Jesse Aarons: That's what Leslie Burke says. She told me to keep my mind wide open.
Ms. Edmonds: Leslie Burke is right. Mind like yours wide open, you could create a whole new world.
Leslie Burke: ...I check my air. I don't have as much time as I need to see everything, but that is what makes it so special.
Bill Burke: She loved you, you know.
Bill Burke: The best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. That's what Teddy Roosevelt said, not me.
Leslie Burke: I seriously do not think God goes around damning people to hell. He's too busy running all this.
Gary Fulcher: Dead meat.
Mrs. Myers: Be forewarned. If you download any essay off the internet, you will be downloaded into detention.
May Belle Aarons: Alexandra! My daddy gave me Twinkies. And neither one squished 'cause I didn't put 'em next to my drink.
Jesse Aarons: May Belle. I'd shut up about those Twinkies if I were you.
May Belle Aarons: You're just mad 'cause I got some and you didn't.
Jesse Aarons: Whatever. Just don't come cryin' to me when you lose them.
May Belle Aarons: I'm gonna eat 'em, not lose 'em.
May Belle Aarons: Jess! I called you three times. It's your girlfriend.
Jesse Aarons: How come you're so good at that?
Leslie Burke: Good at what?
Jesse Aarons: Building stuff. I mean, you're really good at it for a girl.
Leslie Burke: Same way I'm fast... for a girl.
Jesse Aarons: You know what I mean.
Leslie Burke: You're pretty good at art, for a boy.
Jesse Aarons: Okay, okay, truce.
Leslie Burke: You are who you are - not your parents.
Jesse Aarons: Next time, we should invite Leslie to go. She'd like that.
Leslie Burke: Write, "Dear Janice..."
Jesse Aarons: You do it.
Leslie Burke: No way. Boys' handwriting sucks. No offense. It's gotta be you.
Jack Aarons: She brought you something special when she came here, didn't she? That's what you hold onto. That's how you keep her alive.
Leslie Burke: We rule Terabithia, and nothing crushes us.
Answer: It is the first song over the credits, the second is "A Place for us".