
30th Mar 2003

Death Wish (1974)

Corrected entry: When the cops are breaking into Charles Bronson's apartment, there is a Mezzuzah on the door jam. That signifies it is a Jewish household. But at his wife's funeral at the beginning of the film, there is a priest presiding.

Correction: It is entirely possible that the previous tenant was Jewish, and Bronson's family either didn't notice it or never bothered to take it down.


9th Apr 2006

Hostel (2005)

Corrected entry: At the beginning when the guys are in Amsterdam yelling to open the door to the hostel where they stay in. They are actually yelling in German rather than Dutch while they are in Holland. This happens quite frequently at the beginning of the movie.

Correction: These are Americans, in a foreign country, and as such, make a poor assumption. Character mistake.


27th Aug 2001

Lord of the Flies (1963)

Corrected entry: When the other boys drop the rock on Piggy if you watch in slow motion you can see that the rock collapses and springs back.

Correction: The rules of the site are clear. If you have to use slow motion to see it, it's not a mistake.


16th Jan 2005

Gothika (2003)

Corrected entry: When Dutton gives Downey a cigar and offers to "circumcise" it for him, Dutton snips off the wrong end of the cigar. You're supposed to cut the end farthest from the band, not the closer one.

Correction: He might have been distracted and not paying attention. Either way, this is a character mistake, not a movie mistake.


21st Mar 2002

Stir of Echoes (1999)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Maggie and Jake are skipping and hopping down the sidewalk, a truck goes by, if you watch in slow motion/frame by frame, you can see the blurred reflection of the camera, crew, and camera track.

Correction: As per the rules of this site, if it cannot be detected at normal speed and if you have to go frame by frame to see it, it's not a mistake.


Corrected entry: Starfleet has serious regulations on bringing future technology to inappropriate time periods (which is why the Bird of Prey remained cloaked during it's time in 1986). Chekov being fully aware and considerate of these regulations, considering he has been in Starfleet for about 20 years should have never tossed the Klingon phaser (23rd Century technology) at the navy officer (20th Century person) with full knowledge that he'll never be able to retrieve it. He is too smart for it to have been panic.

Correction: Maybe a bad error in judgment, but a character mistake, not a movie mistake.


Correction: First off, the men interrogating him do not appear to be Navy officers but rather federal agents (FBI, CIA, etc.) The guy asking the questions has some idea of what the phaser is supposed to be, "Make nice, give us the ray gun" so he either deduced that or as is common in interrogations, they're asking the same questions over and over. The interrogators obviously don't believe a word of what Chekov is saying, hence why the one agent tells him, "Go ahead, stun me."

10th Apr 2006

Saw II (2005)

Corrected entry: When Jigsaw is retelling the flashback to Matthews and recalls being taken to the doctor's office to learn he is dying of cancer, the name on the office door is Dr. Lawrence Gordon, Oncologist. This is the name of Cary Elwes' character tortured by Jigsaw in the first Saw film.

Correction: This is not trivia at all, but an essential plot point. Jigsaw was torturing Dr. Gordon because of the callous way he treated his patients.


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Corrected entry: After Dixie's house has been blown up Murtaugh starts patting Riggs' back, telling him that his coat is on fire, which it is not. (00:56:10)


Correction: If you look closely, Riggs' jacket is not fully in flames, but is smoldering because some embers fell on it. Murtaugh says "You're on fire" as a euphamism.


27th Nov 2004

Batman (1989)

Correction: He is probably startled because the Joker previously told Bob that he was "his number one guy", and now he is pointing a gun at him.


Shooting Three To Make Tutu - S2-E20

Corrected entry: While trying to explain to Jill about how he went to the ballet and the basketball game, Tim says "basketball way" or something that sounds similar to that instead of "basketball game".

Correction: He deliberately made his speech unintelligible, so that Jill would think that he said 'Ballet'.


Corrected entry: Throughout the movie, especially when the Phantom sing to Christine on the way to his lair, synthesizers and electric guitars are used. These were not yet invented.

