Timeslides - S3-E5
Corrected entry: How did the crew get hold of a picture of a young Rimmer in bed at boarding school? Who would take such a picture?
Correction: You've obviously never been to an English public school.
Correction: It has been established that whenever a picture is being used as a form of time travel, real time will always pass within in the photo. For example, the crew use a photo from when Lister was in Smeg and the Heads, which would have been a single photo taken whilst the band is performing, but time passes when the photo is being displayed as shown by the band performing before they go inside the photo. The likely answer to this is that Rimmer acquired a photo of his bed from boarding school that was probably taken during the day and then waited several hours until night time to inside the photo.
The Last Day - S3-E6
Corrected entry: The Cat wakes up the morning after the party with a hangover and not a hair on his head out of place. (00:18:45)
Correction: This is the cat. His heartbeat is literally a music beat. He spent over a day creating a special spacesuit when he thought he was going to meet women. Having perfect hair, no matter the situation, is entirely within character.
Timeslides - S3-E5
Corrected entry: What was Hitler's diary doing in Klaus von Stauffenberg's briefcase?
Correction: Lister was 'scuffling' with Hitler and when he comes back through the slide, he says 'I stole his briefcase' The briefcase was Hitler's, not von Stauffenberg's. Therefore there is nothing odd about Hitler's diary being in Hitler's briefcase. Incidentally, Rimmer comments he is the officer that attempt's to assassinate Hitler by putting a bomb in his (Hitler's) briefcase.
Corrected entry: Rimmer says to keep page sixty one of "Lolita", but Lister pulls out the left-side page and pockets it. As odd-numbered pages in books are on the right side, meaning he must have kept page sixty. You can see the front cover quite is the right way up so the book would not have been upside down. (00:17:05)
Corrected entry: In the scene where Rimmer (In Lister's Body) pretends to have lost an arm, there is a visible shadow of the boom microphone on the wall to his left.
Correction: It is not a boom mic. In the wide shot of the room you can see there is part of the damaged ceiling hanging down and swaying, causing the shadow.
Timeslides - S3-E5
Corrected entry: We learn in "Ouroboros" in series 7 that Lister is his own father, and Kochanski is his mother. However, if this is so, when Lister fixed time so he never joined the Space Corps, that would mean he never met Kochanski, so his father never met his mother, so he should never have been born, and even if he was, his life should have taken a radically different path from that it did.
Timeslides - S3-E5
Corrected entry: After Lister manages to make himself the inventor of the tension sheet, Rimmer is in the the sleeping quarters and Lister's bunk can be seen behind him, still just like it was. If Lister was never on Red Dwarf then why is all his stuff still in his bunk and on the walls?
Correction: The Space Corps would still have hired someone to fill the vacancy that Lister would have filled had be been around. Presumably the new guy is a slob like Lister.
Corrected entry: If you look behind Rimmer and Kryten in the cafe, you see a menu board with all the foods spelt backwards, reading right to left. Nothing wrong with that, except the letters are still all 'forwards', instead of a mirror image as would happen if everything was reversed. The same is true for the 'Nodnol 871 selim' marker.
Correction: As all the signs seen in the backwards world have the words spelled backwards, with the actual letters the correct way round, it's reasonable to say that that's just how things work in that reality.
Corrected entry: When Rimmer (in Lister's body) is scoffing food under his sheets, Lister (as Rimmer) wakes up and leaps off the top bunk and he makes a thud as he hits the floor, now seeing Lister is a hologram in this scene he shouldn't have made a noise on impact with the floor.
Correction: As he is a hologram, he shouldn't be able to lay in abed without falling through, use the lifts, or get any traction on the floor when walking. If you can accept that he can also see and hear despite being made of light, you should be able to accept that Holly has programed the light-bee to emit fotstep sounds when he walks/lands to make him appear more human.
Corrected entry: In "Marooned", Lister asks Rimmer about how he lost his virginity and Rimmer says he lost it so a girl from cadet school called Sandra but in "Thanks For The Memory" (series 2), Rimmer says he only had sex once and that was with Evonne McGruder.
