incredible Career" , the picture of Admiral Rimmer on the cover is of Rimmer's uniform from Series 1, as opposed to the Admiral's uniform he's wearing a couple of seconds earlier when we see him seated. (00:50:30)
Correction: The uniform may have changed between the time Rimmer supposedly wrote the book and the present meal.
Stasis Leak - S2-E4
Corrected entry: Rimmer says that if he brought the past Rimmer back, there would be two Rimmers in the future. However he already make 2 Rimmers in the previous series in the episode "Me²", and he hated the fact, so why would he suggest that idea again?
Correction: Actually, Rimmer wanted to bring his past self back in statis as if he did so, he would survive the radiation leak and would not be a hologram.
Corrected entry: When the ship is hit by a meteor, Rimmer is thrown onto the table. He should have fallen through it, as he is a hologram. (00:04:15)
Correction: A number of posts suggest much the same thing, neglecting the fact that Holly is trying to keep Lister's fragile sanity intact. She arranges for Rimmer to appear to land on the table by projecting a holographic image of him doing just that, as Lister would become unhinged if he saw Rimmer magically passing through solid objects all the time. Besides, according to your logic shouldn't he sink through the floor?
Corrected entry: At the restaurant, the guide hands Lister his caviar vindaloo, which he states is "half rice, half chips and more bread and butter to follow", but there are visibly no chips on the plate. There are caviar, vindaloo, rice and potato wedges shown on the plate, but no chips. (00:19:25)
Correction: The potato wedges are the "chips." It's a British term for fried potatoes or what Americans may call "fries."
Potato wedges and chips are made from potato, but are still two different things. If the guide wanted to say it was half potato wedges, then he could have just said "half potato wedges."
Correction: This is because they are not in the hologram simulation suite at this point, they are in the control room. When the explosion occurs, and when Holly realises it was the yellow cable Lister was meant to use, they are in the hologram simulation suite. The scene then cuts to them in the control room afterwards, and Holly is standing in his current position because he has just entered through the door to the control room.
Casual Person