Correction: This is part of the movie score and it's definitely not intended to convey that these instruments are somehow being played nearby.


Corrected entry: To see this mistake, you'll have to download one of the trailers or teasers and go frame per frame. When the grotesque muscled guy charges to Hyde, he swings his arm in order to hit him, yet Hyde is flying away even before he got hit. CGI mistake?

Correction: The rules of this site are clear. If you have to go frame by frame to see this minor mistake, it's not a film mistake.


11th Feb 2006

Liar Liar (1997)

Correction: Not true at all. I fly for business several times a month, and I usually am offered a beverage before we take off. This usually happens in First Class, but I have received beverages in coach as well.


27th Aug 2001

Just Cause (1995)

Corrected entry: A black prisoner recites a pithy profundity to his lawyer, played by Sean Connery, who correctly identifies the quote's author as W.E.B. DuBois, but gives the last name a French pronunciation (DuBwa) rather than its correct Anglicized pronunciation (DuBoys). DuBois' name is always mispronounced in Hollywood productions.

Correction: Character mistake, in that Connery's character was not aware of the proper pronunciation.


10th Feb 2006

X-Men: Evolution (2000)

Correction: According to marveldirectory.com, En Sabah Nur was the name given to Apocalypse by his father, Baal, and it means "The First One".


The entry is correct. In Arabic, which was not yet a language at the time of Ancient Egypt when Apocalypse was born, "en sabah nur" does not translate to "the first one."


Corrected entry: When Praxis explodes, it's real bad luck that the Excelsior is on the same level as the two-dimensional expanding shock wave. Couldn't the crew bring the ship easily out of the way by moving it "up" or "down"?

Correction: Excelsior is not using long range sensors at the time, so they don't detect the shock wave until it's almost upon them. First, they don't have time to react and, second, the ship can only move vertically using thrusters, which are not fast enough.


25th Oct 2005

The Full Monty (1997)

Corrected entry: There's a little bit of foreshadowing about Guy and Lomper's gay relationship : in the shot where Guy is showing everyone his 'equipment', everyone else just stares and shifts in their seats, Lomper is the only one who actually leans forward to get a better look; and in the second scene in Gerald's house, when Dave is looking at a girl in a magazine, just after Lomper declares "Her tits are too big" (implying, obviously, that he likes them small), Guy assumes a come-get-me position on the sunbed, smiling in Lomper's direction.

Correction: This is not trivia, it is part of the plot. The relationship is furthered when they are running away from the police and wind up climbing through the open window together.


Corrected entry: Right before Kirk beams aboard the Klingon vessel, Spock pats him on the back. He turns around and you can see the large black tracking device that Spock has stuck to his back. Throughout the film they use this device to track Kirk. Kirk was arrested, sentenced, and sent to a prison. Kirk wears his uniform throughout this entire process and the tracking device is blatantly obvious on him. Why didn't any Of his many Klingon guards frisk him and remove it?


Correction: This is not a tracking device, it is simply a patch made of viridium. The Klingons might not have known what is was or, if they did, that the Enterprise's scanners were capable of detecting this substance across a great distance.


30th May 2005

Are We There Yet? (2005)

Corrected entry: When Ice Cube grabs the little boy's juice and it squirts all over, it is purple. However, the juice is a Capri-Sun drink, and they, regardless of flavor, are always clear.

Correction: I recently spilled a Capri-Sun Red Berry all over my shirt, and it is definitely not clear.


Corrected entry: The Wonka Chocolate Factory had been closed for years, but now it was operating even though no one was working there. As the gates opened and the five children and their parents walked into the yard, the snow had footprints everywhere in front of them. Who made the footprints if no one worked there?

Correction: Nobody ever says that no one works there. After all, the Oompa Loompas work there. People never see anyone go in or out of the factory, but the Oompa Loompas could move around outside, in the dark, when no one could see them.


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