Orphan: First Kill

Character mistake: After Dimitri put Leena's wrist bands on for her (through the door slot), Leena said, "I want to do something nice for you; you can come in." Dimitri agreed, and Leena pulled up a chair to stand on (to be his height) and caress his face/ hair. When Leena bent in to kiss him, she banged his head against the wall several times, killing him. As a "Saarne Instituute" security member, Dimitri should know not to get sexually involved with or trust a patient, especially the most dangerous one. (00:10:29 - 00:11:29)


Continuity mistake: The position of Esther's bag on her bed changed, going from a few inches away from the foot of the bed to one corner of the bag almost touching the end of the bed. (00:29:30)


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