Justice League

Justice League (2017)

20 corrected entries

(13 votes)

Correction: He's the world's greatest detective. He put two and two together easily by watching it react to the thug and tracking their movements in the past. When we first see him fight one in the film, he makes it very clear this wasn't his first encounter with them. He's been tracking them for a while and studying them.

Quantom X

Correction: Incorrect. He shoots at Batman, pigeons are seen, then he is again seen with the gun pointing around searching for Batman until Batman comes out of nowhere and knocks it out.

Corrected entry: In the film it's established that the mother box used by Dr. Silas activated after Superman died, but in BvS the box was already used to make Cyborg.


Correction: It activated on its own after Superman died. Silas had to get it to work before then.

Corrected entry: The US flag in the Gotham City police station only has 48 stars.

Correction: Yes and it is framed and on the wall next to lots of other pieces of historic memorabilia.

Corrected entry: Spoiler: At the end of the film, Clark Kent gets his old home back, and he's shown walking the streets of Metropolis. It's one thing for Superman, an alien to "come back from the dead", but Clark Kent had an obituary, funeral and a tombstone. How is his resurrection explained away?


Correction: This isn't a mistake since we haven't been told he reentered society as Clark Kent, just shown that he is back in Metropolis. The sequels will need to explain his return, or alternatively, his creation of a new life and persona. Mostly likely they will claim the dead body that was buried was misidentified, but that plot device needs to wait for a future movie.


Corrected entry: Before Diana talks with Cyborg on the street, she leaves her car and takes few steps, but in the next shot she is further from the car.


Correction: She is in the middle of the driveway as she is walking away from her car down the sidewalk, exactly where she should be, there is no great distance traveled and there's nothing unnatural about her speed or her movements.

Corrected entry: When Batman uses the burglar as a bait to attract the parademon, he is hooked up by the waist but there's some kind of bar that extends to his collar to keep his back straight - presumably needed for health and safety reasons during filming.


Correction: Batman lands on him from atop the water tower and wraps him in a cable several times, both at the waist area and the collar area.

Corrected entry: While Batman is hiding behind the tank of water, the thief aims to the right, however the shot hits in the center.


Correction: He fires one shot to the right of the tank, then another shot which hits the tank.

Corrected entry: After the robber at the beginning shoots the water tower, water starts coming out. The next shot the tower is fully intact.


Correction: We see the tower still leaking from the bullet hole underneath the "Y" in the word city just before Batman jumps off the tower.

Corrected entry: If Steppenwolf could track two of the mother boxes without any trouble, why does he need to ask where the other one is?


Correction: Because he knows where Atlantis and Themyscira are, and these places are very small in comparison with the rest of Earth.

He couldn't know that the boxes were in Themyscira and in Atlantis.

He knows that the Amazons and Atlanteans united with the tribes of man to defeat him, so he correctly deduces that each group will have one of the boxes.

But the last box was not hidden, Dr. Silas has it then Cyborg, and Steppenwolf could not know that the Atlantians and Amazons had the other boxes.


Corrected entry: Bruce's beard changes length between when he talks with Diana in the Batcave and when they are walking beside the river while Cyborg is watching them.


Correction: In both scenes, Bruce has no beard, just a minimal amount of stubble, and its length does not change.

Corrected entry: Before Superman is resurrected by the League it's nighttime, after that it's daylight, then he takes Lois with him and it's almost nighttime again.


Correction: Yes because it is late in the morning when they dig him up, then after dawn when he is resurrected, then he spends most of the day in Kansas with Lois.

Corrected entry: While Superman uses his heat vision against Cyborg he hits a police car behind him with two police officers which disappear and reappear between shots.


Correction: We briefly see the officers after the police car is destroyed. Obviously, they left the area because they realised that there was nothing they could do, so they tried to keep other people away from the dangerous scene.

But they reappear in the next shot.

Corrected entry: When Steppenwolf tries to steal the box from the Amazons, one them jumps on his back and has 3 wounds on her right arm which change shape and move between shots.


Correction: She has three horizontal red lines painted on her left bicep that do not move or change. Steppenwolf throws her around which may make it appear that they change, however.

Corrected entry: While Barry is in line to sign in at the jail the hairless guy is behind him, but in the next shot that guy is getting in line again.


