10,000 B.C.

10,000 B.C. (2008)

9 corrected entries

(9 votes)

Correction: There were no dinosaurs in this movie. All of the animals seen, the mammoths, the sabertooth tigers, and the large birds all existed alongside humans.


Corrected entry: The men have clean facial hair lines. This could not have happened as they didn't have a tool that could shave as close as a razor.


Correction: Tribes in Africa and in the Amazonian Forest have been using alternative methods for shaving hair in traditional hairdos, including hairlines (also depicted in the movie), using things such as sharpened sea shells, bones, etc.

Corrected entry: In the scene where D'Leh kills the mammoth, he throws a spear at it which sticks in quite far and does not droop. A throw from a man would not pierce a mammoth's skin very deep if at all and when the second spear is in the mammoth, the first is nowhere to be found. As for the second spear, even if its rough wooden frame didn't snap under the force of several tons of tough skinned mammoth hurtling into it at a severe angle, it did not hit an area, nor did it go deep enough to damage any vital organs. Had it been a steel shafted razor edge, it may have gone right through the sternum into the upper chest cavity, where it still wouldn't hit a vital organ. And even though the fall drove the spear into a potentially life-threatening position, the mammoth would not have fallen, negating the death in its entirety. (00:15:05 - 00:15:45)


Correction: Most of the mistake is conjecture, but even if not, some suspension of disbelief is required. Just as most cars in an action movie would be destroyed in a jump, we have to accept a hunter killing a mammoth as artistic license.


Corrected entry: If the movie takes place supposedly around 10.000 BC, the final kiss was completely inaccurate, since anthropologists have established that kissing as seen today was only "invented" in India around 2000 BC, and perfected by the Romans. They had actually gotten it right throughout the movie, the nose rubbing or joining of foreheads, but they couldn't resist making the mistake in the final shot. And when the kid makes the kissing motions, it is a reference to the same mistake.

Correction: As with any historically set film, many things have been updated in order to make sense to modern-day audiences. Thus we see the use of colloquial English, modern-day units of measurement and so forth. This is an entirely standard movie convention and is not considered a mistake.


Corrected entry: In the final scene of the movie, when Evolet and D'Leh are embracing by the river, the water in the river is completely static, without so much as a ripple, for the entire scene, even though the reeds are blowing in the wind.


Correction: The river is frozen over in that scene. In the final, wider shot, you can see patches of open water.

Corrected entry: The young warrior D'Leh is speaking to the young Evolet telling her that she will never be alone, in doing so he uses as an example a "light in the sky that does not move as all the others do". An obvious reference to the North Star given the northern hemisphere location of the movie. However, in 10,000 BC, there would have been no distinct North Star due to the procession of the equinoxes. In 10,000 BC the north pole of earth would be closest to pointing towards Vega (a very bright star) however it would have been more that 15 degrees off at that time (the closest it comes is roughly 5 degrees in 12,000 BC and again in 14,000 AD). Due to how far off our north pole it would have been, it's apparent motion would be easily obserbable, and it would move just like all the other stars. At any rate, it most certainly would not have been Polaris (our current North Star). (00:07:00)

Correction: OK, so it's not the North Star. He could be referring to an immobile star among the hundreds of thousands that were visible with the naked eye, not just the one we are familiar with. It's more than possible a star that burned out a few thousand years ago, before astronomy was studied to much extent, could have appeared stationary at that time.

Corrected entry: There are several technological errors in this film. Firstly, the earliest known use of sailing ships was around 3500 B.C. The film shows humans riding horses, which were not domesticated until around 3500 BC. The use of swords and other bladed weapons is also terribly inaccurate, as the first use of swords dates back to only the late 3rd millennium BC in the Middle East and most certainly would have been made from copper, not from any grey coloured metals. And finally, there is a scene in the film with a telescope, which wouldn't be invented until the 17th century AD, not 10000 B.C.


Correction: The filmmakers do not claim this film to be a historically correct documentary so they may use artistic license.


Correction: The filmmakers do not claim this film to be a historically correct documentary so they may use artistic license.


Corrected entry: In various scenes throughout the film, herds of mammoth are seen galloping. This is a scientific impossibility - due to their large size and body plan, no elephant species can run (the definition being all feet are airborne at any given time) and are only capable of a very "fast walk".

Correction: Mammoths also did not grow to the size depicted in the movie, neither did Sabre Toothed Tigers. As per interviews with director Roland Emmerich, the movie is purely a fantasy and is NOT intended to be historically accurate. It's like saying 'Starships can't really go faster than the speed of light.'


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D'Leh: I found the eye of the snake.

More quotes from 10,000 B.C.

Question: Was there any explanation given for D'Leh's father leaving his home and tribe so suddenly?

Answer: It is explained that he decided not to wait for the last hunt and left to find another way to feed the tribe. He left in secret so that others would not follow him abandoning the tribe.

More questions & answers from 10,000 B.C.

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