
26th Jul 2005

Blackadder (1986)

Plan A: Captain Cook - S4-E1

Corrected entry: Both Captain Blackadder and Captain Darling make references to facetious conversations with Pope Gregory IX. Obviously they didn't speak to the pontiff, but it is not even a joke that way because Gregory IX was pope from 1227-1241; if they wanted the Pope reigning at the time of the Great War, they meant to say Benedict XV (1914-1922).

Correction: That's rather the point in Blackadder's case - he's being facetious, referring to a conversation that's hardly likely to happen. Picking the name of a Pope who's been dead for nearly seven hundred years is entirely in character. And as for Darling, as is established on many occasions throughout the series, he's not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, so he doesn't pick up on it when Blackadder claims to be the wrong Pope.


Corrected entry: In the scene when princess Amidala, Qui Gon, Jar Jar and some other characters are recovering the palace, Amidala was sitting in a chair and then she opens some kind of box next to her and takes out a weapon; in the next shot she stands up and it seems as if she is almost going to fall.

Correction: How is this a mistake? People do find themselves off-balance at times.


24th Jul 2005

Fantastic Four (2005)

Corrected entry: When Johnny Storm sets himself ablaze, his body is enveloped in dense, hot plasma. The powerful emission spectrum of the flame over his face would overpower the optical information from further away. He would be effectively blind.

Correction: Whatever changes have been made to his physiology includes the ability not to be blinded by the plasma.


Corrected entry: When Obi-Wan is hanging on to the ledge when he fights Maul, he sees Qui-Gon's lightsaber on the ground next to him. The design of the hilt is the same as Obi-Wan's. No two Jedi have the same hilt design.

Correction: There's no rule stating that Jedi must have a unique design - Jedi build their own lightsabres using whatever design they see fit to use. There's nothing to prevent Obi-Wan from building one similar to his master's sabre.


15th Jul 2005

The Incredibles (2004)

Corrected entry: As Mr. Incredible is scanning the files of the superheroes, the photos show them from 15 years earlier. However, Frozone's picture shows him with his goatee as he currently is, not clean-shaven as he was then.

Correction: As beards are not particularly difficult to grow and shave off, it's not unreasonable to think that Frozone might have had the beard at some point during his earlier career.


13th Jul 2005

Kingdom of Heaven (2005)

Corrected entry: In the film, the dome on the Dome of the Rock is gilded with gold. However, the gold plating was not added to the shrine until the 1920s courtesy of a donation on behalf of the Turkish government.

Correction: While restoration has been necessary over the years, including the one in the 1920's, the dome has always had a gilt colouring.


4th Jul 2005

Batman (1989)

Corrected entry: It would appear that the aiming mechanism on the Batplane could use a bit of fine tuning. During the scene where Batman is flying the plane towards The Joker, he gets Joker in his crosshairs and fires, however, the bullets simply hit the ground on both of Joker's sides in a very theatrical manner instead of hitting the man himself. While this was obviously done for the sake of getting a fantastic visual, there isn't much sense to it.

Correction: Actually, it makes quite a bit of sense - when setting up a multiple gun system, the guns will be fixed so that the bullet streams converge at a pre-selected range, passing through the crosshairs at that point. As such, in order to hit a target, the subject needs to not only be in the crosshairs, but must be at approximately the correct range. If the target is closer than that range, as the Joker apparently is in this case, the bullet streams will not have had time to converge, so they'll hit on either side of the target, exactly as shown.


Correction: Batman missed on purpose. It is generally against his code to kill villains. Joker knows this.

Not in this version - he has no qualms with blowing up the factory which contains a lot of goons, and killing others. He attaches a bomb to a clown and drops him down a sewer in the sequel too.

He killed several of them in that very scene. Not to mention that he killed many of them by blowing Axis chemicals factory.

Buffy Vs. Dracula - S5-E1

Corrected entry: In this episode Willow and Giles are scanning texts into the computer. Why don't either of them, especially Willow, remember the first season episode "I robot. You Jane" where they did this and a demon manifested into the Internet and then into robot form?

Correction: I'm sure that they did remember it. That was, however, a special case where a demon had been trapped inside a book - because of that very incident, we can be certain that Giles would have taken special care to ensure that the books that they were scanning were demon-free.


Corrected entry: As shown in the scene where the Predator let's Weyland go after discovering that he is riddled with cancer, and thus not worthy 'game', the Predator's won't hunt something that they feel won't offer much of a challenge. So why does one kill a guy who is lying partially frozen on the floor, with no weapon whatsoever, and most likely had a large number of his bones shattered after falling down an enormous shaft? Seems inconsistent with their way of hunting. It's not as if he had previously proved to be a worthy opponent, all he did was run away and fall down a hole.

Correction: Possibly you didn't watch very carefully as he does rather more than just run away and fall down a hole. He picks up a gun and fights back - he then tries to defend himself against the Predator hand-to-hand before being knocked down the shaft. More than enough for the Predators to consider him worthy of killing.


11th Jul 2005

Aladdin (1992)

Corrected entry: Why did Jafar need the genie's help to make Jasmine fall in love with him? Being such a powerful sorcerer couldn't he have just done it himself?