Correction: He is still in line and just moves up further in line. We also see another bald man exiting and we see the reflection of the bald man as he is standing behind Barry while Barry is signing in.

Corrected entry: Before Arthur dives into the sea while he speaks with Bruce nobody is behind him, but in the next shot there is a crowd.


Correction: Two different shots. The first shot is tighter on Bruce and you can't see the crowd. You instead see the empty space above their heads. The next is wider and you see them.

The angles are not so different enough to account for it, or the big crowd in the wider angle. As shown by the Snyder cut, the crowd was supposed to build more gradually to eventually yodel Aquaman away.


Corrected entry: When Steppenwolf takes the mother box from Atlantis he arrives alone, but after the struggle there is a body of a parademon in the water.


Correction: The parademon obviously came with him, but was off camera.

The sequence is horribly cut. We don't see the parademons except in that shot, it's not depicted as a collective assault so it comes rather out of the blue.


Corrected entry: When the Russian family flees their home, an explosion hits so hard that their house is torn apart. The motorcycle parked directly in front of their house, however, doesn't even shake.

Brian Katcher

Correction: This is certainly possible, there have been many cases of buildings and vehicles being destroyed by natural disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes with adjacent buildings and vehicles surviving unscathed.

Corrected entry: In the fight after reviving Superman, Flash and Superman go full speed, while everybody else moves in super slow-motion. But Wonder Woman should not appear as slow as Cyborg or Aquaman. In the beginning of the film, she was fast enough to easily catch bullets.

Correction: Wonder Woman, like Superman and The Flash, is only that fast when absolutely necessary, not all the time.

That correction doesn't make sense. There was no reason why Superman went full speed, while Wonder Woman flew through the air in slow motion.

If I remember correctly, she wasn't flying through the air, she was falling toward her sword. Super-speed or not, gravity will only pull you down so fast.


That is a different fight, before the resurrection. The entry refers to the fight with Superman. It should be noted that even in the scene you mention, she is able to grasp the sword pushed by Flash, so she is able to move inside the 'frozen' time, even if perhaps not at Superman's level.


Corrected entry: If the parademons react to fear, they should attack the Russian family but they don't.


Correction: Either they were ordered not to attack the family by Steppenwolf because retrieving the Motherboxes is the number one priority, or they sensed that the father wasn't afraid of them since he had a rifle and was willing to fight them.

Absolutely wrong, was not priority for the parademons either to attack Steppenwolf but they did cause they react to their instinct.

Yep, the original entry feels perfectly correct, it's an inconsistency. They hide under the table in fear yet throughout the whole movie they stay untouched "because reasons", but the moment Steppenwolf falters, they devour him.


Plot hole: When Cyborg tells his origin story, he says that the Mother Box in possession of the government was shelved till after the night when Superman died, when it came to life leading it to be studied by Cyborg's father, Silas. However, that contradicts the previous movie, Batman v Superman [both 1 h 39' and 2 h mark], where Batman came upon Luther's metahuman evidence file, including Silas Stone's vlog with the creation of Cyborg that Diana watches. (01:02:35)


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Queen Hippolyta: Men won't. She will.

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More trivia for Justice League

Question: What is the story behind the strange makeup blunders in Justice League? Early in the film, both Henry Cavill's and Ben Affleck's facial features seem oddly, almost creepily unrecognizable (in the smartphone sequence of Superman and in the private jet sequence with Bruce Wayne and Alfred). Also, Bruce Wayne's hair color seems to randomly change throughout the movie. As I understand it, between the directing upheaval and editing, many old scenes were deleted and new scenes added, requiring a lot of re-shooting. Is that the reason for the sloppy makeup continuity?

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: I don't know about the Ben Affleck portion of your question, but when the film was going back for reshoots, Henry Cavill had grown a mustache for his upcoming role in "Mission: Impossible Fallout" which he was contractually obligated to keep. The special effects crew had no choice but to digitally erase his mustache in post-production, which is why his mouth area looks so odd in some scenes (if you have seen the trailer for "Deadpool 2," Deadpool makes reference to this when he notes that the special effects for Cable's metal arm are not finished, and remarks that it's not like they are trying to remove a mustache). Interestingly, a person on YouTube posted a video of them removing Henry Cavill's mustache using a $500 computer, and it looks remarkably better than what this film did with a $300 million budget.


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