
Corrected entry: Vicky Vale is a reporter in Gotham City, but she doesn't know what Bruce Wayne looks like, and at the gala, she asks Bruce Wayne himself if he knows "Which one of these guys is Bruce Wayne?" How does she not know who he is?


Correction: Bruce Wayne is a recluse. Meaning he doesn't go out normally, doesn't do interviews and hardly attends parties.


Corrected entry: The Joker publicly announces on television that he will be throwing a huge parade through the streets of the city. So this would be a great opportunity for the police department to apprehend the Joker and his henchmen. Instead, when the parade takes place there is not one police officer seen anywhere.


Correction: The joker doesn't announce where the parade was, and from the reactions of the police officers in the bar when he announces this suggests they'd be more interested in getting some money than stopping the Joker.

Corrected entry: When the Joker is talking to the mob boss and takes out his handkerchief, he wipes some makeup off his head. Look at the white spot he allegedly is wet and you can tell it is placed on top of his skin. The white came from the handkerchief.

Correction: No, it didn't. The makeup department actually figured out a complicated way of allowing Joker to do this. They used a special 'non-stick' silicon based white layer that flesh tone would wipe off easily - that's why Joker looks shiny as he walks around the room: the flesh layer is not dry. Check out the documentary 'from Jack to the Joker' on the new special edition Batman DVD for more.


Corrected entry: It would appear that the aiming mechanism on the Batplane could use a bit of fine tuning. During the scene where Batman is flying the plane towards The Joker, he gets Joker in his crosshairs and fires, however, the bullets simply hit the ground on both of Joker's sides in a very theatrical manner instead of hitting the man himself. While this was obviously done for the sake of getting a fantastic visual, there isn't much sense to it.

Correction: Actually, it makes quite a bit of sense - when setting up a multiple gun system, the guns will be fixed so that the bullet streams converge at a pre-selected range, passing through the crosshairs at that point. As such, in order to hit a target, the subject needs to not only be in the crosshairs, but must be at approximately the correct range. If the target is closer than that range, as the Joker apparently is in this case, the bullet streams will not have had time to converge, so they'll hit on either side of the target, exactly as shown.


Correction: Batman missed on purpose. It is generally against his code to kill villains. Joker knows this.

Not in this version - he has no qualms with blowing up the factory which contains a lot of goons, and killing others. He attaches a bomb to a clown and drops him down a sewer in the sequel too.

He killed several of them in that very scene. Not to mention that he killed many of them by blowing Axis chemicals factory.

Corrected entry: Back in the days before computer effects, giant painted backdrops were used, a few of these were used in the large scenes such as city hall and a few others.

Sol Parker

Correction: This was a very common and well-known filmmaking technique. This does not count as trivia.

Corrected entry: When Vicki wants to learn more about Bruce Wayne, she quickly leaves the office to follow him. If she was in such a hurry, why does she change both her dress and hairdo before going? (00:45:00 - 00:45:45)

Correction: Who says she was in a hurry to follow him? She gives the file to Knox and walks off in frustration, then it cuts to a later shot of Vicki waiting outside Bruce's house. Nowhere is it implied that Vicki is in a rush or pressed for time. She could have changed her clothes if she wanted.

Corrected entry: Joker arranged a fake date with Vicky pretending to be Bruce but he isn't supposed to know about Bruce going out with Vicky until later in the film.

Correction: There's a previous scene where Bob the goon shows Vicky's photos to the Joker and tells him "She's dating with a guy named Wayne" or something like that. After that comes the thing about the fake date.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the film, where Vicky and Alfred are talking by the car, you can clearly see the boom mike (it's orange) in the top of the screen, and it stays there throughout the whole scene.

Correction: Apparently not - it's an orange flag hanging off a building.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Napier is getting his bandages taken off, he face is supposed to be white. However, if you freeze-frame as he is running up the stairs, the light swings toward him and his face is flesh tone.

Correction: If a movie has to be freeze-framed to see a mistake, then it is not valid.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the Gangsters are at the City Hall and the mimes start to fire, Bruce Wayne's arm is shot, but he doesn't notice and there's no blood. Why? You can see his arm against the under-coat perfectly well.

Correction: The bullet goes through the fabric of his jacket, but not his arm.

Corrected entry: When Commissioner Gordon takes the mega phone from Eckhardt during the Axis raid, there is a row of about 4 or 5 cops stood behind Gordon as Eckhardt sneaks off. Then it cuts to a closer shot of Gordon and you can still see one or two of the cops. When it cuts wide to show Gordon again the row of cops has disappeared.

