John Bunting: Do you like bein' fucked? Do you like bein' fucked? So why not do somethin' about it? 'Cause all I ever see you do is sook, mate. No? What didjah do about Jeffrey? Fuckin' nothin'. You see me and Robert mopin' about? Hmm? No you don't because you do that they fuck you forever. You don't want that, do you? When are you gonna grow some balls, mate?

Blake: What are all these sharks doing here?
Nick: I dunno. Maybe someone put them there.

Tina: But I got your back now Noah, because I found out you got some big ass balls, man.
Noah Griffith: Can't buy underwear, balls don't fit.

Ethan: The Hamptons are like a zombie movie directed by Ralph Lauren.

Sarah Miller: Open it so we can all die, 'cause I don't give a fuck anymore.

The Phantom: So it is to be war between us! If these demands are not met a disaster beyond all imagination will occur.

Matt Franklin: I'm... I'm just messed up, OK? I don't know what I want to do. And I'm sorry I'm such a fucking failure.
Bill Franklin: You haven't really failed, son, because you haven't really tried to succeed. So don't credit yourself as a failure. You're worse than that.
Matt Franklin: I just can't figure it out, Dad.
Bill Franklin: Don't cry like that in jail, son.

Sarrab: Poor Uday. Sometimes I think he wants to fuck himself to death.

Skyler: How'd you come up with that?
Sean: I don't know. Shark Week.