Question: Why was Jesse Spencer allowed to keep his natural accent, but not Hugh Laurie?
Greg Dwyer
27th Jul 2018
House, M.D. (2004)
7th Jun 2018
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Question: Why couldn't the ministry just book the Quidditch world cup to be held in Hogsmeade or something? Due to what Harry and Arthur are saying on pages 66-67 about trying to get there without the muggles noticing? I remember Hermione saying that Hogsmeade is the only non muggle place in Britain so you can't get a much better place.
Answer: It's doubtful that Hogsmeade has the room for a full Quidditch pitch and thousands of campsites, especially without disrupting what's already going on there.
6th Jun 2018
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Question: Anakin's mom says the Republic doesn't exist on Tatooine. Why not?
Answer: It's in the Outer Rim territories. It's far enough away from the central government that they can't really have an effective government. In addition, it's in Hutt-controlled space.
Why not send people to take control of Tatooine, and the outer rim territories away from the hutts?
The Republic has the task of running an entire galaxy, which is billions and billions of planets and solar systems. Sending troops into the Outer Rim, against heavily armed gangsters and with little to no communication, enough resources or backup, would be a terrible plan. At least the Hutts keep things running smoothly and don't let the planets go into anarchy.
Answer: In addition to the other answers: It's simply not worth it. There is nothing strategic about the system other than maybe as a waypoint. It is resource-poor, which added together means very little presence by any side.
Answer: There are places like Tatooine on Earth, like Afghanistan. Superpowers have attempted and failed to take over the indigenous population many times. Here, the Hutt organisation is too powerful and entrenched to defeat, and the Republic probably doesn't have unlimited resources to fight such a war.
24th May 2018
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Question: Since the board fired Norman in the last movie, how come Harry became the new owner after he died?
Answer: Despite being removed as CEO, Norman would still own the stock, which would then be passed on to Harry.
Did Harry have to take over or was it his decision?
It's always a choice to become CEO of a company.
Answer: Well Harry did want to keep his father's "Honor" and quoting from the first film, "become half of what he is." He didn't want to disappoint his father even after death. Or has a bigger goal in mind. But he did it on his own.
4th May 2018
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Question: Why does Hermione think Crouch is very lucky no one knows about him firing Winky (which she defines as being mean to elves)? A smart person like Hermione should know they'd care more about the dark mark than Winky being fired. I know how Hermione is with elves and I know it's weird to just fire her to Hermione (who did not know the whole story), But why does she think Winky being fired not getting out is lucky for Crouch when Voldemort's sign has just been shown for the first time in 13 years?
Answer: Hermione is saying that Crouch is a bad person for treating his house elf like that and that people would think the same if they knew it. She's not saying that the Dark Mark doesn't matter.
26th Apr 2018
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Question: After she finds out that her father's dead, Elizabeth looks absolutely devastated and Will asks Tia Dalma if there is a way. What exactly does Tia say in reply? And why can't she bring back Elizabeth's father from the dead like she brought back Barbossa?
Answer: She says that he is at peace. It's probably possible that she could bring him back, but he doesn't want to go back.
If she would bring him back, he will be very distraught and not be able to live on normally. He'd probably go insane and commit suicide.
Answer: Tia Dalma (Calypso) brought Barbossa back only because she needed him as part of her plan to escape her corporeal form. The Pirate Lords had imprisoned her in a human body, and only they, which included Barbossa and Jack Sparrow, could release her. There was no reason for her to bring Elizabeth's father back from the dead, particularly as he is at peace and will be reunited with his dead wife.
15th Apr 2018
Forrest Gump (1994)
Question: Why does the Army bus driver yell at Forrest when he introduces himself?
Answer: Yelling at new recruits is common since they must instill in them that they are now in a hierarchy where they are at the bottom. When people first enter the service, most bring with them their concepts that progress is accomplished through working with, versus for, others, and the kids lack discipline. The military isn't a democratic institution - it is authoritarian, and that isn't a structure most kids understand. New recruits are constantly yelled at to break their previous conditioning, and that begins with the first encounters, like with the bus driver.
