Question: Why was Zendaya considered as one of the "freaks" (like they called them), even though she looked normal?
Answer: Her brother said people of the time didn't want to see colored people on the stage. It's clear throughout the entire movie that she faces undue discrimination from the public just for not being white.
Answer: There were other people in the circus who were just normal but had amazing abilities.
She was half black and half white.
Answer: Because her actress, Zendaya, is mixed race (part African American and part Caucasian American), and Anne is either that too or African American (either way, she would have been ostracised at the time the movie is set), and so Anne would have been seen as a freak for that reason.
Question: So, where do P.T. Barnum, Charity, and their daughters live by the end of the movie? Do they get their mansion back?
Answer: It doesn't tell.
Question: Why couldn't young P. T. Barnum or his father retaliate against Charity's father for striking him?
Answer: In those days that would be a normal punishment for P.T.'s behaviour. His father could have said something but did not want to lose a customer. P.T. also did not want his father to lose a customer because they knew getting money was worth taking the hit. If they had enough money to miss one customer it may have been different.
Question: When young PT was writing to Charity, his mail always got delivered. How did he get her mail? It looked like he was an orphan without a home.
Answer: In that time, most mail was not delivered, but picked up at the local post office.
Question: Did I imagine it, or does Letty appear with a beard but no moustache at one point in the movie?
Answer: No.
Question: Who is the oddity in red (red hair, red outfit) - what is the actor's name? How did they make the tall man tall? Was that a CGI elephant Hugh Jackman was riding?
Answer: The actor in red is Alex Wong. The tall man was tall already (actor Radu Spinghel is 6'11") and they put him on stilts. All the circus animals in the film were CGI.
Question: When Philip was in the hospital there is a man in a black suit in the background who appears to be coming to see him but then did not approach them. Who was that supposed to be?
Answer: It appears to be an accordion folder rather than a clipboard. My guess would be that it's someone Philip used to take care of his financial situation.
Question: Is it a coincidence, or does the abandoned house from a million dreams look like the mansion that P.T. loves later?
Answer: It's the same house, Barnum had it fixed up. He did it because that's where he and Charity first fell in love.
Answer: I'm pretty sure because she was a person of colour.