Question: Why is Brian trying to convince Peter to move on from Quagmire's pocket-dialed conversation when Brian and Quagmire hate other?
Casual Person
30th Nov 2016
Family Guy (1999)
Answer: It is not that Brian and Quagmire both hate each other; it is actually just Quagmire who hates Brian, but Brian does not hate Quagmire. Brian tells Peter to move on from Quagmire's pocket dial because confronting him about it may result in him ruining his friendship and cause heartache for everyone involved.
10th Oct 2016
Family Guy (1999)
When You Wish Upon a Weinstein - S3-E22
Question: After Lois says she doesn't want to hear another word of this and leaves, Peter does what looks like sign language to Chris, who does a sign back. Did they actually say anything in sign language, or was it just another goofy bit? If it was real, what was said?
Chosen answer: Peter signs to Chris "She won't have to hear another word because luckily we've mastered American Sign Language" and Chris replies in sign language with "Ha-ha-ha-ha."
Only the second question was answered and not the first. Did Chris and Peter actually use sign language or was it another goofy bit?
How do you think this person managed to tell you what they said in sign language, so yes I would assume that it was real, that is how someone was able to translate this for us.
17th Nov 2016
General questions
There was a movie staring Mario Van Peebles. In the movie, he catches a serial killer who, by decision of a jury, is sentenced to death. The man is believed to be dead but, about eight years later, members of the jury are being killed and their deaths match the way that Christian martyrs died. Eventually the truth is discovered. The killer was somehow brought back to life, had his face altered and his memory wiped in hopes of reforming him. Instead, the killer remembers what happened and now wants revenge.
Answer: The movie starring Mario Van Peebles was a movie released back in 2000, called Blowback (
12th Nov 2016
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
Question: In the Rogue cut of the movie after Rogue and Magneto make it back what is rogue apologising to Kitty for? She hates Kitty. If anything she should be angry at Kitty for being in a relationship with Bobby.
Chosen answer: In the Rogue Cut, Bobby died whilst trying to rescue Rogue. She apologises as she knew that they were in a relationship. Given the war between the mutants and the sentinels, Rogue and Kitty would have set aside their feud.
19th Oct 2016
X-Men: First Class (2011)
Question: Why was Charles Xavier so against Erik Lehnsherr killing Sebastian Shaw?
Chosen answer: Charles wants Erik to use his powers for good, but if he kills Sebastian Shaw, this may lead him down a darker path (which ultimately ends up happening).
16th Oct 2016
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Question: Let's say the Joker was alive and released along with all the other prisoners. If he learns that Bane at one point tried to have Batman killed, what would Joker do? Would he try to have Bane, and by extension Talia, killed? If Batman came back, would Joker work with him to kill Bane, or allow Gotham to be destroyed. Due to different goals, who Joker and Bane somehow face off? And would some old followers betray Bane and follow Joker instead?
Answer: It is beyond implausible to presume that the Joker would have been locked away in Blackgate Prison. The previous movie has shown the Joker to have been a terrorist and extremely psychotic. Someone like the Joker would have been put away in a far more secure prison than Blackgate, one that has far more higher grade security and one that is specifically designed to hold people like him.
10th Oct 2016
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Question: In "Empire Strikes Back", when Vader reveals that he is Luke's father, he tells Luke to search his feelings and sense the truth. Luke is able to do this after a limited amount of Jedi training. How come Anakin calls Padme a "liar" on Mustafar, despite spending more than half of his life (at the time) as a Jedi? Shouldn't he have known that she was telling the truth?
Answer: By the time Anakin calls Padme a liar, he had begun his descent into the Dark Side and was becoming much darker as a person. As soon as he saw Obi-Wan, he immediately jumped straight to the conclusion that she had lied to him without putting any real thought into the scenario, so the likely explanation is that, in his anger and darkness, he did not really bother to sense her feelings and he just assumed that she brought Obi-Wan to Mustafar to kill Anakin. If he was much more calm and spent a few seconds to sense her feelings a little, it would have been more likely for him to discover that she was telling the truth, but by that point, he was much closer to the Dark Side for him to do that.
28th Sep 2016
General questions
There was a movie with Tom Hanks and Jackie Gleason where they portray father and son. In one scene, they are both at a restaurant when Jackie says that his left foot keeps bothering him. Tom tries to remove his shoe under Jackie's protest but, when he does, he sees that half of Jackie's foot is completely black. The next scene has a doctor tell Tom that half of Jackie's foot had to be amputated.