Answer: Yelling is how things are done in the Army.
7th Apr 2018
The Green Mile (1999)
Question: Why did Paul and the other guards show concern for Percy after Wild Bill caused Percy to piss his pants?
Answer: They may not like him but they still want to make sure he's ok.
Exactly. Plus having a guard killed by an inmate on their watch would reflect poorly on them, to say the least. And Percy had political connections as well.
Because they are caring human beings, and feel some emotion towards someone in trouble, unlike Percy himself.
6th Jul 2005
Batman Begins (2005)
Question: A few times in the movie, you can see Illinois license plates. Is Gotham supposed to be in Illinois?
Answer: Actually in the DC universe, Gotham is meant to represent an over-the-top version of Chicago. Metropolis is the New York stand in.
Answer: Gotham is understood to be NYC on steroids and/or acid.
Answer: It is a mistake, Gotham City is canonically in New Jersey. It's a short distance from Metropolis.
True of the comics, but the Christopher Nolan Batman films are their own self-contained universe.
3rd Apr 2018
Richie Rich (1994)
Question: Why didn't the prison guards come to help after Cadbury hollered for them when being attacked by an Assassin?
Answer: Since the person had obviously been let in just to kill Cadbury, the guards would have been paid off to look the other way.
26th Mar 2018
The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
Question: Why there was no invitation for Dr. Alan Grant and Ellie, and what were they doing at that time?
Answer: It's possible there was an invitation that they declined. Given the experience on the other island, both were terrified about going back.
Answer: It's not really mentioned what they were doing. However, they weren't in the film because they weren't in the book, although Grant is mentioned briefly, talking to Richard Levine about new fossil finds. Michael Crichton ended up writing the sequel book after the success of the film. He decided to bring Ian Malcolm back (despite being declared dead in the epilogue of the first book) because he needed him, as the "ironic commentator", and said he could do without the other characters. So his story just focuses on Malcolm going to Isla Sorna. Although, in the book Malcolm goes to rescue Levine after he's reportedly went missing on the island and in the movie Levine isn't even a character.
25th Mar 2018
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
Question: I've heard that Lucius was right in Voldemort's inner circle so why is he treated even worse than Pettigrew?
Answer: In addition, Lucius is directly responsible for the destruction of his first horcrux, the diary, for the frivolous reason of trying to discredit Arthur Weasley.
Voldemort was angry with Lucius because he repeatedly failed him. Lucius smuggled the Diary Horcrux into Hogwarts via Ginny, the plan failed. Lucius also failed to retrieve the prophecy orb from the Ministry of Magic, resulting in a huge battle and certain Death Eaters being sent to Azkaban prison. Voldemort usually severely punished anyone who failed him.
Except Voldemort was still in hiding in Albania when Lucius did this. He never told Lucius to give it to Ginny.
Lucius took advantage of an opportunity to use Ginny to get the Diary into Hogwarts rather than as an act to discredit Arthur. He couldn't risk giving it to Draco, who he would not have trusted to carry out the mission.
Except that Lucius putting Tom Riddles' diary into Ginny's cauldron happened in "The Chamber Of Secrets." Not in this movie. The question was why Voldemort treated Lucius even worse then Pettigrew.
It might have happened in an earlier movie, but that doesn't mean Voldemort forgot.
26th Mar 2018
Back to the Future Part III (1990)
Question: Doc is a scientist right? The DeLorean had a ruptured fuel line and needed gas which, as Doc pointed out, was unavailable at the time. Surely he knew how to distill booze to make ethanol? (There was plenty of whiskey around at the time). I mean, they've used it to power cars in Mexico for ages. Why didn't Doc suggest this?
Answer: They did try it. Doc ran the engine with the strongest thing the bartender could find them and it blew out the engine. It takes all the power a heavy car like a DeLorean has to get up to 88 MPH. It wouldn't be able to get that much power running on ethanol, in addition to the damage caused to the engine.
