
23rd Jan 2008

God of War 2

Corrected entry: Atlas was depicted as a normal man in the first God of war, but in this he is a Titan with four arms.

Correction: The Atlas seen in the first games is a statue built by the architect of Pandora's Temple, someone who never saw the real Atlas.


9th Apr 2012

Blazing Saddles (1974)

Corrected entry: When Cleavon little says good morning to the elderly woman, she responds with a nasty "Up yours n*gger" comment. Later on, the woman apologizes for the incident and gives him an apple pie. But the woman who apologizes is not the same actress who insulted him earlier even though it's meant to be the same person.

Gavin Jackson

Correction: I just watched the two scenes and they are the same person. she just appears different due to the low light and angled position of her head. If its her voice that makes you think they are different people, remember she was yelling when they first interacted.


18th Sep 2012

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: Dr. Grant holds his canteen out the window in order to get water to drink. But there is no funnel on it. It would take a very, very long time for rain to drop through that small hole to fill the bottle with any drinkable quantity of water, even in the heaviest of rains.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: And yet in the heaviest of rain I can get a decent drink by holding a water bottle with roughly the same size hole. I've done this dozens of time on long driving trips.


10th Feb 2013

Man on the Moon (1999)

Corrected entry: In one scene we see Tony Clifton performing on a stage (played by Carrey). And then Andy suddenly shows up on stage next to him dancing. We later learn that Tony that night was portrayed by Andy's friend Bob Zmuda. Trouble is Zmuda looks nothing like Andy. He is much shorter, overweight and has a double chin.

Gavin Jackson

Correction: And yet, this actually happened. Zmuda did perform as Tony Clifton.


3rd Mar 2013

Snitch (2013)

Corrected entry: Dwayne Johnson would have had to hire a customs broker, as would the addressee in Mexico for a truck load. The truck would have been stopped for customs. Drug smugglers would have to know about this. There is no mention of customs in the movie at all.


Correction: This has been submitted to the wrong film.


12th Jan 2013

Thor (2011)

Corrected entry: The white pick-up in which Stan Lee makes his cameo can be seen driving by in the background when Thor and co are having breakfast in the bar, it's still missing the rear part of the body.

Correction: This is not trivia. it is far too obvious.


Corrected entry: In the chase, Indy pulls out a rocket launcher at one point. Despite fighting the Russians with their own weapons, it is a Chinese copy of the famous RPG-7, distinguished by the lack of a rear grip. Also, these rocket launchers weren't put into service in the Red Army until 1961.


Correction: Submitted and corrected. it is not an RPG 7, but an RPG 2.


Corrected entry: Even accounting for some creative license to allow for Lincoln's secret life as a vampire hunter, the film is littered with historical inaccuracies. Lincoln's mother died in 1818, and the film states his father died nine years later; his father actually died in 1851. William Johnson was about 30 years younger than Lincoln, not his childhood friend. Lincoln's son Willie is killed in retaliation for Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation, which he announced after the Battle of Antietam in September 1862 and took effect Jan. 1, 1863; but Willie actually died in Feb. 1862, almost a year earlier.


Correction: Lincoln also never hunted vampires. this is not a historical documentary. This is an alternate realty where Lincoln is a vampire hunter. As such, creative license can't be ignored.


12th Feb 2013

Django (1966)

Corrected entry: In the parlor scene at Candieland in Django Unchained, a bust of Nefertiti sits on a table. While the movie scene occurs in 1858, the bust on which the one in the movie is modeled was not discovered until 1912 and is housed today in the Neues Museum in Berlin.

Correction: This has been submitted for the wrong film.


12th Jan 2013

The A-Team (2010)

Corrected entry: The A Team was headed towards the ground in a tank muzzle first, and yet they are able to drive it out of the lake. This scene is removed from some broadcasts as it makes no sense whatsoever.

Correction: We see the tank hit muzzle first, we don't see how it lands at the bottom.


19th Feb 2013

Thor (2011)

Corrected entry: In the diner scene where Thor smashes the coffee cup, the busted pick up Stan Lee used to try and pull Mjolnir from the crater can be seen driving past just after Jane says "Alright well no more smashing, Deal?"

