Character mistake: The 911 operator told Margot, "He [intruder Griffin] sounds harmless to me" and Margot said, "Fine", ending the 911 call. The 911 operator should follow protocol for an intruder (especially since there was the possibility of a another intruder in the house), not make a subjective assessment of the situation based on the conversation between the resident and the intruder. (00:30:15)

Continuity mistake: At the pleasure island before Lampwick gets into the wheel of fortune, he has his glass full of beer, then it is empty, then full again.

Continuity mistake: Before taking Michael's mask, Corey calls Allyson and tells her to meet him at the diner at 9:00 pm. Later we see Allyson at the diner waiting for Corey, but when she checks her phone and sees Laurie is calling the time is 5:36 pm. (01:13:56 - 01:24:41)

Continuity mistake: In Riri Williams' dorm room, the number of braids hanging over her shoulder changes frequently while Riri and Shuri are talking.

Continuity mistake: When the moderator tells Lydia "I couldn't help but notice you flinch just a little bit", Lydia has her right hand placed firmly on an armrest. When the shot cuts, her right hand is away from the arm rest. (00:09:15)

Character mistake: After the math club students, in unison, cited pi to 3.141592, Percy continued with "65839" - but only the "65" are correct. He should have said "65358..." before being cut off (or "65359" if he was rounding up the last "89793238"). Even though the movie is classified as a comedy, Percy was showing off, but he was wrong. Charlie, Math Club Advisor, also committed a mistake because he stopped Percy by saying "Percy, we got it. Good" (as though Percy was correct). (00:04:29)

Factual error: Robert and Giselle have their belongings shipped to their new home at "18 Honey Bee Trail, Monroeville NY 10960." Monroeville is fictitious but the 10960 ZIP Code belongs to Nyack, New York. (00:00:04)

Continuity mistake: In the final battle, Lin Mi Sheng has her hair pinned up in a French twist. Her hair changes very frequently between shots and combat sequences. Sometimes it switches from a French twist to a slick chignon.

Factual error: A .22 shot would be 120-140 dB, muffled with a pillow down to 100-120 dB. Only one person heard the second shot? No one heard the third? Plus at the end there's no way a .22 could pass through a male chest cavity, and halfway into a female chest cavity - it's too low power.

Factual error: One of the warriors tells a trainee they move like a sloth, more than once. Sloths are only found in the "new world", not native to Africa.

Other mistake: When Jaeger is teaching Searcher how to throw. Through the scene Jaeger is handling Pando without gloves and Callisto is wearing fingerless gloves while also handling Pando. They should both have been shocked by the energy from the Pando. Jager is not immune, as he and Searcher are both shocked later by the Pando roots while using pickaxes to free the pando roots from the creature's heart later on in the movie.

Other mistake: The white horse looked very uncomfortable from what appeared to be an improperly placed bit (too far back and/or misaligned in its mouth). The handler should have noticed something was wrong and intervened. (00:20:30)

Other mistake: Birdy's father whipped/flogged the palm of her right hand 10 times with a rod (or stick) yet she was able to hold a pen and write in her book with no sign of injury, pain, or even discomfort later that night. (00:28:12 - 00:29:24)

Continuity mistake: RJ got into his van and drove parallel to the house, almost reaching the end (right side) of the house when he saw Pearl in front of him and stopped. When RJ got out of his van, it was parked near the beginning (left side) of the house that he had already driven past. Also, Pearl was standing in front of a fence, so it didn't make sense that RJ would be driving straight toward a dead-end. (00:57:07)

Character mistake: After Dimitri put Leena's wrist bands on for her (through the door slot), Leena said, "I want to do something nice for you; you can come in." Dimitri agreed, and Leena pulled up a chair to stand on (to be his height) and caress his face/ hair. When Leena bent in to kiss him, she banged his head against the wall several times, killing him. As a "Saarne Instituute" security member, Dimitri should know not to get sexually involved with or trust a patient, especially the most dangerous one. (00:10:29 - 00:11:29)

Character mistake: Laura is on the floor, screaming and exhibiting bizarre behaviour, so Dr. Rose Cotter goes to the wall phone to call for help. Instead of maintaining observation and continuing an evaluation of Laura, the psychiatrist faces the wall while making the call and even stares at the wall for a couple of seconds after hanging up. A patient's body language can/do help make a diagnosis, so the psychiatrist should keep her eyes on Laura. (00:11:20)

Other mistake: The crate, which had gaps between the boards, was buried about 8-10' deep, but it was free of dirt when it was being hoisted out of the hole. (01:14:25)

Plot hole: On Christmas morning, Karen went to the grocery store (open on Christmas!) where she donated $5,000 via credit card to the "Homeless Mother Shelter." Hours later, the $5,000 already showed up on Chris' laptop as deposited into the shelter's account. It takes days, not hours, for credit card transactions to be processed - especially if the transaction occurs on a holiday. (01:14:10 - 01:23:20)

Revealing mistake: The aerial view showed it was not raining during the "supercar race", but the ground views showed at least two cars getting sprinkled on (one enough to turn on the wipers). When the camera shifted to road-level, the cars and road were dry. (Suggests filming at different times). (00:31:15 - 00:31:48)

Continuity mistake: Ishmael shots Karim in the right side of the stomach, but the wound moves to the left side.