Red Dwarf

Backwards - S3-E1

Plot hole: In the episode 'Backwards' most of the things that happen on 'Backwards Earth' are correct, except, of course, in reverse. But there is an exception: in the scene in the Cafe, when the waitress comes to 'dirty' the table, she tips a box of trash on the table. If you play this scene backwards, the trash leaps from the table into the box. Even on a 'backwards earth' I can't believe that trash spontaneously leaps about... (00:09:30)

Backwards - S3-E1

Plot hole: If everything goes backwards, shouldn't Kryten and Rimmer have got fired, done their job and then got hired? Rimmer & Kryten discovered that everything was backwards in the cafe earlier in the episode. At the club they did their act and then got fired. Put this 'forwards' and it becomes wrong.


Red Dwarf mistake picture

Backwards - S3-E1

Other mistake: At the start of the episode, there is a spoof Star Wars-type caption, which spools up the screen very quickly. Too quickly to be read, in fact... which may explain why few people have noticed that the last line of the caption, "And now the Saga Continuums...", is written twice. (00:00:20)

Red Dwarf mistake picture

Backwards - S3-E1

Revealing mistake: At The End of the episode, the shot with the taxi has been reversed to show the number plate backwards. It has also changed everything else in the shot, most notably, the cat's outfit. In the next scene they have been flipped back to normal. (00:25:35)


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Suggested correction: If you look at 00:13:47, you'll see that the closest tree has an odd poster. The other trees have the poster that they showed to the man that gives them a lift.

Backwards - S3-E1

Revealing mistake: Near The End of the episode, Kryten and his employer are seen arguing in supposedly backwards English. However, when you watch the episode how the people of earth would see it on the second DVD, Kryten and his employer aren't speaking English, they are just speaking plain gobbeldy-gook, even although when you see the people of Earth talking on the DVD they speak correctly. (00:22:30)

Red Dwarf mistake picture

Backwards - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: At The End of the episode, when the Cat says, 'I've forgotten something', watch the extra in the white t-shirt. He puts a pint to his mouth, and when the shot changes, it is gone. (00:25:05)


Backwards - S3-E1

Revealing mistake: After landing on Earth, Rimmer and Kryten are standing on land. When Kryten asks "What is this place?", a car can be seen driving forwards in the far background, even though everything in this version of Earth is supposed to work backwards. (00:06:15)

Casual Person

Backwards - S3-E1

Other mistake: It is established in the backwards version of Earth, that all writing is reversed and is spelled backwards. However, there are some inconsistencies, as in some instances the writing has been mirrored to appear reversed, whilst in some instances the writing has just been spelled out backwards. For example, car number plates and signs on display in the background have been mirrored to appear reversed, but the newspaper that Kryten reads, the Nodnol sign and the Sensational Reverse Brothers poster appear normally typed out, and not as the mirror image that other aspects of this world have.

Casual Person

Red Dwarf mistake picture

Backwards - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: Rimmer wears a hat with an antenna on the right hand side when on Starbug, and after arriving on Earth, but when he and Kryten are walking through the streets later on, the antenna is now on the left side of his hat, and is far more extended. (00:02:20 - 00:08:00)

Casual Person

Red Dwarf mistake picture

Backwards - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: When Kryten is piloting Starbug and gently "eases forwards", there is a shot shown from behind Starbug where it is driving out of the cargo bay to the exit, and it is shown a couple feet off the ground. When Starbug exits Red Dwarf in the next shot, Starbug is suddenly much higher above the ground. (00:04:20)

Casual Person

Backwards - S3-E1

Revealing mistake: When Rimmer stands up from underneath the table, just before he says, "Thanks for your support" to Lister, listen very carefully and you can hear the stunt director saying "Action!" backwards. This shot was the splice point between the reversed and the regular footage. (I know this mistake is listed as being in the 'backwards version' on the DVD, but it is in the regular broadcast version too - you just have to listen harder for it.)


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Answer: Presumably he does, but it's never been used in any material related to the show. He is the only Cat left (as shown in Series 1), so even if he had once had a name, nobody would know it.


Answer: In the book, the Cat finds the concept of a name confusing, as he's convinced he's the center of the universe and the idea that someone wouldn't know who he was is baffling.

Brian Katcher

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