E.B.: Hey, wait. You're not surprised I'm a talking rabbit.
David Hasselhoff: Little man, my best friend is a talking car.
Steve: This is Germany, Father. They drive on the right. National dish: sausage.
Marcus Aquila: He's not a slave. And he knows more about honor and freedom than you'll ever know.
Conan: Run from me... and I will tear apart the mountains to find you! I will follow you to Hell.
Cecil Wilson: Well, this is obviously the panic room.
Rebecca Wilson: Why?
Cecil Wilson: 'Cause it's a room, and I'm panicking.
Gil: I'm having trouble because I'm a Hollywood hack who never gave real literature a shot.
Chloe Patterson: Mom says you see them.
Will Atenton: Yeah.
Chloe Patterson: Could you tell them how much I miss them?
Will Atenton: Yeah.
Sgt. Major: At fourteen forty six pacific standard time, twelve different locations across the globe were breached in what appears to have been a coordinated attack by an unknown enemy. This is a textbook military invasion. We are the last offensive force on the west coast. We cannot lose Los Angeles.
Billy Beane: You think losing is fun?
Margaret Thatcher: Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, because they become actions. Watch your actions, because they become habits. Watch your habits, because they become your character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. What we think, we become.
David Norris: All I have are the choices I make, and I choose her, come what may.