Corrected entry: The movie starts with a service, covering all the habits of the village people and stressing their conformity. Why then does the lady wake up her husband, who sits sleeping through a song while everyone else is standing, only when the song is over? (00:02:35)
27th Jul 2003
Chocolat (2000)
2nd Jun 2008
Doctor Who (2005)
Corrected entry: When the Doctor asks Jack about the extrapolator, Jack replies, "It's not compatible, but it should knock off about 12 hours". How can it knock off 12 hours if it's not compatible?
Correction: Meaning it will work, just not as well as it would if it were compatible.
25th May 2008
Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)
Corrected entry: Murtaugh and Riggs are partners since the first movie, they've been working cases together, drive together, Riggs has extra clothes at Murtaugh's house and yet Riggs had no idea that Murtaugh was having construction done, asking if it was an oxygen tent. Murtaugh is showing Riggs the garage and hobby room as if he'd never discussed it with him before. And it's not as if they just broke ground, the job is halfway complete, with the frame up and all. Obviously the dialogue was done for the viewer, not for the characters.
Correction: If it's obvious that this exposition was done for the viewers, then it's not a mistake. It's an accepted film making technique.
16th Feb 2008
National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)
Corrected entry: When Ben is trying to find the 4 digit code for the Resolute desk in Buckingham Palace, the first code he tries doesn't work. When he tries a different second code, and the first two numbers are the same (1 and 8), yet Ben opens the draws again as if they have not been moved.
Correction: He had to close them to reset the mechanism, just like you have to do with any combination lock.
13th May 2008
Child's Play (1988)
Corrected entry: At the end, when Mrs. Barclay shoots Chucky, blowing his head, leg, and arm off, he is supposed to be almost human, yet stuffing flies out when he's shot.
Correction: They say in the movie that Chucky has a heart so he does have organs.
Correction: He is still just a doll that happens to be animated with a human spirit. He does not have human internal organs.
Then how come he bleeds and feels pain from a lighter? Charles is becoming Chucky, meaning that's his new body unless he transfers to Andy. They explain this in the movie.
2nd Feb 2006
Dinosaur (2000)
Corrected entry: When the migration is taking place, Aladar is speaking with one of the lemurs who are riding on its back. Where are the other three lemurs? The four lemurs where on its back a few shots before, but now there's only one. The next shot, however, show the other three lemurs again on its back, appearing from nowhere.
Correction: They don't appear from 'nowhere'. If you watch closely, throughout the whole middle part of the movie, they are constantly jumping on and off of his back.
14th Mar 2008
Lost (2004)
Corrected entry: During the 'flash forward' when the Asian woman is having her baby, the doctor suddenly comes in and orders the nurse helping her to 'just give her something for the pain'. A doctor would never do that. A nurse is not allowed to give a patient medication without a strict, specific drug order from a doctor or Physician Assistant. In fact, a nurse would probably lose her license if she did.
Correction: This assumes that the regulations are the same in Korea as they are in the USA. Also, in this type of situation there are orders pre-written for certain standard types of medication (pain, nausea, etc.). Both the doctor and the nurse would know that. When the doctor tells the nurse to "give her something for the pain," the nurse would simply give her a dose of whatever pain medication had already been ordered.
6th Mar 2008
10,000 B.C. (2008)
Corrected entry: In various scenes throughout the film, herds of mammoth are seen galloping. This is a scientific impossibility - due to their large size and body plan, no elephant species can run (the definition being all feet are airborne at any given time) and are only capable of a very "fast walk".
Correction: Mammoths also did not grow to the size depicted in the movie, neither did Sabre Toothed Tigers. As per interviews with director Roland Emmerich, the movie is purely a fantasy and is NOT intended to be historically accurate. It's like saying 'Starships can't really go faster than the speed of light.'
24th Feb 2008
House, M.D. (2004)
Corrected entry: Several times throughout the show, notably in episode 12 of season 4, there is a wheelchair in the room with the MRI machine. MRI machines use very powerful magnets with strong magnetic fields: a chair with that much metal would almost certainly get sucked into the machine or at the very least pose a danger of getting sucked in and harming the patient. MRI machines are always kept on (it can costs thousands to turn them off and on), so it's not like they wheeled her in and then moved the chair before turning it on. You can watch a video of what happens when chairs get too close and how strong the magnets in these machines really are here:
Correction: Non-ferrous metals are not attracted by magnets. The wheelchair could be made out of any non-ferrous metal.
