Casual Person
26th Mar 2018
The Descent (2005)
Answer: "Love Each Day", essentially a reminder to appreciate every day that's given to us.
24th Jul 2005
The Descent (2005)
Question: Can someone explain the end. Does she go insane and go back to the mountain, or did she never escape?
Answer: She does escape, as seen in the Descent Part 2.
Answer: This depends on which version you have watched, as the UK and US versions have different endings. In the US version, after Sarah abandons Juno, she continues running through the cave, slips and is knocked unconscious, then sees daylight and escapes the cave. If it is the US version you are referring too, then the movie ends with her escaping the cave, and the sequel The Descent: Part 2 continues the story with her going back to the cave. If it is the UK version you are referring to, she is shown awakening back in the cave after escaping, revealing that the scene where she escaped was all a dream and she is still trapped in the cave. In this version, Sarah has lost her mind, brought on by the fact that her friends have all died and all hope of escaping has been lost. She succumbs to her insanity and chooses only to see something that will bring her happiness, which in this case is her daughter with a birthday cake. (Anything that happens in The Descent: Part 2 is irrelevant to the UK version as it follows on from the US ending).
9th Sep 2020
The Godfather: Part II (1974)
Question: What was the purpose of the flashback at the end?
Answer: It was done as a way of showing Michael reflect on the past. To show the kind of person Michael was before the events of the two movies and how much he has changed since then. We also get to see the Corleone family at a much happier place before things started getting complicated. By this point in the story, Fredo has been killed and his wife has left him, and this flashback scene serves as a reminder of how much he has lost despite having everything.
3rd Sep 2020
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Why didn't Hermione use the time turner to save Buckbeak before Scabbers bit Ron, since she had it on her?
Answer: They needed to make it look like Buckbeak had escaped by himself. If they had freed him earlier, the Ministry of Magic would have believed that Hagrid deliberately released him, and held him accountable. They freed Buckbeak while Dumbledore and Fudge were inside Hagrid's hut so that the Ministry would know Hagrid was with them when Buckbeak "escaped" and Hagrid could not be blamed.
I'm not sure if I explained myelf properly. What I mean is, when Hermione was crying on Ron's shoulder, why not she just tell them about the time turner then instead of crying? Or just go back in time herself.
She's not allowed to tell anyone about the time turner. It's only after the events in the shack, when things are a lot more dire, does Dumbledore basically give permission for her to use it. She also had to sign to say she wouldn't use it for anything other than it's intended use. Saving 1 Hippogriff is not worth the risk of being caught.
I know she can't tell anyone but like I said, she could have done it on her own. Then they wouldn't know.
She can't mess with it and use it to do things on her own without approval. She was given it to be able to attend more classes and was specifically told not to use it otherwise.
1st Sep 2020
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Question: What does Tex mean by "I'm as real a donut motherf'r?"Something significant?
Answer: To put some context into the scene, three members of the Manson family (Tex included) have broken into Rick Dalton's house and are holding Cliff Booth at gunpoint. Cliff, who is high on drugs asks "Are you real", to which Tex replies "I'm as real as a donut, mother fucker." Tex was trying to answer Cliff's question stating whether or not he was real, but in the most intimidating way possible, and I guess donut was the word that came to mind that described how real he was.
1st Sep 2020
Toy Story (1995)
Question: If the Toys always freeze around when humans present, then why they didn't freeze around animals like Scud or even Buster in the sequel?
Answer: The reason the toys stay still in the presence of humans is because they need to keep their existence a secret from them. Animals cannot speak to humans, so the toys don't have anything to worry about when it comes to keeping their existence a secret.
Answer: The film was made for children and to make them think that their toys are real and care about them, I don't think the animals really factor in.
9th Aug 2020
Family Guy (1999)
4th Aug 2020
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation - S3-E1
Question: On the way from the Arctic expedition, why would Howard and Raj go with all their baggage to Leonard's and Sheldon's apartment instead of going home first? (00:00:01)
Answer: The four of them had just returned from a three month expedition in the North Pole. They were exhausted, they haven't had a proper wash or shave, they had loads of scientific equipment with them in addition to their own personal luggage. They probably just needed a place to go to in order to cool down, sit and have a rest, put down the equipment used for the expedition and sort through which of their belongings were which. And since Sheldon was the one in charge of the expedition and the apartment is home to half the people there, it was likely the most suitable place to settle down in. Once they had some time to rest and get back up on their feet, they would have gotten their belongings and gone home.