Correction: Rimmer is lying, trying to sound like he has been with more women. He was very drunk back in "Memory" and is trying to cover up that mishap (Hence his comment about the walnut interior of the Bently).
Timeslides - S3-E5
Corrected entry: Paradox - If Lister went back in time, and prevented Kryten from being rescued, Kryten wouldn't have discovered the mutated development fluid, and Lister wouldn't have been able to go back in time.
Correction: This is a self correcting entry - it's a paradox, not a mistake. Time travel stories are full of paradoxes, they can't exist without them.
Timeslides - S3-E5
Corrected entry: A short while after Lister unwittingly saves Hitler from the bomb, he holds up a newspaper which says on it that he saved Hitler's life. But where did he get that paper from? If it was a paper in Hitler's briefcase, and the front cover changed to coincide with Listers implications on the past, then how come the headlines are written in English, and not German? Not only that, but if the newspaper was already in Hitler's briefcase, did it predict that Lister would save Hitler's life? Surely a newspaper in Hitler's briefcase on that day would be about events the previous day?
Correction: It's more likely that Lister was able locate a copy from the ship's library or have one replicated, unless Nazi scientists were somehow able to give Hitler the next day's newspaper before the events took place.
Corrected entry: Why does Lister ask Rimmer about losing his virginity? Rimmer told Lister truthfully in Series 2 (episode "Thanks For The Memory") that he had only had sex once in his life - with Yvonne McGruder. When the crew erased their memories, they did not erase Rimmer telling Lister about Yvonne - so why doesn't he remember in Marooned?
Timeslides - S3-E5
Corrected entry: When Lister convinces his past self to "invent" the Tension Sheet, he, Cat and Kryten vanish, having never become part of the Dwarf's crew. When Rimmer visits Lister, Lister does not remember him, because they have never met - if Lister can't remember people he's never met, why can Rimmer and Holly?
Timeslides - S3-E5
Corrected entry: Lister's saving of Adolf Hitler is shown as occurring at one of the dictators rallies at Nuremberg. The actual von Stauffenberg assassination attempt happened at Rastenburg in 1944, and the Nuremberg rallies ceased after 1938.
Correction: In this reality, yes. There is no telling how many different dimensions this crew have shifted through - maybe one where Hitler is still addressing the crowds in Nuremberg today?
Timeslides - S3-E5
Corrected entry: In the episode 'Timeslides,' after the crew return from giving young Lister the Tension Sheet, Lister, The Cat, and Kryten disappear because he never joined the crew. Rimmer should also disappear or be replaced by McIntyre, because his hologram was created for the purpose of keeping Lister sane.
Correction: It's quite possible (very unlikely, but possible), that in this timeline, Rimmer actually passed his astronavigation exam for once, and rose to a high enough rank to be brought back as a hologram.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Lister is so desperate with hunger that he eats the only thing still available (a can of dog food), Craig Charles (who plays Lister) was not acting. He really DID eat it (it was cat food, which apparently "looked better", but the difference is minimal). Not surprisingly, this scene was completed in only one take...
Correction: If you watch the DVD with the commentary, it is in fact tuna fish made to look like dog food.
Corrected entry: In the episode "Polymorph", the 'punchline' at The End of the episode is that the crew of Red Dwarf think they're safe, because they've killed the polymorph creature. But the 'plot twist' is that there was a SECOND polymorph on board Red Dwarf - and the last we see of it is when the Polymorph takes on the appearance of Lister and grins to the camera. But it is never explained what became of this second polymorph. For all we know, it could still be lurking on board.
Correction: According to Doug Naylor in the Re-Mastered edition of this episode, the second Polymorph hid in Lister's underpants drawers and died of starvation due to its stupidity.
Correction: Lister also dumps a lot of curry powder into the microwave, and when he reopens the door after baking, there is a full meal prepared. Clearly, this is not a mistake, but in fact part of the futuristic technology used to create the meal. The plate was likely generated along with the rest of the meal.
Casual Person