22nd Mar 2018
The Greatest Showman (2017)
Question: Who is the oddity in red (red hair, red outfit) - what is the actor's name? How did they make the tall man tall? Was that a CGI elephant Hugh Jackman was riding?
Answer: The actor in red is Alex Wong. The tall man was tall already (actor Radu Spinghel is 6'11") and they put him on stilts. All the circus animals in the film were CGI.
22nd Feb 2018
Hercules (1997)
Question: Two questions: One, wouldn't Hades had been able to figure out that Hercules wasn't a mortal, not only by his obvious strength, but also by not dying immediately from every monster he faced? Wasn't the point of Hercules turning mortal was so his strength would be gone? Second, when Hercules makes the deal with Hades towards the end, all Hades had to do to take away his strength was basically just to touch him with the handshake. If it was that easy to take away his strength, why didn't he try this years ago?
Answer: Just because Herc still had his godly strength doesn't mean he wasn't mortal, he was still able to be killed, which is why he started to die when he went to rescue Megs soul. Hades thought that his monsters were strong enough to kill him but he was wrong. Herc had to give is strength up willingly with Hades deal in order to lose it.
Answer: Other heroes of Greek mythology have beaten monsters and not been divine. Doesn't mean that it's always a god. As for the second point, Hercules willingly gave up his strength as part of a bargain.
19th Feb 2018
Rush Hour (1998)
Question: How much time passes between the first Rush Hour and Rush Hour 2?
Answer: Four days later.
19th Feb 2018
Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Question: Who was the twelfth member that they added?
Answer: It was Tess.
19th Feb 2018
Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
Question: How could Ames have received the death penalty if he didn't actually kill Clyde's wife and daughter?
Answer: They made a deal with Darby. Darby testified saying Ames was the one who killed the wife and daughter in order to get a reduced sentence. Since Shelton's testimony was inadmissible because he blacked out it was Darby's word again Ames'.
Answer: He was a participant in a felony during which someone died. That means the felony murder rule applies. Felony murder is a capital crime.
17th Feb 2018
Robin Hood (1973)
Question: At the arrow shooting contest, how did Prince John know it was Robin Hood in disguise?
Answer: Because he was firing perfect shots and only Robin Hood is that good.
8th Dec 2017
Constantine (2005)
Question: Even though Isabel committed suicide, shouldn't she have gone to heaven? She willfully sacrificed herself to insure that Mammon couldn't cross on to earth so in a way, she was saving billions of people, so that should have guaranteed her entry into heaven.
Answer: Sin for a good reason is still sin, and as Gabriel says earlier, you can't buy your way into Heaven. Real Catholic dogma, however, doesn't hold the mentally ill as condemned for committing suicide.
Except Isabel wasn't mentally ill. She saw angels and demons just like Constantine did. It was her parents who believed she was mentally ill.
While suicide is a mortal sin, it's shown later (as in major plot point) that sacrificing yourself to save the world is a redeeming act.
Yes, but Constantine also said "My parents were normal. They did what most parents would do. They made it worse. You think you're crazy long enough, you find a way out" which could relate to Isabel losing her sanity in a way as well because of her family and how they saw her. The whole Isabel's sacrifice is added by the novelization but the movie is ambiguous about the suicide.
Except Isabel wasn't mentally ill. She saw half breeds just like John did.
Sacrificing yourself for others isn't a sin.
Answer: If a soldier jumps on a grenade and dies to save his fellow soldiers, it's considered giving one's life for others. To my understanding, that isn't considered a "sin." If it was a mental health issue, a just God would give her a pass. If she was doing it to thwart Mammon's plans, again she was sacrificing herself. If she did it to get Constantine involved to help stop Mammon, again is was self sacrifice. (Notice how she says "Constantine" just before jumping when her sister views the video?). As a plot device, I understand it, but from a theological standpoint it is weak.
