
Carentan - S1-E3

Corrected entry: In the attack on Carentan when they start clearing the buildings, they send Tipper and Liebgott to check a pharmacy. Tipper is carrying a bazooka on his back. When they have checked it, Liebgott leaves, but Tipper lingers behind to check a shack in the backyard. When he is about to leave the store, it is hit by artillery. As he walks out of the pharmacy a couple of seconds later, the bazooka on his back has disappeared. (00:18:05)

Correction: Given the violence of the explosion, it seems quite likely that it could have broken the narrow strap (visible as Tipper enters the building) holding the bazooka onto his back.


Correction: This is a device to show the passage of time - the two shots are not intended to follow on directly.


24th Oct 2004

Alien (1979)

Corrected entry: The escape shuttle used by Ripley and the cat is buffeted by a shock wave from the Nostromo's explosion, a shock wave that can't exist. In space, there is no medium through which a shock wave can propagate.

Correction: It's not a shockwave. She's just blown up a colossal ship behind her - what she's hit by is the vaporised remains of the ship, rushing outwards from the point of explosion.


You don't see or hear the remains of the refinery hitting the life craft AT ALL so this is an implausible explanation. AND the camera shows the refinery intact as the life craft is pulling away from it...where has the debris come from?

Correction: If sound can travel in space, shock waves can, too. This is standard skiffy film convention. It is not reality.

18th Oct 2004

Alien 3 (1992)

Corrected entry: Early in the film, Ripley asks Clemens to get her a "computer with audio capabilities". He replies that they've got nothing like that in the prison. However, later during the big chase sequence through the tunnels, we repeatedly hear a computer voice giving out audio information when doors are opened and closed (such as "Door B, Channel 7, safe" etc.).

Correction: Audio capability doesn't mean the ability to repeat a few phrases in a parrot-like fashion in response to certain obvious events. What Ripley needs is something with the capability to interpret the black box recording from the Sulaco and respond in an intelligent fashion to questions. Hence, in the end, her decision to locate and reactivate Bishop, who has the circuitry to do the job.


11th Nov 2004

Shrek 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: At the dinner scene, Donkey refers to Lillian before the two are even introduced. (00:16:50)

Correction: Donkey is a close associate of Fiona, their daughter, who, given that they're going to visit her parents would almost certainly have mentioned their names at some point. Even if she didn't, it's hardly going to be difficult to find out the names of the King and Queen of a major country - they do tend to be quite widely known.


11th Sep 2004

Hellboy (2004)

Corrected entry: Why did Myers, upon walking into the BPRD, stop and stand on the symbol in the centre of the room? I know this is essential as the symbol is the hidden lift, but surely anyone would have walked on to the desk? He didn't know about the lift, and the man didn't tell him to stop. (00:18:55)

Correction: Myers has obviously been given some pretty unusual instructions - go to this rather mysterious building, press a particular button on the keypad, identify himself and so on. It's reasonable to assume that stopping on the symbol and identifying himself to the guard on the desk when he enters would be part of those instructions.


4th Oct 2004

Apollo 13 (1995)

Corrected entry: When the astronauts are saying goodbye to their families on the pad at night and Fred Haise's wife and children appear, he tells his wife, "Frances, you look beautiful." Fred Haise's wife's name is Mary.

Correction: He says "Princess, you look beautiful", most likely addressing his daughter.


8th Nov 2004

Red Dwarf (1988)

Correction: The gallows aren't for Pooh - hanging probably wouldn't work on a waxdroid, so they shoot them instead. The gallows are presumably for Lister and Cat.


Show generally

Corrected entry: Throughout the Star Trek series, when there is a medical emergency or a security situation, why don't they use the site to site transporters to get people to where they need to be? Seconds matter in an emergency but they take the time to move injured people via the corridors.

Correction: Site-to-site transports require a great deal of power, so are only used in absolute emergencies. Generally speaking, if there are injuries on board, the Enterprise would almost certainly have taken damage and will probably be in an alert status, where power will be required for the primary systems like the shields, engines and weapons. As such, the necessary power to perform site-to-site transports would not be made available except in cases of the utmost urgency. Additionally, site-to-site transports require two steps (site A to buffers, then buffers to site B), and the show establishes that transporting seriously injured people is dangerous, so doing it twice is even more so.


Corrected entry: Right after Hannibal attacks the ambulance crew, we see a nurse drop a telephone and sprint down a hospital corridor. Who the heck is that supposed to be? If she is the triage nurse in the emergency ward preparing for the ambulance, where is her clip-board or ANY paper to make note of what the paramedic is saying? And why is she using a pay-phone so far away from everything? And WHERE is she going? If there is any problem, she has a telephone in her hand to call the police.

