
Question: When Sorrento activated the Cataclyst, why didn't i-R0k immediately log out of the oasis by removing his VR Visor like Art3mis did in AECH's shop instead of trying to reach a portal?

Answer: I think on Battleworld it's not that simple, or anyone about to be killed can just log off before it happens. On Battleworld you need to reach a portal to log off. It's basically a PvP area. Aech's shop isn't (safe zone) and you can just simply log off directly there.


Answer: This is something that's answered in the book, but was left out in the film. In PvP areas such as Battleworld, you can't remove your visor to log out, removing your visor just leaves your character open for attack.


23rd Dec 2017

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Question: Near the end of the movie, we see Sandman is capable of transforming into a gust of sand and flying away. Why didn't he just do this down in the sewer when he started to notice Spider-Man releasing the big pipe of water?

Answer: There is no wind in the sewers. Sandman can't fly on his own, he travels on the wind.


Answer: He was frightened, not thinking straight, and didn't have time to properly react. There simply wasn't enough time for him to process what was happening and do what needed to be done.

Answer: Because he was soaked already.

Sam Montgomery

13th Nov 2017

Iron Man (2008)

Question: What are the Mark 1 armor plates made of? Would they really provide any protection against bullets? I mean they're just one or two millimeters thick.

Answer: The mark-1 appears to be made of repurposed military armor. This would provide enough protection from the AKs as the armor is layered, but not indefinitely.


Answer: It's made from a iron-copper-magnesium alloy. Magnesium alloys are lightweight like aluminum, but strong like titanium. His suit may be bullet resistant to small caliber rounds, but unlikely to stop larger caliber rounds from piercing it at its thickness, unless he layered the inside with something else. Most metal armor (like on tanks) work by deflecting bullets because of the slant of the armor, which Tony may have incorporated into his suit.


I doubt it would offer protection against black tip bullets since black tip bullets are armor piercing rounds.

Answer: Tony Stark mentions in the movie the armor is made of a titanium-gold alloy. Its a very strong alloy that can stop a bullet.


Titanium-gold alloy was first used on the Mark lll, not the Mark l.


True, I read it wrong. The mark I is the one build in the cave, with a box of scraps. So MasterOfAll is probably right.


Answer: Ultron is doing what he was programmed to do: produce peace on Earth. Strucker opposed that, so Ultron killed him once gaining information about Hydra's base in Sokovia.

Answer: To get the twins on his side.


3rd Nov 2017

Dredd (2012)

Question: Why doesn't Kay kill Anderson after he grabs her and takes the elevator up to Ma-Ma? Or at least, why doesn't Ma-Ma kill her when Kay comes in with her? They were intent on killing the Judges and didn't care about the consequences. So what was Ma-Ma hoping to accomplish having her as a hostage that she couldn't try to accomplish without one? At this point, she already had the 4 crooked Judges on their way.


Answer: Kay wanted to punish her for what she did to him earlier. Ma-Ma wanted leverage against Dredd should he get past her Judges.


2nd Nov 2017

Jurassic World (2015)

Question: Do they clone the great white sharks that are fed to the mosasaurus? Great whites are endangered, and it's difficult to see the park getting away with using an endangered species as fodder for an exhibit.

Jukka Nurmi

Answer: Most likely yes, the great whites are cloned, raised in captivity, and used as a food source. They can clone extinct animals, living ones may be a lot easier.


Answer: It was never explained how they obtained the monosaurus' food, but it was likely fed a variety of fish, reptiles, etc. Even if they cloned great whites, it would be extremely difficult, it not impossible, to raise and keep that many in captivity. Sharks need specific environmental conditions to survive, including the need to keep constantly moving, otherwise they will die. The amount and cost of all the food it would take to feed all the feeder sharks would probably be more than what the monosaurus eats. The fact that a great white shark is shown appears to be an inside nod to Steven Spielberg's earliest movie hit, "Jaws."


True but Colin Trevorrow mentioned how he was worried if it would come across as a jab to Steven's Jaws, which wasn't his intention at all.

Answer: It's possible they breed these animals or that they are indeed cloned much like the same way the dinosaurs are cloned. But perhaps, since this is a different reality, the great white might not be endangered anymore in this movie.


Answer: I'm pretty sure sharks are not the only things being fed to the dinosaur.

31st Oct 2017

Inside Out (2015)

Question: Why don't the other emotions let Sadness use the console to make Riley sad? Is this why Sadness thinks she isn't a needed emotion?

Answer: Joy was determined to keep Riley happy. To do so meant to keep the others away. But especially Sadness.


18th Oct 2017

The Book of Life (2014)

Question: Right before Manolo died, Maria's father and Joaquin blamed Manolo for Maria's supposed death. When Manolo comes back to the living, why aren't they still angry with him?

Answer: Well for one, she isn't dead. No reason to be upset with him over something that didn't actually occur. And secondly, they are on the middle of a fight, better to have all the help they can get.


4th Mar 2016

Beetlejuice (1988)

Question: When the Maitlands return to their home after it's been altered by the new owners, Juno tells the Maitlands that they should be thankful that they didn't die in Italy. What did she mean by that?


