Character mistake: Nolan said, "Everybody knows that no sharks swim in freshwater" and Spencer said, "They don't come into freshwater", but there are freshwater sharks (e.g, river sharks) and bull sharks (not true freshwater sharks) can survive in saltwater or freshwater. Jacob Harper (National Aquarium) pointed out eyewitness accounts of sharks swimming up the Mississippi River and "bull sharks have kidneys that recycle salt" but did not mention the glands near their tails that help keep salt in their bodies. (00:08:08 - 00:29:50)

Continuity mistake: The clock on the wall behind Carl when he is pushing the wheelchair to Bess' room is at 11:58. After Carl puts Bess into the wheelchair and is pushing her down the hall, the clock is at 11:45 (or, possibly, 9:00). (00:14:08 - 00:15:40)

Continuity mistake: Smoke was no longer coming out of the wrecked car when The Thief had his back to it while he was shooting at a thug's feet, but it resumed when The Thief turned around to face the car. (00:05:20 - 00:05:43)

Character mistake: Captor put a bomb under Orlando's desk chair and told him to hack into the bank and transfer $2 million into an account. Orlando responded, "If I get caught, I'm facing 20 [years in prison]." Captor's death threats to Orlando and his family members plus the actual bomb under Orlando's chair are more than enough proof of duress or coercion - legal defenses to engaging in a crime. Orlando would not be facing any prison time or criminal penalties after a legal defense was successfully raised. (00:20:07 - 00:23:20)

Factual error: Josephine walks away from her father King Louie 14th, after he tells her she has to marry the young Duke Lintillac for his money. When you look at back of Josephine, you can see a zipper in her skirt. King Louie 14th was King from 1643 until his death in 1715. The first zipper was invented was in 1851. The zipper being used as we know it present day was invented in the early 1890s by Whitcomb L. Judson. (00:55:57)

Deliberate mistake: There isn't an accurately-positioned light source bright or close enough that can project striped lines - especially that wide - across Rockit's face while he is lying in bed. (00:07:00)

Continuity mistake: The sky (sun versus clouds and color - blue, white, or gray) changes frequently during the few minutes when Lara is leaving the site until she returns to retrieve her bag. Before she falls into the hole, the sun is shown near the horizon, about to set, but the sun is shining on her in the hole. A setting sun would not be able to emit rays into a distant hole. (00:05:34 - 00:10:15)

Revealing mistake: Luke points a flashlight along the side of the staircase, but no shadows are produced on the wall from the vertical posts. Luke points the flashlight in front of himself and produces his shadow on the wall behind (and the shadow doesn't look like the way he is holding the flashlight). After Luke goes through the entryway aiming his flashlight ahead, a circle of light is behind him. The power is out, so the flashlight is the only light source - except that used for filming in the dark. (01:03:00 - 01:05:25)

Continuity mistake: After Boris grabs Sammy's cheeks, he runs and raises his left arm. Depending on the angle, his arm is raised or lowered.

Continuity mistake: Francis pistol-whipped Leonard and - although there initially was no red mark - a red mark could be seen when Leonard attended to Richie's wound. Not long afterwards, the red mark was gone (but should have still been there). (00:21:35 - 00:35:06)

Factual error: Rose's legs were paralyzed, but when she was dragging herself on the floor, she occasionally used her feet to help propel her body forward (and moved her feet downward) - something she would not be able to do if her legs were paralyzed. (00:33:40)

Deliberate mistake: Elizabeth will not be able to save Mateo from falling backwards into the fire pit by grabbing his hand or pulling him back after his whole body is suspended over the edge. (01:13:47)

Continuity mistake: After Ross is shot, he lies on the pavement with his head to the left of the white line, but later his head is to the right of the white line. (His body would not be rotated 180° by police.) His head is on the white line in between this discrepancy. (00:06:38 - 00:09:30)

Other mistake: The GPS voice said, "Your destination is on your left", but Kath kept driving (slowly) on the dirt road and did not reach the cabin for over 30 seconds (longer than would be expected). A GPS system typically announces how many feet until you reach your destination, plus "You have reached your destination" after traveling that number of feet. (00:05:00 - 00:05:38)

Character mistake: We see the lead driving on the motorway to get to the cottage. She leaves at junction 6 for Princes Risborough. Which means she is on the M40 that goes to Birmingham. When she arrives the host asks about the drive down and mentions the M4. This is a different road entirely, that goes to Swansea.

Factual error: April arrives for her first day of work at "Shady Oaks Senior Living" and sees Max, the resident who passed away the night before, being wheeled out on a stretcher with his head uncovered. A deceased person's entire body would be covered by the sheet. (00:03:14)

Continuity mistake: While Ben is talking to Eloise, his glass of alcohol is about three-fourths full, but when he lifts the drink to his mouth, his glass is almost empty. (00:07:20)

Continuity mistake: Honor's laptop is on the bed, behind her back, with the screen lit. It automatically goes into timeout. Honor doesn't move from where she is sitting on the bed or turn around, but the screen is lit again (display is showing) without her waking it up. (00:51:35 - 00:53:26)

Continuity mistake: Parker is walking straight (legs/feet parallel) when he slips on the apple, but the still-frame photo that Adrian has on her laptop screen shows Parker's left foot at about a 45° angle. (00:04:40 - 00:10:20)

Continuity mistake: Dan and Allen were close together when they were talking on the dirt road. Based on how far Allen threw the blindfold toward Dan's feet, Dan's feet/boots should have been visible. The blindfold was close to Dan's feet in the wider shot. (00:15:13)