14th Nov 2019
General questions
Many actors and actresses have openly admitted that they hated the movies they starred in. If they felt that way, why do they agree to be in them?
Answer: There could be a handful of reasons. Perhaps they entered the project believing it could have been a good movie, but later realised the end product wasn't good or wasn't what they were expecting. Maybe the studio interferes and it goes through reshoots or rewrites. Or maybe they didn't really have that much investment in the project to begin with and were only doing it for the money.
Answer: Another possibility is to try to diversify and/or avoid being stuck in a particular type of role. For example, Daniel Radcliff did not want to be known forever as Harry Potter, so got involved in other types of movies (more adult roles) in order to continue having a career as an actor. (I'm not claiming that he didn't like the new roles - I'm only giving an example of why actors try to move on).
Answer: Because they were contracted by the film company or studio and had to be in the movie whether they wanted to or not. A classic example is Val Kilmer, who didn't want to be in Top Gun, but was contractually obliged to.
Answer: To expand on the other fine answers, actors will take roles in mediocre movies solely because they need the money. They have to support a lavish lifestyle or their careers have peaked and, no longer being offered plum roles, take any job they can get, often in low-budget horror or mediocre sci-fi movies.
Answer: Some actors will accept almost any role in order to work under a particular well-known/famous director or alongside a superstar, hoping to become better performers via the experiences and, in turn, get better offers in the future. (It doesn't always work out, so there may be regrets).
14th Oct 2019
Heat (1995)
Question: When the cops are using Chris' wife as bait to nab him, how does she warn her husband she's been compromised? I don't remember.
Answer: As Chris is about to walk in to the apartment building, his wife, standing on the balcony, gives a subtle hand wave which people often use to say no, without the cops realising. This was enough for him to realise she wasn't alone in the apartment.
8th Oct 2019
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Question: 1. Why was Dyson holding the detonator in that way where dropping his hand would set off the bomb? Did he willingly set it off, or was he stuck in a position where he couldn't avoid it? 2. Was there any reason only one terminator was sent back to kill John? Wouldn't multiple terminators increase the chance of success, considering the last one failed to kill Sarah?
Answer: For your first question. Dyson was dying, no way to stop that. He was holding the detonator like that as a literal "dead man's switch". He needed the swat team to get close enough before he would die and drop his arm or warn them to get away, showing the urgency of the situation. One look at him and the lead guy knew they had to run, allowing the others more time to get away. He sacrificed himself to buy more time. For Question 2. It's been stated several times that the terminator was sent back in both T1 and T2 as the last resort as Skynet was being destroyed and taken over. The Humans were at the gate and the time machine was still experimental and new. Had Skynet had more time to do it, sure, they would likely have sent an army back. However only one could go in at a time and the Humans got there just in time to stop Skynet and send one of their own back in time after the single terminator.
Answer: 1) Dyson's plan was to blow up the Cyberdyne office, but didn't want to cause any casualties in the SWAT team. He held an object above the detonator as to allow them time to escape, so that when he died he would drop it onto the detonator, the office would get blown up but no innocent people got hurt. He likely knew he wasn't going to get out alive, but made sure none of the data in the office was going to stay behind. 2) One of the most important things for a Terminator to do is to blend in with the public to prevent any suspicion from being drawn to it and prevent people from finding out about Skynet's existence. Had Skynet sent back multiple Terminators all trying to kill John Connor at once, far more suspicion would be drawn to them. It'd be much easier for them to send back one Terminator because that would be a better way of blending in with its surroundings.
8th Mar 2018
Okja (2017)
Question: In the end credit scene, K gives a cigarette to Jay, who has just gotten out of prison. Jay takes it, but instead of smoking it, he stubs it on the bottom of his own shoe and gives it back to K. Why is he doing so?
