
12th Jan 2013

2 Broke Girls (2011)

And Strokes of Goodwill - S1-E3

Corrected entry: Why does Max get so possessive about the T-shirt that is bought by the other woman when she is distracted? We see that it fits the new owner very snugly and she is much smaller than Max. Fitting her the way it does, it would be far, far too small for Max. Max is chronically short of cash and there is no way she will spend money on something that will be of absolutely no use to her.

Correction: No rationale is needed. Max wanted the shirt and another woman grabbed it. She was just being competitive. A character's choices are not mistakes.


What rubbish. Max is chronically short of cash ("Two Broke Girls" - bit of a giveaway?) and there is no way she will spend money on something that will be of absolutely no use to her. In fact, nobody deliberately buys clothes knowing they will not fit, but that goes double for someone who cannot afford to do so in the first place.

Why on earth would Max be so possessive about a shirt that wouldn't even come close to fitting her?

7th Jun 2012

The Avengers (2012)

Corrected entry: When Hawkeye shoots his arrow at Loki, as Loki snatches it out of the air you can see his right hand controlling, well nothing. They probably meant to digitally add the controls for the speederbike type device Loki is riding, but he is just controlling the air.


Correction: Loki is not steering the speeder, one of the aliens is. He's just riding on the back of it.


Corrected entry: When Charlie's teacher is giving a lesson on percentages, he tells Charlie that he will use the number 200 as a means of calculating a simple percentage because can't figure out what percentage 2 out of 1,000 yields. This is simple to figure out even without a calculator. As someone who is sanctioned to be teaching mathematics, he should know this.


Correction: Yes, he should, but apparently he is either lazy or not a very good teacher, so he simplifies the lesson. It's meant to be humorous.


10th Mar 2011

Avatar (2009)

Corrected entry: On Pandora the animals do not have fur nor feathers. Still the Na'vi wear war decorations made out of feathers.

Correction: Just because we did not see any animals with feathers, doesn't mean they don't exist there.


1st Jan 2011

The Crazies (2010)

Corrected entry: When the sheriff removes the stitches from his mouth the guy on the gurney the guy says "behind you" even though his eyes were still sewn shut.


Correction: If you pay close attention, you will see that his eyes are not sewn completely shut. His eyes are open as slits, and he can still detect movement behind the sheriff.


20th Sep 2010

Land of the Lost (2009)

Corrected entry: When the heroes are in the portal with the guy who claims he wants to help them, the only exit is blocked by creatures they can't get past. Instead of correcting this, the film just cuts to the next scene, explaining nothing.

quite big

Correction: Since Enik is controlling the rest of the Sleestaks, it's implied that he allows the heroes to escape. Not to mention that just because something is not shown on screen, doesn't make it a mistake.


15th Sep 2010

Avatar (2009)

Corrected entry: In the scene where they are trying to save Grace's mind and soul from dying by transferring them to the avatar, instead of Grace, Jake is on the ground with his mask on and the roots are crawling over him not Grace.

Correction: I saw this movie three times in IMAX and it is definitely Grace's body. It's hard to mistake a female body for a male.


Corrected entry: When Percy is fighting the Minotaur, it charges at him and gets its horn stuck. Just after this you can hear Grover asking Percy if he's OK. But he doesn't say "Are you OK, Percy?!" He says, "Are you OK, Malone?!"

Fawkes the Phoenix

Correction: He says no such thing. What he actually says is "Percy, behind you!"


Corrected entry: When the trio are in the Lotus Casino and Percy sees the pearl first, it is on number 15 on the wheel. But later when they are leaving and Percy takes it, it is on number 33. (01:18:35)

Correction: It's an active roulette table where people are playing. Plenty of time has passed, so the last time the pearl landed, it was on a different number.


8th Mar 2010

The Wolfman (2010)

Corrected entry: During the beginning of the movie, shortly after Lawrence returns home, Anthony Hopkins is blowing off the "candles", I wonder what type of "lamp" that is. The lights should not fade off. You can obviously compare the effects when he blows off the candle in the next moment.

Correction: If they are oil lamps, which they are, the wick, which is soaked with oil, will continue to glow for a few moments after the flame is blown out. That's why they fade out like that.


13th Jun 2010

Avatar (2009)

Corrected entry: The first time we see the Avatar in the lab, before Jake connects to it, Jake's Avatar is lying on a bed and it is making a move with its foot. (00:13:30)

Correction: Even though Jake's mind controls it, the Avatar is still an actual creature, with a nervous system. Muscle movements and twitches are to be expected.


24th Dec 2009

Planet 51 (2009)

Corrected entry: This film is supposed to be set in the equivalent of the '50s. Hippies weren't around till the '60s, so Blarg's about 10 years too early.