Answer: The movie in question is Nothing in Common ( It was made in 1986 and is the only movie where Tom Hanks and Jackie Gleason portray a father and son. This was also Jackie Gleason's final movie before his death in 1987, the following year.
8th Sep 2016
Red Dwarf (1988)
Timeslides - S3-E5
Question: At The End of this episode we see Rimmer accidentally create a reality in which he is alive. He then kills himself by punching boxes full of explosives shortly after. So why, in future episodes, do the other guys still claim that Rimmer died in the explosion that killed all Red Dwarf staff? Wouldn't they remember it as Rimmer killing himself in this new way instead?
Chosen answer: Although Rimmer is dying a different way in this episode, the crew were not paying attention to his death. When Lister, the Cat and Kryten are brought back due to Rimmer changing the timeline, they are too puzzled to pay attention to anything that is going, so they did not notice that Rimmer was alive. After the explosion that kills Rimmer, the Cat asks Lister "What was he saying?" to which Lister shrugs his shoulders, implying that he did not know. Assumedly, Holly would have brought Rimmer back as a hologram once again shortly afterwards and the crew probably wouldn't have known that he was alive after changing the timeline.
8th Sep 2016
Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Question: When the DeLorean travels through time, it arrives in the same place it leaves from, only in a different time (eg. In BTTF, Marty leaves Twin pines mall in 1985 to arrive on the farmland it was built on in 1955. In BTTF3, Marty leaves 1885 on the train tracks above the ravine and arrives on the completed bridge in 1985) So, at the end of BTTF2 where Doc and the DeLorean are struck by lightning and sent back to the past, the DeLorean would be arriving mid-air. The problem is, Doc states in the letter that the lightning destroyed the flying circuits. So, the DeLorean would have plummeted 50 feet to the ground when it arrived in 1885? Why was it not damaged when Marty found it in mines 70 years later?
Answer: With cars being known to break down, the company that fitted hover conversions probably knew a breakdown would happen at some point. Rather than just letting the car fall out there air, there is probably some sort of emergency backup that will let the car land safely and then shut the entire system down.
Chosen answer: Doc had spent several months in 1885 before Marty came to rescue him, which would have given him quite some time to fix the damage the DeLorean received from the assumed fall and repair it before he went to place the DeLorean in the mines. It could have been a controlled descent rather than a catastrophic plummet.
Answer: To be fair, we don't know if the DeLorean quit working altogether. We just know the time circuits were fried. I would assume he could still at least land it as the hover tech was unaffected.
6th Sep 2016
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
Question: Why does Spock use his left hand for the "live long and prosper" greeting to the older Vulcans?
Chosen answer: Presumably, it must have been much easier for him to use the left hand to do the Vulcan salute over his right hand. Though most people in Star Trek do the Vulcan salute with their right hand, there is no rule saying which hand someone has to use in order to do the Vulcan salute with.
5th Sep 2016
South Park (1997)
Question: When Jimmy's father knocks on his bedroom door, why is he so interested in finding out if Jimmy was masturbating?
Answer: Jimmy's father was knocking on the door because his girlfriend had arrived and he was telling him this. He wondered if he was masturbating because he was taking a suspiciously long time to answer his door (when in actuality he was disposing of his steroids).
15th Aug 2013
Red (2010)
Question: On Frank's nightstand there is a clock. On this clock, the word "NO" is seen above the seconds. What is the "NO" supposed to mean? (00:00:40 - 00:06:55)
Chosen answer: The 'No' is supposed to show that there is no alarm set on the clock.
30th May 2016
Men in Black 3 (2012)
Question: Because of time constraints, the only way that J, K, and Griff could get to Cape Canaveral fast enough was with those clunky jet packs. How did Boris the Animal manage to get to Cape Canaveral as quickly?
Answer: The most likely assumption, they took a bus ride or a plane to get to Cape Canaveral. If there was not enough time to do this, then they probably just used the time travel device to go back a few hours, giving them enough time.
10th Aug 2016
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
Question: When Jason shows Nicky the picture of Nathan Daniels and Ward Abbott she says she doesn't know who Ward Abbott is, but I could have sworn they had a scene together in the Bourne Supremacy. Is she lying?