Correction: Jafar is an excessively cruel and manipulative character. Perhaps he felt it would be more humiliating or demeaning to use his last wish to force Jasmine into falling in love with him.

Correction: Obviously he doesn't know that particular spell. Jafar can't be an expert on everything, and you wouldn't expect an evil sorceror to be particularly well up on love spells - it just doesn't fit with the whole 'evil sorceror' thing.


7th Jul 2005

The Rock (1996)

Corrected entry: Having removed the nerve gas from the final rocket, and then discharged said rocket in order to take out the marine who is trying to kill him, why does Goodspeed still need to retrieve the guidance chip from the gas canister? The purpose of the chip is to guide the rocket, and as there is no longer a rocket to guide.

Correction: He's fired that particular rocket, yes, but there are still numerous other rockets located around the island, lacking only a guidance chip to be fireable. He needs to get the final chip to prevent anyone from taking it, putting into one of the other rockets, and launching an attack.


Corrected entry: Chewbacca is good friends with Yoda in Episode 3, but joins in with Han Solo in making fun of Obi Wan in Episode 4: " You said it Chewy. Kid, where did you dig up that fossil?" If he was such good friends with the leader of the Jedi Council, why would he later make fun of one of the last remaining Jedi? Maybe he never met Obi Wan but you'd think he would be thrilled to meet anyone who claimed to know the ways of the Jedi. After all, Obi Wan was instructing Luke on the ways of the force right in front of him on board the Millennium Falcon.

Correction: As the Wookies were enslaved by the Empire for the crime of assisting the Jedi, it's quite reasonable that Chewbacca would be somewhat less in awe of them these days.


Corrected entry: When Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Pippin, Merry, Eomer, and Gandalf (pardon me if I have missed anyone) ride up to the Black Gate they are on horses, when they come back they are on horses, but when they charge to meet the orcs, trolls and Southerners the horses have vanished.

Correction: There's a long time between these events - more than enough time for them to have dismounted, as horses are a liability in close combat, then the horses were led away from the battlefield before they were surrounded.


5th Jul 2005

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Harry is introducing Peter to Dr. Otto, he says 'Noble Prize for sure' and a few seconds later ' See you in Sweden'. The noble prizes are given out in Oslo, Norway.

Correction: Harry's a businessman, not a geography teacher, so it's not unlikely that he'd get this sort of thing wrong. But Harry is in fact correct. The Nobel prizes are handed out in Sweden, the exception being the Peace Prize, which is the only one handed out in Norway. And, for the record, it's spelt Nobel.


24th Jun 2005

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Corrected entry: Rusty hands Basher a device to rig up to create an explosion and diversion. As the police car begins to smoke, a voice can be heard that yells out "everybody down". It is in fact the voice of Matt Daemon. Later, when the SWAT team is in the elevator and they cut the power, there is another explosion (that of the robbers blowing the safe) and again you hear the same cry out, "everybody down". Again, it is Daemon.

Correction: Given that you actually see Rusty say it in the first instance, it seems unlikely that they would have overdubbed it using Matt Damon. It also sounds very much like Brad Pitt's voice rather than Damon's. The second cry is "Take him down", not "everybody down" - once again, we see this being said on-screen and it's not Damon who says it.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Plo Koon is killed (the Jedi that dies while piloting an old Jedi starfighter), one shot shows him in his cockpit before it explodes from clone fire. The cockpit window shows that there are three separate window panels, much like the design in the fighters Anakin and Obi-wan fly in the beginning of the movie. The old Jedi Star fighter only has one full window panel.

Correction: Clearly this isn't quite the same as the earlier design - unless we actually see that what he's flying only has the one panel at some point, this can't be considered a mistake.


25th Jun 2005

2010 (1984)

Corrected entry: While the probe is approaching the surface of Europa, Floyd is reading off the names of the chemicals detected. He says - 'Oxygen. Carbon. Chlorophyll. Is it organic?' Well, yes, chlorophyll would be organic - it's a huge, complex molecule which gives plants their green colour - and nobody of Floyd's intelligence and education would need to ask.

Correction: He's asking a rhetorical question, sparked by his utter disbelief in what they've detected.


Corrected entry: How does the Italian guy manage to work out that the pyramid reconfigures every ten minutes when it only happened once. For all he knew, it could reconfigure at completely random times.

Correction: He's proposing a theory that it changes at that interval, one that is subsequently proven to be correct. It could have changed at random intervals, yes, but it's a reasonable supposition, given the mechanical nature of the place, that it would take place at regular intervals and given the use of the metric system, ten minutes is a reasonable time period to suggest.


Corrected entry: Following the battle on the bridge of the starship Obi-Wan and Anakin infiltrated in the beginning of the movie, the windows are shattered and protective shutters move down. In a following scene showing the bridge from the outside, the bridge is shown to still have windows.

Correction: The shutters only cover those windows that are damaged - the others remain clear.


Corrected entry: After Obi-Wan cuts Darth Maul in half and he falls into the pit, You see Obi-Wan and his lightsaber is off, a couple of seconds later you see that his lightsaber is on, with no sound of it reactivating.

Correction: There is no shot of Kenobi with his lightsabre off - in one shot, the beam follows the line of the wall, making it less clear, but it is there.


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