Micah: Basically, they're these malevolent evil spirits that only exist to cause pain and commit evil for their own amusement. It's pretty creepy. I mean, they stalk people for years, like decades, and sometimes they're really intelligent in the way they do things to freak you out.
The Psychic: You cannot run from this - it will follow you. It may lay dormant for years. Something may trigger it to become more active and it may over time reach out to communicate with you.
Katie: I feel it. I feel it breathing on me.
Answer: It's just a movie poster, not showing any part of a scene. Some movie posters may take different parts of the movie and combine them to make a more suspenseful image for the movie poster/teaser. There is a part in the movie with a shadow on the door, and there is a time where they are together on the bed in a similar position. Combine the two to make the poster interesting.