Red Dwarf

Season 4 generally

Easter egg: On disc 1 of the Red Dwarf series IV DVD enter the 'select episode' option. Before you reach the episode menu there is a sequence including a scutter which grabs a tape. When you see the scutter with the tape press enter and you will be taken to perhaps the best easter egg in all the Red Dwarf DVDs, the Red Dwarf actors actually having an easter egg hunt during the commentary recording session.

Season 7 generally

Easter egg: On disc 3 on the main menu screen, if you highlight and press the red 'JMC AMMO' button, this will show you picking up a bazookoid. Before firing the bazookoid, push one of the arrow keys. This will cause a light closer to the right side of the screen to light up. If you press enter, it will blast the code panel on the door. You are then taken to see a very funny Red Dwarf Trailer.

Season 7 generally

Easter egg: On disc 3 on the main menu screen if you highlight and press the red 'JMC AMMO' button this will show you picking up a bazookoid, if you fire and blast the code panel on the door you are then taken to see Chloe Annett's audition for Kochanski.

Season 6 generally

Easter egg: On Disc 1 of Series VI, go to Commentary, then hit [left]. You will be taken to a panel just to the left of the main screen, where you should hit [enter]. This takes you to a key pad. Highlight "1", hit [enter]; highlight "7", [enter]; highlight "4", [enter]; highlight "2", [enter]. This takes you to a screen that says, "Error." You are then immediately taken to a clip called "Memory Man." This is a small interview with Danny John-Jules in which he is asked about the episode "The Inquisitor" and can't remember which episode that is.

Season 6 generally

Easter egg: On disc 1 of the Red Dwarf series 6 DVD enter the 'select episode' option and go to the Gunman of the Apocalypse episode. Click enter and then go to the second chapter and press right. You should highlight the sheriff badge, and by pressing enter you can see the animated short of this series by Ed Bye, Rob Grant and Doug Naylor.

Season 3 generally

Easter egg: On Disc 2 of the Red Dwarf Series III DVD go to the bonus features and wait for the morphing object to turn into a white rabbit. Click it and you will find the animated short for this series with Ed Bye, Rob Grant and Dooug Naylor.

Season 3 generally

Easter egg: On disc 2 of the Red Dwarf series III DVD go to bonus features animated menu and enter the gallery. Following this enter the 'models and covers' section and press next until you come to a schematic drawing of Starbug. Press up and you will be able to click on the picture. Doing this takes you to a short commericial for a model Starbug playset.

Season 3 generally

Easter egg: On disc one of the Red Dwarf series III DVD enter the select episode option and wait as the music plays itself out twice. on the third time a polymorth will crawl across the screen from the left side box. go to 'drive room' and when the polymorth reaches the centre of the screen press down and hit enter. This will take you to a rare scene from 'Polymorth'.

Season 4 generally

Easter egg: On disc 2 of the Red Dwarf Series IV DVD go to bonus features and enter the plain text menu. Press down until you highlight 'back' then press left to highlight the paddle from 'Meltdown'. Press enter to see the animated short for this series with Ed Bye, Rob Grant and Doug Naylor.

Season 1 generally

Easter egg: In the 2 Disc set of Red Dwarf Series I, on the 2nd disc, go to bonus material then photo gallery, then press right which takes you to a photo, click it and you'll see how the ending of Lister and the two babies was made.


Season 2 generally

Easter egg: In the 2 Disc set of Red Dwarf Series II, on the 1st disc, go to the subtitles screen and press down to select the watch on the table, click it to go to another screen, that when you press the green button shows a documentary on Queeg. The red button returns you to the main menu.


Season 5 generally

Easter egg: In the 2 disc set of Red Dwarf Series V, on the 2nd disc, if you choose subtitles and then just below the red subtitle sign, there will be a picture of Holly's head, click this and you can see a featurette on "How did Holly obtain her Manchester accent?"


Season 5 generally

Easter egg: On the 1st Disc, of the 2 Disc set of Red Dwarf Series V, go to Main Menu, then Select Episode, then Drive Room, and then select the glove that is on the floor. It takes you to a code panel, then enter the code 1,4,5 and you can see a cartoon of the director and other people talking about Back To Reality.


M-Corp - S12-E5

Other mistake: When Cat picks up the can of Leopard lager which is invisible to Lister, he shakes it, pops the cap and sprays Lister with foam. The foam is visible but the can remains invisible, and that makes no sense. If we are seeing the scene from Cat's point of view the can and foam should both be visible, and if it is from Lister's then neither should be.

More mistakes in Red Dwarf

Nanarchy - S7-E8

Lister: What, they fixed your core program and then decided they'd be better off without you?
Holly: Yeah, it was shortly after they met me.

More quotes from Red Dwarf

Meltdown - S4-E6

Trivia: "Meltdown" was originally planned to be the first episode of Series IV of Red Dwarf. However, the militaristic tone of this episode - and in particular Dave Lister's strident anti-war speech near The End of the episode - meant it fell foul of the BBC censors. The original planned transmission date (Feb 14 1991) coincided with the outbreak of "Operation Desert Storm" - the Gulf War...and the BBC felt that an "anti-war" episode of Red Dwarf would be inappropriate for a country at war with Iraq.

More trivia for Red Dwarf

Kryten - S2-E1

Question: When Holly is saying about how he has changed music he says that because of the 2 new notes he's made instruments would be bigger. "Triangles will have four sides. Piano keyboards the length of zebra crossings. Course, women will have to be banned from playing the cello." I don't understand the joke about the cello part. Could someone please tell me what he means?

Answer: The cello is a large four-stringed instrument, which, when it is played, stands vertically on the floor between the player's legs (assuming they are seated). If it is to grow as large as the other instuments mentioned will, it would require a rather unseemly lack of femininity to be able to encompass it with the legs.

Rooster of Doom

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