
Corrected entry: In the scene where the bad guys are in Paris trying to get to the Eiffel tower their car/van is eventually turned over & blows up. Despite Storm shadow and the Baroness climbing out alive, Storms suit is still pristine white as he climbs out and runs off.

Correction: Incorrect. Storm Shadow's suit is quite dirty from before the accident.


24th Feb 2003

Flatliners (1990)

Corrected entry: During the defibrillation scenes, the 'doctors' rub the paddles together before delivering the electrical shock. Yet there is no gel on the paddles, and no gel pads on the 'patient' either.

Correction: A character mistake. All of them are still students, and may have forgotten to add the gel in the high stressed situation.


22nd Aug 2004

3 Ninjas (1992)

Corrected entry: Not only does Emily, after being beckoned by Fester (pretending to be Rocky) find it perfectly fine to go out in the middle of the night, she also walks right into their house without knocking. And you wonder why she got captured so easily.

Correction: I don't see how this is a mistake. She was just woken up and may not have been thinking straight. She also has no need to knock since she was asked over.


Corrected entry: They call Duke Captain, but during the flashback scene of four years earlier, when Duke proposes, he's wearing the rank of Major on his dress blues.

Correction: It was mentioned that he was scouted for GI Joe 2 years prior to the events in the movie but there was an issue with a bar fight and that he had "issues". He may have been demoted.


Corrected entry: In the scene when Montana is talking to Milko about how his daughter is 14 years old and he has never met her, Milko says something like "That ain't right". Then Montana says "no it's not but it's that way for too many of us." However, when he says, "no it's not", his mouth doesn't move.

Correction: It is possible to say "no it's not" without moving your lips.


Corrected entry: When Harold and Kumar are in the cell and are going to receive their 'cock meat sandwich', there is light shining into the cell coming from the cell window, clearly indicating it's daytime outside. However, when Harold and Kumar get outside in an attempt to escape, it is night time.


Correction: Or, the light could be coming from one of the many lamp posts seen outside during their escape.


12th Aug 2009

The Warriors (1979)

Corrected entry: When Swan tells the Warriors that they have to go back home, Vermin says, "Coney Island must be fifty to a hundred miles from here." Not only is New York City not that big, but Vermin should know that it's only about 25 miles, since he took the train ride earlier that night.

Correction: He is exaggerating. This is not even a character mistake.


Correction: Vermin was not the brightest crayon in the box if you recall his briefing with the Lizzie gang girl. She told him the Warriors were pretty well known and that 'word gets around', which he daftly mistakes as a compliment instead of a hinted warning.

Corrected entry: When Jason impales the skinny-dipping girl against the tree, the camera shows his machete going straight through the tree and protruding out the other side a few inches. This is impossible, being as the tree seems to be about 3 feet wide. (00:05:05)

Correction: This segment is a dream and as such anything is possible.


28th Jul 2009

Leon (1994)

Corrected entry: When speaking with Tony, Stansfield refers to Leon as the "Italian hitman" yet his accent is French. How did Stansfield and his crew arrive at the assumption that a man with a French accent was Italian, and thus working for Tony?

Correction: They don't say "Italian hitman" they say the Italian's hitman.


I just watched that scene; he says "Italian hitman."

4th Feb 2005

Joe's Apartment (1996)

Corrected entry: Joe is mugged several times when he first reaches NYC and he loses different pieces of his luggage each time. Later, when he is moving into his apartment, he has all of his baggage with him.

Correction: None of the things he was carrying with him is seen again in his apartment. As for the stuff he does have, that was likely sent by his parents.


Corrected entry: For some reason, one of the Decepticons can suck up cars and enormous slabs of concrete but cannot suck up the two characters running away from it.

Correction: Same thing happens with tornadoes. A roof can be lifted off a house, but a bed within the same house would be undisturbed. It happens.


Corrected entry: After Sam, Mikaela, and Leo escape from Megatron and the Micro 'Doc Bot' they go to a deserted 'junkyard' with Skids, Mudflap, and Bumblebee. When nightfall hits, after Sam tells Bumblebee that he has to turn himself in, Bumblebee encourages him to stay the course and then turns into car mode. At that point when Sam is leaning on the hood and Bumblebee scooches forward and flashes his lights, you are able to see the obvious outline of a crew man in the driver side seat of Bumblebee, making Bumblebee move. (In the previous and following shots there is no holographic projection of a driver in Bumblebee.)


Correction: Submitted and corrected. A transformer can create the appearance a driver. as seen from the first film with Blackout, Starscream, and Barricade.


Corrected entry: When Scott is being sucked by the horde of vampires, Kate shoots him. This results in a big explosion. Scott may have had holy water in balloons strapped to his body, but the bullet fired off by Kate sure could not have triggered the explosion.

Correction: All the bullets had crosses filed onto the front, which causes them to explode.


12th Jul 2009

Burn Notice (2007)

Identity - S1-E2

Corrected entry: In the pilot episode Part 2, "Identity," Michael hijacks an old Chevrolet Camaro and drives it with the intent of crashing head-on into another car. After the head-on accident occurs, Michael gets out of the Camaro and walks to the other car and pushes on the airbag to deflate it and tie up the driver. Right after the accident the airbag should have already been deflated.

Correction: Though airbags do deflate after an accident. Some actully do not deflate immediatley and can stay inflated for up to 40 mins.


9th Feb 2006

Patch Adams (1998)

Corrected entry: When Carin Fisher is murdered, Robin Williams runs to the hospital to empty his locker. This doesn't make sense, he was already forbidden to do his clown stuff at this hospital, and he was already doing his clown stuff at his Gesundheit-ranch.

Correction: It was true he was forbidden to do his clowning. But as seen through out the film Patch was not one to follow the rules. He may have had these things left over, or as keepsakes.


9th Jun 2008

Good Burger (1997)

Corrected entry: When Ed tackles the old lady to stop her from eating the poison sauce, he tells Dexter that he tackled her. Dexter says, "All right, Ed!" even though he didn't know that the old lady was about to eat the poison sauce.

Correction: Dexter knows that the people in Good Burger are most likely there to have a burger with sauce. so he says "good job, Ed" based on the assumption that he did a good thing.


Correction: The ladies ordered extra sauce; mostly everyone likes the sauce, that's why Good Burger is still in business, and also why Ed thought the ladies were eating the poisoned sauce.

2nd Nov 2004

Good Burger (1997)

Correction: After Dexter calls everyone to try the sauce it cuts to the manager who gets up to see whats up. So we don't see the exact amount of time it takes.


10th Jul 2009

The New Guy (2002)

Corrected entry: When Gil leaves the party, the bike he came on was broken and his friends came to the rescue by tying it up with a rope attached to the car. This wouldn't work, the front tire would be pulled up into the air causing him to fly back.


Correction: He does fall back. But he grabs the handle bars to prevent himself from falling off.


Corrected entry: After Sam and Mikaela find the Matrix and exit the tomb when they hear the planes coming that are hauling Optimus Prime, there is a shot of Agent Simmons standing on the steps of the tomb, and behind him there is no hole in the wall where they broke through to find the actual Tomb of the Primes.

Correction: This is because where Simmons is standing you see the back of the temple. The hole is located on the left wall when they walk in, not at the back.


2nd Nov 2004

Good Burger (1997)

Correction: He starts wiping the sauce off as soon as he is hit, it cuts to Ed then back to Dexter. Enough time to wipe off the majority of the sauce.


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