Question: A few questions regarding the pigeon lady. 1. Other than being heartbroken from so many people, is more revealed about how she became homeless? 2. In the room where Kevin and the pigeon lady are watching the orchestra, how did they get in? Does she live there? Did she break in?
Greg Dwyer
7th Aug 2016
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)
11th Jul 2016
Stepmom (1998)
Question: Why did Jackie tell Isabel that she lost Ben? Was it to prove to Isabel that she (Jackie) is not a perfect mother?
Chosen answer: Yes.
Plus, I think she felt she owed it to Isabel after how she treated her and the things she said to her.
11th Jul 2016
Independence Day (1996)
Question: What books do Julius and David share?
Answer: Julius doesn't give David a book. He gives him an air sickness bag. David gives him a Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible, and a kippah (yarmulke).
11th Jul 2016
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Question: Why did Snape put Crabbe and Goyle in detention simply for failing their defense against the dark arts OWL? I thought Snape favoured his own house (Slytherin) before all others.
Chosen answer: Because them failing their OWLs embarrasses him as their head of house.
Question: At the end of the movie when Barbossa's crew is freed from the curse why do they surrender if in all likelihood they would be hung? Was there the possibility of them only being imprisoned?
Answer: They could possibly escape from imprisonment (as Pintel and Ragetti obviously did). But they didn't know what to do once they were no longer cursed. It's possible that they forgot how to fight without intentionally taking wounds.
3rd Jun 2016
The Fifth Element (1997)
Question: The Diva gets to perform only one song of her concert before she is mortally gunshot in the abdomen. Almost simultaneously, Zorg sets a time-bomb to detonate in 20 minutes. Korben removes the stones from the Diva's dead body and barely escapes from the Fhloston cruise liner before it explodes 20 minutes later. Korben and his party immediately fly at hyperspeed straight to Earth and set the stones in place with only 5 minutes to spare. If they had followed the original plan without interruption and the Diva hadn't been unexpectedly murdered, she would have proceeded with the remainder of her concert, lasting an indeterminate amount of time; thereafter, presumably, she would have to undergo surgery to remove the stones from her body and deliver them to Korben, all of which would have taken far too long for him to save the Earth, correct?
Chosen answer: Not necessarily. Remember that the evil sped up once he knew Zorg was dead and the team had the stones. And we don't know how the Diva was going to get the stones out.
Answer: At the end of the Diva's big number she bows, and they close the big curtains behind her displaying the amazing view. Maybe that was it, one big epic song. Plus, she asked Leeloo to wait in the hallway for her which seems kind of rude if it's the longer concerts we think of, so I don't think she planned on being that long. The Diva definitely gave off the mystic physic vibe so maybe she knew her fate. However, that would mean that she told Leeloo to wait in the hallway knowing she wasn't coming back, and maybe even knew the big beasties would show up. Either way you are correct about the dramatic timing issues all around in this movie, not that I mind.
Answer: The Diva already knew her fate... she knew it was her last song and fate would unfold the way it did.
21st May 2016
Inside Out (2015)
Question: Joy says if she's not in headquarters Riley can't be happy. But Sadness isn't in headquarters either, and Riley is sad throughout the movie. Is there a logical explanation for this, or is this a plot hole?
Chosen answer: Riley isn't sad. She's depressed. They are different states of emotion.
13th May 2016
Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Question: Why would it matter if Night Fox didn't think they were making any attempts to steal the egg from the museum?
Answer: If the Night Fox didn't think they were trying to steal it, he would be questioning why. They had to make the more public attempt because otherwise he would start digging into their recent activities to find out if they already had.
Question: Does anyone know what the spiral and dot on the back of the Pirates of the Caribbean medallion mean/represent?
Answer: The symbol on the back is called the "chimali". It's a symbol of harmony, similar to the yin yang.
11th May 2016
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
Question: How does Stacy give Guy 5 cent change if his total is $1.10? Did he have a 15 cent piece?
Answer: This could be considered a mistake. Some people say the pizza cost $1.05, and he gave her $1.10, with 5 cents back. But if you watch the register, she rings up $1.10 before he hands her the money and then it shows $0.05. It seems this part wasn't in the script, so was added as filler and some of the sequence is slightly off.
Answer: Three quarters and four dimes would make it correct.
But you can see that there is a dollar bill in the transaction - check the " mistakes" on this forum for the discussion. Your theory would be correct, had the dollar bill not been shown.
His bill was $1.05 and he gave her $1.10 so his change was a nickel.
No, his bill is 1.10. Stacey even says " that'll be 1.10"
Answer: She's acknowledging how much the guy gives her, not how much the pizza cost. She says "1.10" and then gives him 5 cents back, because the pizza likely costs $1.05.
3rd May 2016
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Question: Why would Blackbeard take so long to stop the mutiny? Sure he gives the ones responsible their punishment, but if it really bothered him or made him angry enough, then why not come out sooner, or be more angry? He seemed pretty calm during this scene.