Correction: This is not trivia. it is obvious.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Ace is trying to prove Eihnhorn's/Finkle's true identity, He opens Einhorns's blouse but it's never removed. In a later shot you see Eihnhorn from behind and can see her bare back. Later, her blouse is back on.


Correction: Ace rips open her blouse and pulls it down below her shoulders, but not completely off, which is why you see her bare back. she pulls it back up before picking up the piece of glass.


31st Oct 2012

The Walking Dead (2010)

Days Gone Bye - S1-E1

Corrected entry: In the beginning when the guy comes out of a coma and he sees the door with the writing inside, then the zombies put their fingers through. In the next shot the cop goes through the double doors and the fingers are nowhere to be seen.


Correction: Different door. Different scene. After Rick sees the hand come out the door, he backs away. He then treks through a dark stairwell to reach the door he uses to exit the hospital.


13th Dec 2012

Down Periscope (1996)

Corrected entry: When Admiral Graham and Admiral Winslow are in Charleston harbor waiting for Commander Dodge to arrive, Admiral Graham states that he's in line for a third star. Admiral Winslow then replies that this would no longer make him outrank Graham. Admiral Winslow's uniform has three stars on it, so if Admiral Graham did receive a third star, this would mean that he wouldn't outrank Admiral Winslow but that they would both have the same rank.

Correction: Exactly - that was Winslow's point. "Oh my god! I'll no longer outrank you." He never implies Graham will outrank him.


Even if Graham gets his third star, Winslow would have more "time in grade" as a 3-star and therefore still outrank him.

Corrected entry: When Batman (and partially, John Blake) beat up the guards after they try to execute John. John says "You missed a spot!" referring to a final guard. This line was heavily used by Robin in the comics and some might say is his catchphrase.

Correction: No one would call it his catchphrase cause Robin did not use "you missed a spot" heavily in the comics. in fact he does not say it in any of the hundreds of Batman and Robin related comics in my collection.


25th Jul 2013

The Matrix (1999)

Corrected entry: To exit the Matrix the character must find a secure phone line with which do so, we see this in the subway when Trinity lifts the receiver and places it to her ear and then zips down the phone. However surely to enter the Matrix the same must be true, so who or how is the receiver on the phone lifted in the Matrix for them to enter?

Correction: It is not the same way. As seen in the film when they enter the matrix they are just there, similar to how we see them enter the simulators. It is like adding in a line of code to a program. Adding it is easy, but to remove it without causing bigger issues is difficult.


4th Sep 2012

The Simpsons (1989)

In Marge We Trust - S8-E22

Corrected entry: When Rev Lovejoy talks to Marge about how Flanders kept bothering him, like visiting the church and phoning him, in one of the scenes Lovejoy and his wife are sitting in a cafe in France, and Flanders manages to phone him. Thing is, how did Flanders know where they were, or even know they were at that cafe?

Heather Benton

Correction: That is the joke. Flanders is so persistant in his confessions and questions that he'll find Lovejoy no matter what.


Corrected entry: When Bruce Wayne gets back to Gotham he meets up with Selina, who gets him into Bane's prison camp in Wayne Tower. There he meets up with Miranda Tate and Lucius Fox. Selina, as Catwoman, then helps Wayne and Fox escape - with Wayne telling Tate, "I'll be back for you. Wayne dons the bat suit and meets up with Gordon on the ice. The first question he asks Gordon is, "Where is Miranda Tate? You should know, you were just with her.


Correction: At this point, Wayne is still attempting to keep his identity secret. it would be suspicious of him already knowing where Tate was, without asking Gordon.


Corrected entry: Every time the kid climbs out of the hole, the kid has a bald head, except the last time when she has hair.

Correction: Every time they show the kid make the climb, the kid has hair. Short hair.


Corrected entry: When Bruce is talking to Mr. Blue at the university, the cursor on the computer is black with an outline of white around it, but that kind of cursor is only in MacBook computers. Since it is a Windows computer, it should be white with an outline of black around it.


Correction: I have a windows PC and I have the option to change my cursor to black with a white outline.


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