Correction: A nurse? Total rubbish - that's clearly Ardelia, Clarice's fellow trainee agent - you can even make out the "FBI" on her shirt. Obviously somebody, probably Jack Crawford, has called to inform Clarice of Lecter's escape - Ardelia came to the phone, and is now running like hell to warn Clarice that a mass murderer with an interest in her is on the loose. She can be seen wearing the same distinctive cardigan in the next scene with Clarice.


27th Oct 2004

Band of Brothers (2001)

Correction: Webster understands the baker perfectly, he just doesn't particularly care about any excuses that the man might have. The other soldier is trying to get Webster to back off by emphasizing what the baker is saying to him.


Correction: The correct spelling is Emmanuelle - the alternate spellings were to avoid copyright issues with the Emmanuelle series of films.


24th Oct 2004

The Mummy (1999)

Corrected entry: Evie and Jonathan are supposed to be siblings, yet Jonathan speaks with a Scottish accent and Evie doesn't. They don't appear to have been raised apart, so how come they don't have the same accent?

Correction: People can lose accents if they really try. It's quite likely that Evie and Jonathan both had a Scottish accent originally - Evie, wanting to impress the scholars and so on, would have worked hard on speaking 'properly', while Jonathan, who really wouldn't care, wouldn't have bothered trying to lose his natural accent.


Corrected entry: Brain tells Snake about a map he obtained indicating where all the hidden mines were on the 69th street bridge and Maggie adds that they obtained the map from a guy who got all the way across before the police shot him. How did Brain obtain this map seeing as how the guy was shot on the other side?

Leonard Hassen

Correction: They obviously got their copy of the map from him before he made the crossing. The fact that he made it across is simply brought up as evidence that the map can be trusted. Where the original information came from is an open question.


Corrected entry: In Jackson's films the word 'Uruk' is reserved for Saruman's mutated soldiers only, as opposed to the smaller common orc of Moria, Mordor, etc. But according to Tolkien, the term 'Uruk' is actually the orcs' own word for an orc, and the term 'Uruk-hai' is the orcs' term for a group of orcs.

Correction: Incorrect - Tolkien only uses Uruk-Hai to describe the large warrior orcs, like those created by Saruman. While the term Uruk is indeed the Orcish term for an Orc, and Uruk-Hai does literally translate to "Orc-People", Jackson's use of these terms is entirely in keeping with Tolkien's - they haven't changed anything.


13th Mar 2003

Daredevil (2003)

Corrected entry: In the one of the last scenes, Ben Affleck is talking to his friend in a coffee shop. A woman walks through the door, and Ben decides to leave to take a walk. He grabs his jacket from the chair. However, when he's walking, he is not carrying or wearing the coat. Where did it go?

Correction: When Matt leaves the coffee shop to get some air, carrying his jacket, he's wearing a black long-sleeved top with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. When we next see him walking, when he finds the good-luck charm, he's wearing a purple short-sleeved top - the two scenes don't follow on directly, it's probably not even the same day. Slightly confusing editing, but not a mistake.


13th Feb 2004

Daredevil (2003)

Corrected entry: When Kingpin is about to fight DD he takes off his some of his clothes but then the clothes disappear.

Correction: Judging from what we see of him, the Kingpin is a neat and tidy individual. Although it cuts directly from one scene to the next, some time passes in between Fisk removing his clothing and Daredevil arriving - he's had enough time to put those clothes away somewhere. Wouldn't want to get blood on his carefully tailored suit jacket and waistcoat.


Corrected entry: It is never revealed how Jack and the trick-or-treaters are able to come back through the doors of the holiday towns they visit. It may be that there are other doorways in these worlds, but they are never shown and even if there were, how would they know where to find them in a strange place?

Correction: Well, they made it back, so presumably it wasn't as difficult as you suggest - possibly individuals who are out of their particular world have some sort of homing instinct to allow them to return home. They could have wasted time showing the return trip, but what's the point?


2nd Aug 2004

Die Another Day (2002)

Corrected entry: Before chaos erupts at the ice palace, there are lots of people inside it. Only about 30 seconds afterwards, there are no people are around, or at least none of them notice what is going on. Where did all of the people go?

Correction: We've seen the plane land - they've all headed off to board it. The only people remaining at that point are the ones that Graves has ordered to remain behind to deal with Bond.


27th Jul 2004

Robocop (1987)

Corrected entry: When all the bad guys meet back up after spending time locked up (the scene where they're playing with the assault cannons provided by Clarence)it is night time, and Clarence announces that "Robocop is in the steel mill, lets go" When they arrive at the mill, it is a very blue sky we are treated to.

Correction: While they'd want to get nearby quickly, in case Murphy tried to make a run for it, they might well have decided not to actually enter the steel mill until daylight. Murphy is most likely capable of seeing in the dark - it would make sense to have given him some sort of low-light capability - whereas they can't. No sense in giving him a tactical advantage.


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