Correction: The cops are behind and to the right of Gordon. In the first wide shot, the camera is in front of and to the left of Gordon so the cops appear in-shot behind him. It then cuts in closer and they are still seen behind him. It then cuts to a wide shot from behind and to the left of Gordon. The cops can no longer be seen because in order to be seen they'd have to be in front of and to the right of Gordon.

Corrected entry: In the parade scene, Batman grabs the Joker's balloons, and takes high above Gotham City. When he realises them, they're all together, but when he's flying away, they're all separated.

Correction: That is because they are all on separate ropes. When Batman grabs all the balloons we see him grab several different ropes so when they are released they they are right next to one another before they start to drift away.

Corrected entry: When Batman is fighting in the bell tower with the big guy, Batman hooks his feet around the guy's neck and pulls him over the edge, just as the scene is ending Batman lets go of the bar he's hanging from.

Correction: But this is a moot point, since the man flew forward into the space that goes between all of the stairs all the way to the bottom; Batman would land straight down onto stairs below him.

Corrected entry: When the female newscaster is dead on the floor she takes a slow, deep breath.

Correction: Because she's not dead yet, she's dy*ing*.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: During the Joker's parade the size of the balloons increases, instead of decreases, as the gas is released. Whether this is from the balloons or the canisters is irrelevant, the ballons still increase in size immediately and continue to do so until Batman captures them. They do not appear to increase in size as Batman takes them into the upper atmosphere so the size change has nothing to do with atmospheric pressure.

Correction: What's the mistake here? That the balloons increase in size? They're being inflated with the compressed gas from the canisters underneath, the gas expands as it's being released inside the balloon. That they no longer increase in size when Batman arrives? The gas in the canisters has been exhausted.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: In the fight in the bell tower, when Joker is standing over Batman and Vicky dangling from the ledge, we get a shot of the back of the gargoyle statue. Notice that Joker's hat and jacket are there, but when the shot cuts to Joker, he is wearing his jacket.

Correction: This is because the jacket on the statue is Joker's overcoat, which he had taken off when he and Vicki got tot the top of the cathedral.

Corrected entry: When Batman and Vicky are falling from the cathedral and Batman shoots his grappling hook upwards, he and Vicky are falling with their backs to the ground, rotating in a counter clockwise manner. Two shots later, they are falling with their feet to the ground, not rotating at all.

Correction: It is possible to change your trajectory/position slightly as you fall if you have plenty of practice, much the same way that skydivers do. Since Batman is very used to "flying" through the air, it would have been no problem for him to achieve the change in position.


Corrected entry: Right after the Joker falls from the cathedral the shot slowly zooms to him lying dead on the ground below, with the laugh box giggling away. Watch his left eye closely and you can see it blink, despite his being "dead". (00:01:55)


Correction: Involuntary twitches are common in the recently dead, especially if the death was caused suddenly. The blinking eye could have been nothing more than a final twitch as the brain shuts down. For a cinematic reference, look at The Rock, when a body is twitching after being killed, freaking out Nic Cage. It's not often portrayed, but does happen.

Mad Ade

Correction: He is probably startled because the Joker previously told Bob that he was "his number one guy", and now he is pointing a gun at him.


Corrected entry: After the Joker gets his face burned off by an acidic substance, you see him playing with the same cards he had before he fell in.

Correction: They were probably just the same brand of cards. I'm sure there are two decks out there that are identical.

Batman mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Batman rescues Vicky he has a voice remote for the Batmobile. As the car approaches he orders the car to stop by speaking into the remote and then lowers it to his side. When the camera shot changes showing the car stopping right in front of him, he is still holding the remote to his mouth. (01:09:20)

More mistakes in Batman

The Joker: And now, folks, it's time for "Who do you trust!" Hubba, hubba, hubba! Money, money, money! Who do you trust? Me? I'm giving away free money. And where is the Batman? HE'S AT HOME WASHING HIS TIGHTS!

More quotes from Batman

Trivia: The Joker says "better make it ten [minutes]", before heading up Gotham Cathedral. Exactly 10 minutes later, the helicopter flies into shot to get him. (01:42:00 - 01:52:00)

Jon Sandys

More trivia for Batman

Answer: He could have looked up her address in the phone book. Just before Bruce arrives at Vikki's apartment, Joker asks Bob the Goon for - a phone book. Also he could have been tailing Bruce and found her apartment that way, after all he does show up not long after Bruce does.

Alan Keddie

Chosen answer: She's a semi-famous reporter/photographer. It would be fairly easy (especially for a criminal) to find her home.

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