Correction: The alien planet is supposed to be similar to earth, but not identical. For them, hippies showed up earlier than on earth.


3rd Jan 2010

Star Trek (2009)

Corrected entry: Before dropping out of warp near Vulcan, Pike orders Enterprise to red alert and its shields up. He's acting on a hunch from Kirk that the planet is being attacked. First, the ship's sensors should be able to detect the wreckage in orbit, but that would negate the drama of dropping out of warp amid the debris. Second, the shields should protect the Enterprise against the floating hunks of metal, yet several bounce off the Enterprise hull, and a destroyed saucer section of another ship scrapes the Enterprise nacelle and damages it as if the shields were never up. Shouldn't the debris bounce off the shields? As is typical for the Star Trek franchise, the effectiveness of the shields is only as strong as dramatic license permits.


Correction: Historically, the shields have generally not protected the Enterprise from large, slow moving debris. They are designed to protect against energy based attacks. The shields would not prevent the Enterprise from slamming into another ship, for example.


2nd Jan 2010

Sherlock Holmes (2009)

Corrected entry: The idea of the cyanide bomb being placed under parliament was that it would kill all the Members of Parliament except those that Lord Blackwood wanted alive (these individuals had been given the antidote to cyanide). In reality, there is no "antidote" to cyanide, therefore the plot is flawed.

Correction: There certainly is an antidote to cyanide. The modern method is to administer hydroxycobalamin, which reacts with cyanide to form cyanocobalamin. Cyanocobalamin can be eliminated by the kidneys. The major mechanism to remove the cyanide from the body is by enzymatic conversion by the mitochondrial enzyme rhodanese to convert cyanate to thiocyanate, which is a relatively non-toxic molecule that is excreted in the urine. (From Wikipedia).


All Good Things... (2) - S7-E26

Corrected entry: When 'present day' Picard talks to the Romulan commander, they each agree to send one ship into The Neutral Zone to investigate the space anomaly. But after this you never hear anything about the Romulans again. As paranoid as Romulans are, I find it hard to believe that they'd just let the Enterprise go play around in The Neutral Zone without keeping an eye on them. And there is no dialogue to indicate that the Romulan ship might be cloaked either; you'd think something with that kind of tactical import would be pointed out.

Correction: The fact that something is rare, or 'hard to believe', does not make it a mistake. There could be any number of reasons why the Romulans don't show themselves again.


Corrected entry: There's a part in the movie where he's using the iron gym pull-up bar. The movie claims to have been filmed in Sept-Oct of 2006, yet the Iron Gym didn't come out until 2008. If you can't remember when it came out, you can see this by doing a whois on their official domain name, which was registered in 2008.


Correction: The film was definitely made in the time frame claimed. In fact, it premiered at the Screamfest Film Festival in the US on October 14, 2007. It was also shown at the Slamdance Film Festival on January 18th, 2008.


Corrected entry: At the beginning, the shard of the Cube drops onto the kitchen table and transforms all electrical equipment in the kitchen into Transformers. Sam's dad asks, when hiding behind the fountain, what they are and Sam replies, "The whole kitchen". However, Sam was on the 2nd floor when the kitchen appliances transformed, so he shouldn't have known all the Transformers came from the kitchen.


Correction: However, since all of them resemble kitchen appliances, it is an easy assumption for Sam to make.


17th Sep 2009

District 9 (2009)

Corrected entry: It is barely credible that Wikus can get from the MNU lab to District 9 in his condition, given that we know that District 9 is at least 12 kilometres from MNU Headquarters. It is not in the slightest bit credible, however, that he could get BACK, carrying a prawn weapon, with a similarly armed prawn trotting alongside him, after the whole city had been warned that he was a dangerous, escaped sexual deviant! Maybe people would avoid them as they walked through busy city streets (MNU HQ is in downtown Johannesburg) but not one single person calls the authorities in time to have them intercepted.

Correction: First, something requiring suspension of disbelief does not make it a mistake. Second, we are not shown how Wikus and the prawn get to MNU HQ. Perhaps they stole a vehicle. Not everything has to be shown on screen.


29th Aug 2009

District 9 (2009)

Corrected entry: In case of all the intelligent aliens dying, the ship is to find the nearest life sustaining planet. However, in the movie, the surviving aliens are unable to get off their own ship and thus require not only the planet to sustain their lives, but to sustain the lives of inhabitants with the ability to fly and cut through alien space crafts. (Thankfully, they didn't land on Earth pre-1900 or they would all simply die - not much of an emergency plan.)

Correction: Poor planning on the part of the aliens does not make it a movie mistake. Clearly, something went wrong on the ship.


Correction: It's a cartoon. You must suspend disbelief.


Correction: Who knows? The people of bikini bottom might have ears, and we just don't know it.

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