
9th Jun 2008

Good Burger (1997)

Corrected entry: Ed should not have been able to jump through the glass at Demented Hills. If we accept the fact that the "big scary guy" was the only one strong enough to throw them through bulletproof, shatterproof glass, then Ed should have just bounced off the glass.

Correction: Shatterproof glass can surprisingly be shattered depending on how old it is and how much wear and tear it has gone through, such as weather like high winds, extreme heat/cold, etc. Since we don't know what it's been through, we can't say that Ed would not have gone through it.


7th Jun 2008

Good Burger (1997)

Corrected entry: When Ed "hears" the dog, it tells him there are four clowns in a broken down car. When we see the clowns in the cut away gag, there are 5. It is possible that the extra came out of the car (like a clown car) but not likley. It is also unlikely that Ed mis"heard" the dog, since that would defeat the gag. Finally, if it were a deliberate gag to have a fifth clown, there would be more emphasis on it.

Correction: There are a couple variables here. The dog may have only seen four clowns, making his statment true. Or Ed may have mistranslated the dog, which still adds humour to the gag.


8th Jun 2003

The Pest (1997)

Corrected entry: In the scene when Pest and Himmel are in the boat, Himmel throws up on Pest's face. After Himmel says, "The seagles are coming to eat the vomit," the throw up stuff is completely gone.

Correction: No, it's still there, but most of it has been wiped off. There was plenty of time for that to happen when the camera shows the flock of seagulls.


Corrected entry: When Weapon XI hits Sabertooth with the optic blast, there is no damage whatsoever to his clothes and they remain intact when they shouldn't. Weapon XI optic blast is not a concussive force but instead is a direct result of Cyclops power that generate heat, as demostrated when Cyclops accidental "fires" his power at his school and at the guards on 3 Mile Island, there are molten edges around the blast areas which actually are shown dripping or still red hot. Additionally, when Weapon XI "fires" at Wolverine and Sabertooth, the skin around his eyes actually get burnt black due to the heat.

Correction: Scott has no control over his blasts without the visor he recieves later in life, so the molten edges are because his blasts are far more powerful. It has been shown in many adaptations and even the comics that it is only a concussive force, this is why there is no damage at all to Sabretooth's clothes. Weapon XI's eyes may turn black due to the fact that he is not fully capable to handle the blasts.


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