Chosen answer: It's a way of showing Jay is not a smoker and doesn't approve of smoking. He most likely sees it as something that is bad for people's health, so he stubs it out on his shoe to get rid of it and so that K cannot keep smoking it.
6th Feb 2019
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Question: Who is in charge of Oscorp now?
Answer: Donald Menken, the Vice President of Oscorp, framed Harry for covering up Max Dillon's accident and has him removed so he could take over the company. By the end of the movie, Oscorp would now be under his control.
But he was killed in a deleted scene.
Deleted scenes don't make for canon content - it has to involve a degree of guesswork. Some deleted scenes happen, we just didn't see them in the movie, others are movie ideas that were cut out precisely because they don't fit the movie as released, so didn't happen. No way to know which is which, and this is just a thought exercise anyway.
So this is possible that, at the end of this movie, Menken is still alive, right?
He is very much alive. I saw the deleted scene where he was killed, and this scene contained a lot of bad CGI, so it's definitely not canon.
11th Oct 2018
Friends (1994)
The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant - S2-E5
Question: In an episode not long before this, Monica said that she is 26 years old. At the concert, she meets a young man who she used to babysit, and he is now a lawyer. Is she old enough to have babysat someone who now has that career?
Answer: It is never really made clear what the age difference was when she babysat for him. She mentions at one point that he was eight, but that is about it. It isn't stated how long he has been a lawyer, so perhaps he became a lawyer, and gotten a job at the firm he works for fairly recently.
3rd Sep 2018
Johnny English Reborn (2011)
Question: When Agent Tucker tells the air operator that their helicopter altitude is "about 18 Inches", why did she hang up on him? Is it suppose to mean anything sexual? I found this in the "sex and nudity" category on parents guide and I just wonder.
Answer: I don't think it was intended as something sexual. Tucker tells the operator that their altitude is about 18 inches because they were 18 inches over the ground. The operator hung up because they were piloting the helicopter ridiculously close to the ground. She likely thought that they were joking around with her, or weren't taking the situation that seriously, so she just gave up on them.
20th Oct 2017
Johnny English Reborn (2011)
Question: Why did Vortex even want to assassinate the Chinese premiere in the first place?
Answer: The Prime Minister was set to have important talks with Xiang Ping, the Chinese Premier. It is stated in the MI7 briefing scene, by the Prime Minister, that Southeast Asia have begun developing nuclear weapons and they need to convince Xiang Ping to get onside and to try and defuse the situation and improve the relations between the two countries. It is revealed in the scene where Ambrose retrieves the drug from the bank vault, that a man was paying Ambrose 500 million US dollars to assassinate Xiang Ping, presumably to make sure the talks will damage the relations between Britain and China.
20th Oct 2017
Johnny English Reborn (2011)
Question: What happened to Patch?
Answer: He's never seen again after Johnny takes his wheelchair. The church they were in was covered with MI7 agents, so it is plausible that one of them found him whilst the others were chasing Johnny.
8th Jul 2016
Johnny English Reborn (2011)
Question: Why did Fisher tell Johnny about Vortex's secret weapon and the plan to kill the Chinese Premiere? Didn't he at all think he'd be in trouble with the rest of Vortex and his paymasters? Didn't he also think that MI7 would try to stop the plan?
Answer: Fisher was against the idea of killing the Chinese Premier. He was aware of the risk that were would be consequences regarding the other members of Vortex, and told MI7 so they would know about Vortex and try to stop it.
8th Oct 2018
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Question: Why would Flash Thompson of all people attend Harry's funeral? He bullied Peter and Harry in the first movie.
Answer: It had been a few years since they were in high school. Perhaps Flash had matured since then and realised his behaviour towards them was wrong, so he came to pay his respects.
This is true to the comics. Eventually Flash matures and becomes close friends with both Peter and Harry.
8th Oct 2018
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Question: How did Venom know about The Sandman trying to save his daughter?
Answer: Sandman is a fugitive who is on the run. It is more than likely that his name has appeared in the news at some point. His daughter and her illness would likely have also been mentioned as well. Seeing as how Eddie worked at the Daily Bugle, it shouldn't have took long for him to put two and two together.
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Answer: Love each day.