Answer: It is shown in the movie that it was Balthazar who whispered into her ear, gave her suggestions. Eventually she committed suicide to escape that, to escape her torment. She certainly didn't sacrifice herself to keep Mammon out because Mammon needed twin psychics, one in hell and one on Earth to do it, which Balthazar achieved for him.
The film doesn't give information about the need of having one twin in hell and the other on earth to complete Mammon's plan; the movie states Mammon needs a powerful psychic and God's help. It isn't shown either that Balthazar was the one whispering to Isabel's ear considering she was apparently hearing Hellspeak, but no individual besides her appeared on the death scene; therefore, it was left ambiguous. Otherwise, provide evidence of the statement above.
When John and Angela are walking back to the elevator after taking care of Balthasar they specifically mention Mammon needed twin psychics. The only reason would be for their connection. One is in hell, the other on Earth. Through their connection Mammon is able to posses Angela. As for the second thing. When Isabel commits suicide you both hear Balthasar whisper to her and she has the mark on her wrist, like Hennessy had on his hand palm, the sign of Mammon. They wanted her in Hell.
The dialogue, when they are walking towards the elevator, is "Constantine: Beeman said Mammon needed divine assistance to cross over. How's the blood of God's only son? Ángela: The stains on the spear. Constantine: Yeah. Ángela: So he gets the spear. He still has to locate a powerful psychic. Constantine: Not really. Ángela: Twins." Angela says "twins" after hearing Constantine say "Not really." (while looking at her) which made Angela realise that she was Isabel's replacement as a powerful psychic since they had the same gift, but the former's was dormant up until that moment. It's not because the plan needed one in hell and the other on earth. That's never stated as far as we know from the information provided by the film. As for Balthazar, it's never stated it was him who whispered to Isabel. That's an assumption based on hearing the voice alone. Also, the mark appeared on the guy's hand at beginning of the film after he found the spear and Balthazar was probably not there.
It's not an assumption when it's his voice. It doesn't all have to be "stated." And the whole twin part is just a coincidence? Are you saying Gabriel and Balthasar found twin psychics so they have a backup if one of them dies? That's ridiculous. They needed twin psychics specifically, and they make one of them commit suicide. That's not just a random thing, it's what needed to be done. And it's Mammon's sign, not Balthasar's.
It's an assumption because there is insufficient evidence to prove it, and there were other voices in the film to assume it was specifically Balthazar's given that Angela heard a similar voice calling her name when she was in hell and Mammon appeared, which could indicate that maybe it was Mammon who whispered to Isabel too but still not clear though. It's more speculation. Yes, not everything has to be stated since some things are implicitly given although it also depends because it can become ambiguous if it lack details which is open to interpretation, but the movie dismisses any possibility of your theory of "one in hell and the other on earth" by stating what the "villain" needed and with that the argument doesn't work. Otherwise, it would be a plot hole for creating an inconsistency with the rules established before. Angela just realised she was the powerful psychic since they had the same gift, so Mammon didn't have to locate another one since it was there in the other twin.
There is no inconsistency with the rules, there is help from god, there is a psychic. All that fits, the Hell Bible just wasn't specific enough, they didn't know the full plan. There is something significant about them being twins. Both because Isabel was killed and Angela and Constantine realise that's what Mammon was looking for.
Now, all that is just speculation, and misinterpretation of what has been explained in the reply above yours. Not continuing the discussion.
Answer: The film itself can't be blamed for that really because it was left ambiguous; the novelization added the part of Isabel's sacrifice to the story. If we go by what the film gave us then Isabel might have been an unstable person considering even Angela didn't back her up about what they could see which could've led her to believe that maybe she was indeed crazy, and as Constantine said "You think you're crazy long enough, you find a way out." Perhaps she just wanted to end everything that was happening to her. There isn't enough information in the movie to confirm or deny it.
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Answer: Because the part of House was written as an American and the part of Chase wasn't.
Greg Dwyer