Continuity mistake: Just after they break out of the prison cell, you see Lynda reach for her gadgets twice. (00:32:20)
The Doctor Dances (2) - S1-E10
Factual error: Magnetic tape recorders weren't available outside of Germany during World War II. True the tape recorder could have been captured from the Germans, but, as it was cutting-edge technology for 1941, it would hardly be likely to have ended up in a hospital office.
Revealing mistake: When they show the soldiers killed by the Dalek, in both the hallway outside the cage and the large room in weapons testing, they show some casings which were ejected from the soldiers' guns. The casings still have projectiles in them. If used, they would have been in magazines and would never fall out like they are shown.
Deliberate mistake: The final Auton attack in this episode is supposed to take place in a busy London street, but it is a pedestrianised area, and several shots reveal this. For example, there are no road markings visible, no apparent distinction between pavement and road, and a bus stop appears to sit in the middle of the 'road'.
Continuity mistake: Rose Tyler's hairstyle changes from shot to shot when she is discussing being 'the last human' with Cassandra. Rose's hair is in one style for the long shots, and another style for the close-ups.
Factual error: In the opening shot of this episode, we see the Earth from space. The camera then zooms into Western Europe, the UK, London, then into Rose Tyler's flat, where a jump cut to an alarm clock shows it's 7:30am. But look again at the start of that sequence: it shows that it's daylight over the UK - and over the USA. This is of course impossible. When it is 7:30am in London, it is 2:30am in New York, as Eastern Time is 5 hours behind UK time. In New York at 2:30am it is not daylight, because it is the middle of the night. In addition, later episodes make it clear this episode is set in March. The North Pole is fully sunlit, which it never is in March, due to the equinox that happens that month. (00:00:50 - 00:02:00)

Continuity mistake: When the Doctor takes to the nightclub stage to ask if anything has fallen from the sky, he has his right hand and arm up and gesticulating. But in several other shots of him from behind, it is his left arm that is up and moving. (00:04:20)

Continuity mistake: As the room that Rose is in gets scorched by the blazing sun, the level of burning is above her head in close up shots, but at Rose's head height in wide shots. (00:29:40 - 00:30:01)
Plot hole: Nancy seems to have the unique ability to whistle with her fingers in her mouth - even though she's wearing gloves. (00:10:55)
Revealing mistake: When the alien spacecraft crashes into Big Ben, it is obvious that the shot has been reversed/flipped around. Look at the Roman numerals on Big Ben's clock face: They should read (clockwise from the top) XII, I, II, III, and so. Instead they read IIX, IX, X, etc. (00:06:35)
Revealing mistake: The 'earthquake' that takes place in this episode results in CGI-created cracks in the pavement that are very unconvincing. They do not appear to displace anything and - in a related continuity error - the cracks disappear in shots taken from ground level (the cracks are only visible in high-level 'looking down' shots). (00:34:30)
Father's Day - S1-E8
Plot hole: In "Aliens of London", it is established on a 'missing person' poster that Rose Tyler is approximately 19 years of age in March 2005 (The poster says 'missing since 6 March 2005'). This means that she must have been born prior to March 1986. However, in "Father's Day", which is dated 7 November 1987, Rose is still a baby in her mother's arms, when she should be a toddler aged approx two.
Revealing mistake: The Doctor and Rose locate the "metal" hatch that leads down into the Nestene Consciousness' lair. Watch carefully after the Doctor removes the "metal" hatch and moves it aside. The entire hatch pops up a second later. This is because it is plastic and it was suctioned to the floor. (00:33:06)

Deliberate mistake: When Jack is scanning the gas mask people, he has a scanner on his right wrist. However, when he shows Rose and the Doctor his image of the Chula warship, the scanner is on his left wrist. The makers flipped the stretch of film, according to the commentary, to make the shot work. (00:37:45)
Continuity mistake: When the three bride Autons attack Jackie, and they open their hands one at a time, it is clear that when the second Auton opens its hand, all three are already open. After it cuts to Rose, and back to Jackie again, the third one opens (even though we just saw it already open). (00:38:15)

Factual error: When Rose is locked in the room and the bodies come toward her, you can see a modern-day electric light-switch to the side of the door she's trying to get through. When the Doctor hears her screaming for help and runs for her, you can see a central heating radiator. In fact, the undertaker's house has at least two radiators in different hallways. Both are wildly anachronistic for the time period. (00:16:30 - 00:17:08)
Suggested correction: While the light switch is ahead of its time, the heating radiator was invented by Franz San Galli in 1855 and was immediately popular. It's possible that by 1869, when the episode takes place, that Mr. Sneed would have one.
Factual error: Emergency Service vehicles in Cardiff (indeed, throughout Wales) have their signs in bilingual English/Welsh. So the police cars and ambulances seen in this episode should have 'Heddlu'/'Police' and 'Ambwlance'/'Ambulance' bilingual logos. However, the police car seen after the earthquake has its label in Welsh only. (00:40:33)

Revealing mistake: When Mickey closes the wheelie bin lid, he then finds the plastic stuck to his hands, he lifts his hands up and the plastic stretches like tar. If you look closely when he lifts his hands up for the first time, you'll see that a shadow of one of his hands is cast on his shirt, but there is no shadow of the strands of plastic stuck to his fingers. Additionally, when he turns around to pull away from the bin, he crosses the strands over each other, but they are still parallel in the following scene. (00:22:40 - 00:23:10)
Factual error: The Doctor claims the Daleks are hiding themselves from sonar. But sonar relies on sound waves, which can't travel through the vacuum of space. (00:38:45)
Character mistake: When Rose thinks Mickey is dead, she says she'll have to tell his mother. But in Rise of the Cybermen in Series 2, she says that Mickey's mother has been dead since he was a child. (00:30:17)