25th Feb 2008
Bee Movie (2007)
Corrected entry: In the scene were Barry is in the car with the humans, the mom shouts "Freeze" to everybody, and in the very left bottom of the screen you can see the dad's arm moving slightly.
Correction: So? Just because she yells freeze, doesn't mean everyone can do it, especially someone who's nervous.
16th Feb 2008
Independence Day (1996)
Corrected entry: Early in the film, after the arrival of the alien spacecraft, President Whitmore indicates that, "We may need to upgrade to Defcon 3" in light of the worsening situation. The Defcon scale is lowered in response to a more threatening situation, and would therefore require a "downgrade to Defcon 3."
Correction: This is a matter of semantics. While it is true that the numerical sequence does count down, the President is referring that we need to "upgrade" our defense status. In other words, go to a high state of readiness. In any case, it's a character decision.
26th Jan 2008
I Am Legend (2007)
Corrected entry: Just after the title appears and Will Smith's Character is in the kitchen, he opens the door to the fridge and we can see Will Smith's face on the cover of Time Magazine.
Correction: Not only is this a plot point of the movie, but anything that can be plainly seen by simply watching the film is not valid trivia.
26th Jan 2008
Cloverfield (2008)
Corrected entry: We know that the little monsters are night vision seeing monsters. Now when they left the subway and walked to the makeshift hospital, it was extremely bright, blinding the characters, and the helicopter pad was also dangerously lit as well, so bright that it would attract attention to the big monster. But given the fact that the monsters see in night vision, it looks like a clue that the military found out a weakness with using bright lights. (Lighted areas are safe anyway, but to attract that attention at a helicopter pad would be dangerous unless it was keeping them away).
Correction: Anything that can be seen or deduced by simply watching the movie is not valid trivia.
6th Sep 2007
The Polar Express (2004)
Corrected entry: In the scene where they arrive in the village, and they are telling the lonely boy how he should see Santa, during the scene beeping can be heard.
Correction: What sort of "beeping"? I have seen this movie countless times because of my daughter, and there are a lot of sounds going on during that scene, but I can't hear anything resembling beeping.
5th Jan 2008
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)
Corrected entry: In the 'half room', half a wall clock is shown, yet the pendulum mechanism is not directly below the 6, it is slightly offset to the right.
Correction: Why is this a mistake? Almost every single thing in the entire factory is slightly "off" if you will.
30th Dec 2007
Bridge to Terabithia (2007)
Corrected entry: In the scene where The Aaron's family and Leslie are leaving church, the truck is first seen driving past a speed limit sign in the lane "oncoming" to the viewer. At the end of the same scene, the truck is seen driving down the same road, past the same speed limit sign, but is in the opposite lane, driving away from the viewer.
Correction: Why can't there be a speed limit sign on both sides of the road, in the same location?
27th Dec 2007
I Am Legend (2007)
Corrected entry: The grenade explosion and ensuing fire in the basement should suck out all oxygen in the basement - the girl and the little boy ought to have died by asphyxiation.
Correction: It is likely that the compartment that they hid in has an exhaust that leads to the outside, thereby providing oxygen.
19th Dec 2006
A Christmas Story (1983)
Corrected entry: In the scene where Ralphie says the F word, he starts to walk back to get into the car. He passes in front of the car upset and inside the car, it's VERY dark. In fact you cant see anything in the car. Then, the camera changes to view inside the car and it seems like there's a light on inside. You can see them perfectly fine. (00:41:20)
Correction: This is a common movie-making convention. We need to be able to see the action in side of the car. The same way there always seems to be a light in other dark places, such as caves.
13th Dec 2007
The Number 23 (2007)
Corrected entry: Jim Carey's characters wife runs a pawn shop, the shop number is 599. 5 + 9 + 9 = 23.
Correction: The whole premise of the movie is that 'everything' in the main character's life references the number 23. Pointing out every instance is not trivia.
13th Dec 2007
The Number 23 (2007)
Corrected entry: The psychiatrist's car has the license plate "023-5HJ". 023 is an obvious reference to 23. If you give each letter in the alphabet a number, H=8, J=10. So 5HJ is 5810, 5+8+10 = 23.
Correction: The whole premise of the movie is that 'everything' in the main character's life references the number 23. Pointing out every instance is not trivia.
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Correction: Just because people are expected to conform, does not mean that they always do so. She is prodding him to wake him up before the mayor notices.
wizard_of_gore ★