Answer: The man in the picture was Albert Hirsch, not Ward Abbott, and he was never seen in The Bourne Supremacy. She is not lying and she does not know who he is.
Answer: They look so similar! I had the same question, glad someone thought of it first.
6th Jun 2016
Face/Off (1997)
Question: Why did Castor shoot Dietrich? They were on the same side.
Chosen answer: Although they were on the same side, Troy is currently posing as Archer, which means he would have to do everything that the FBI would expect Archer to be doing. The whole point of the raid was to take out Archer, as well as Troy's gang. He would have rather risked killing part of his own gang than risk exposing his identity to anyone else.
That doesn't really make sense. In the scene, he goes out of his way to shoot him and smiles while doing so, carefully and slowly. Was not a collateral damage situation. The question is why he deliberately goes out of his way to kill him.
Answer: If you watch closely, he saw Archer, went out of his way not to shoot him, instead was aiming for his own son that he didn't know was his, to further traumatize Archer.
1st Aug 2016
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
Question: When Chekov and Kirk step into their escape pods while on the Enterprise there are wearing their yellow uniforms, but when arriving on the planet they step out of the escape pods and are now wearing a completely different outfit. All of the other crew that used escape pods have not changed outfits. Where did they get the new clothes from?
Chosen answer: The outfits were in the escape pods they escaped in. The other crew members didn't change outfits because they were all captured and were unable to. Chekov and Kirk were not captured and were also the only crew on board who successfully escaped in the designated escape pods, so logically they would be the only people wearing different outfits.
27th Jun 2016
Now You See Me 2 (2016)
Question: How does Jack hypnotise Merritt's twin brother when he is suppose to be doing a street show?
Answer: The entire sequence in London was all a montage. It is never really established if all of the scenes that took place there were coinciding with each other. The scene where Jack hypnotises Chase could have easily taken place after he had finished the street show.
Answer: Also, the reason why Jack was told to leave early was because when the fbi found out jack was performing, they sent their crew. So Jack finished first, got to the location by the time the third performance was still running, the third performance ended faster than the second performance, the second performance was ended by either Merritt or Jack's "he is hypnotized" call.
20th Jun 2016
Now You See Me 2 (2016)
Question: I thought that the chip they stole was fake? Why did Walter think it is real? Hypnosis?
Answer: Walter thought the chip was real because he placed it under a scanner and the scanner confirmed that the chip was real. However, given the fact that later on it was revealed that the whole plane sequence was a set up, it is probable that the device used to scan the chip was actually a fake that was used to make Walter believe the chip was real, most likely throw him off guard.
Answer: It is revealed later on that Allen Scott-Frank, the man from the Macau Science Center, where they stole the fake chip from, was working with The Eye. He likely anticipated their arrival due to being in contact with The Eye and planted a fake chip into the system, allowing the Horsemen to steal it. This fake chip was likely designed to trick a scanner into thinking it was real.
They stole the real chip but lost it. That's how they were able to recognize the one they currently had was fake.
8th Jul 2016
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Is it possible to tell what Hermione was doing to Ron in the background when Harry and Sirius are talking after they get out of the whomping willow? I thought she was untying his shoelaces but his laces are still tied so what was she doing?
Chosen answer: She was tending to the bite wound on Ron's leg.
How? She didn't make any difference?
How do you know she didn't make any difference. Hermione was inspecting Ron's leg to see how badly injured it was and then could have performed a spell that would temporarily treat the wound until they got him to the infirmary for more extensive care. In HP and the Half-Blood Prince, Luna Lovegood repaired Harry's broken nose by casting a spell.
Because we just see her looking at it and if she treated it while Sirius and Harry are talking and I missed it, All the blood is still there on the leg.
As you mentioned, you don't see everything she's doing. She could have cast a spell to numb the pain or slow the bleeding, etc. The blood would still be there. She may merely be looking at the wound to see "if" she can do anything before getting him to the infirmary. There's just no way of knowing exactly what she did, but she certainly would not have just ignored it. Anyone in that position would check the wound to see how severe it was and whether they could do anything at the time. Mostly, she's just sitting next to Ron to comfort him, as he's rather excitable.
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Answer: The other answer is wrong, Brian has shown a dislike for Quagmire - specifically because of Quagmire's dislike of him. Most likely Brian, who has shown feelings for Lois throughout the show too, is acting on his own feelings of guilt.