Answer: He took his time because he knew the mutiny would fail because has complete control over his ship. Better to make sure he knew who he couldn't trust.
21st Jan 2015
Armageddon (1998)
Question: Is this a continuity problem or something I am missing. I was wondering where Lev (the cosmonaut) would sit after leaving the RSS? After reading some questions I know that Lev would use one of the spare spacesuits, but where would he have been sitting during the 12G ride? For the ride home there was a seat for everyone. 3 members of Freedom died and 3 members from Independence survived, meaning there should be no spare seat for Lev.
Answer: Remember that the shuttles weren't built for this mission, they were built to land on Mars. They probably had extra seats because there were going to be many astronauts on that mission.
8th Mar 2016
The Ninth Gate (1999)
Question: How is it that Dean Corso is first on the scene of so many murders, but we never see him interacting with authorities? Corso is the first to find his murdered friend Bernie, he's the first to find the body of Fargas, and he's the first to find the Baroness strangled. Did he actually flee every murder scene without contacting the police (at least to clear his name)? Or did Roman Polanski deliberately omit police investigation scenes that might derail the plot with troublesome side-tangents?
Chosen answer: Corso is scared, both of possibly being blamed and of being the actual target.
28th Feb 2016
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Question: At the end of the third chapter, Petunia hesitates as though she wants to say something to Harry before she leaves, but she apparently changes her mind. Has J.K. Rowling ever revealed what she almost said? (I know that the movie has a deleted scene where Petunia mentions Lily, but that may not be canon).
Answer: Rowling said she was going to wish him luck and acknowledge that her hatred of magic was based on jealousy.
28th Feb 2016
Aladdin (1992)
Question: Three questions:- 1) When the palace guards arrest Aladdin, why doesn't the head guard recognise Jasmine until she pulls the hood of her cloak down? 2) When Jasmine tells the head guard to release Aladdin, he tells her that his orders are from Jafar, but surely Jasmine's command would trump Jafar's since he and the guards work for the Sultan, which means they also work for Jasmine (as she's their employer's daughter), so why obey Jafar but not Jasmine? 3) Later on after Jasmine has told the Sultan what happened, why is only Jafar reprimanded? Surely the guards would get told off too for not obeying Jasmine earlier on.
Chosen answer: 1) Razoul would have no reason to think the princess was out of the palace and wandering the streets. At most, he would assume there was a resemblance. 2) Jafar gets his orders and power from the Sultan, who trumps Jasmine. As vizier, part of his job is to relay the Sultan's orders. 3) The guards were just following orders of Jafar.
27th Feb 2016
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Question: Was there a specific reason Mark Hamill got 2nd billing (other than he's Luke Skywalker)? Was the billing order based on how much they each got paid? I don't recall seeing his picture on any The Force Awakens posters and it didn't seem like they needed to add hype to the movie by billing "big name" celebrities. Of course that leads to asking why Hamill reportedly got paid 7 figures for his "role" when the actual stars got less than half or a third of that. I know they're all in unions, so is it a union thing? Or just a better agent thing?
Chosen answer: The actors playing Rey, Finn, Poe, and Kylo Ren were mostly unknown, while Mark Hamill is famous worldwide as both a screen actor and voice actor. The billing order was likely based on their fame and then on their new roles. It's not a union thing, minimum wage in the Screen Actor's Guild is far lower than what they were paid. It's a combination of bigger star, better agent, and the future of the series.
3rd Feb 2016
Krull (1983)
Question: How exactly did Ynyr die? When he visits the Widow of the Web, he makes it safely to her without being attacked by the crystal spider. He even uses the sand from the hourglass to stop the spider from attacking him. But, when he makes his way back to where everyone's camping, he dies after telling Colwyn where the Black Fortress will appear.
26th Jan 2016
Star Wars (1977)
Question: What ever happened to Obi Wan's lightsaber? Did Vader keep it as a trophy, or just throw it away?
Answer: According to the Expanded Universe (now non-canon), Darth Vader kept it as a trophy in his castle on Vjun. It was found by Anakin Solo, stolen by someone who wanted to learn to be a Jedi, and eventually returned to Luke's Jedi academy.
14th Dec 2015
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
Question: Why, if Eddie came up to visit Clark from down south somewhere, did his gas give out in Gurney, which is north of Chicago?
Answer: It's possible he got lost, or took a way around traffic. Gurnee leads directly to Chicago on I-90/94.
Answer: I don't know. In Vacation, they lived in Coolidge, KS. But they lost that house.
16th Dec 2015
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
Question: How can Quicksilver listen to music at the same time everything else is in slow motion? Shouldn't the music be in slow motion too?
Chosen answer: Quicksilver in the comics listens to music at super speed because his mind always works that fast. Presumably, it's the same here.
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Answer: I think that she couldn't handle her divorce and then lost her job and home because of it. And she kind of lost the will to live and now just survives. Odds are a back stairwell or fire escape.
Greg Dwyer