Answer: Italy is the center of the Roman Catholic Church, which includes exorcisms as a real-life ritual. Presumably, ghosts in Italy are at greater risk of encountering trouble in Italy because of this reason.

Answer: It's in reference / added on to her previous statement about being quiet/peaceful: Italy, presumably, has a louder, more raucous group of the living.

Answer: Italy, is a trendsetter. There would be constant art-deco changes that conflict with the Maitland's personal taste. In comparison, the Deets' are pretty tamed.


Chosen answer: When the Maitlands first meet their case worker, Juno, they tell her how miffed they are with the new family that has moved into their home. Juno glances around the peaceful house and remarks, "Things seem quiet here. You should thank God you didn't die in Italy." The case worker's name, "Juno," is a traditional Italian girl's name; and we see (when she smokes a cigarette) that Juno's throat has been slashed open from side to side, implying that she died a very violent and grisly death. Based on her personal experience (probably being murdered in Italy), Juno is commenting that the Maitlands could have died a far worse death under far more horrific circumstances, and that they really have little reason to complain.

Charles Austin Miller

I'm Italian: there's literally not a single female being, girl or woman, who has (had or have) this name in this country. Let alone being "traditional." "J" is not even in our original alphabet, go figure. I also think it's about us Italians being noisy and the place being quiet, that's all.

You may be Italian, but you're not informed. While the formal Italian alphabet (derived of Latin) does not have a "J" character, the letter "J' is used in modern Italian writing every day. "Juno," in your limited world, would be spelled "Diuno," who was a Roman goddess (queen of the heavens). As this pertains to Beetlejuice, she is a Roman goddess in charge of organizing.

Charles Austin Miller

Juno slashed her own throat. It says earlier in the movie that people who commit suicide become civil servants, which is what Juno is as their case worker. The beauty queen at the desk implies the same when she talks about what happens to people when they die. She says "if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have had my little accident" holding up her slit wrists, implying that she wouldn't have committed suicide if she knew she'd become a civil servant (as a desk girl).

It's never stated or established that Juno committed suicide.

Charles Austin Miller

I really think she was supposed to have had a tracheotomy due to her smoking.

Brian Katcher

9th Oct 2017

Scooby-Doo (2002)

Question: In the shot of Scooby and Shaggy in the Mystery Machine leaving the Wow-O-Toy Factory, where were they headed?

Answer: It's never mentioned where they went afterwards.


8th Oct 2017

The Ring (2002)

Question: If the tape was made when the teenagers tried recording a football game over the well (the main theory), then wouldn't that mean that the four teens are the first people to watch/die from it? If so, how does Becca know about the myth of this deadly tape virus and phone call before Katie dies?

Answer: The theory is wrong. The tape was already there.


Answer: It is strongly suggested that the four of them were the first ones to watch the tape. The well was directly beneath Cabin 12, so Samara's spirit took advantage of the blank tape they were using to record the game to burn images into it thus creating the curse. Becca said that somebody from Revere had told her about it, and the high school girls from the funeral told Rachel that Katie was dating somebody from Revere. Rumors fly especially among teenagers. Josh (Katie's boyfriend) told people from his High School about the creepy tape they had watched over the weekend and it quickly spread to the point that Becca and several other teens knew about it.

8th Oct 2017

22 Jump Street (2014)

Answer: Cameos usually go uncredited.


8th Oct 2017

22 Jump Street (2014)

Question: Why wouldn't Schmidt at some point retaliate against Captain Dickson for tasering him in the crotch?

Answer: The captain is quite intimidating. Why would Schmidt want to put himself into more trouble just for a prank?


8th Oct 2017

Family Guy (1999)

Answer: So he doesn't get vomit on them. It's a joke on how people with long hair would have someone hold their hair.


Answer: It's just a humorous riff on women who are about to vomit asking their companions to hold their hair.

Michael Albert

19th Sep 2017

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Question: Did Eric Stoltz dye his hair blonde for this film? His natural hair colour is red, but it looks lighter in this film.


Chosen answer: His hair is not blonde in this film. It is the lighting that makes it appear so.


Question: How come Kailey never actually cries? In every scene she never has tears but sounds like she does.

Answer: That would be a flaw with the actress.


Chosen answer: Kevin says "he use to hold me like that." Kinda obvious after that.


10th Sep 2017

Family Guy (1999)

Saving Private Brian - S5-E4

Question: This episode involves a couple of scenes with Marilyn Manson, who is actually being voiced by one of the show's writers. How are they legally allowed to portray a celebrity for this long - more than a quick joke/cutaway?

Answer: Parodies are protected speech. See Hustler Magazine v. Falwell.


7th Sep 2017

Daredevil (2015)

Show generally

Question: Are there any obvious nods to the previous 2003 film version? A friend said he thought he caught a few subtle nods to it, but I don't recall seeing any during the first two seasons.

Answer: There are none. Only nods to the comics.


Question: Tony says he was the one who called the FBI but then why would they aim their guns at Peter? Tony wouldn't tell them to shoot at his recruit.


Chosen answer: Tony wouldn't tell them anything about Peter because he didn't expect Peter to be there.


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