Himuro Kei: The sun during midday will light up the dark night. Night dreams of day. Light dreams of darkness. But the ignorant sun will chase away the darkness... and burn the shadows, eventually burning itself! The shade of the tree with the flowers that bloom at night is where the residents of darkness rest. The people of daytime are not allowed.
Brooke Taylor: Grant Taylor, I just want you to know that you've made a team.
Grant Taylor: What team?
Brooke Taylor: The daddy team.
Peter Evans: I am the drone.
Agnes White: I am the mother queen.
Dusty: Why do they call it PMS? Because Mad Cow was already taken.
[Finds Barbie at a yard sale.]
Borat: Is this the owner of the house? Did you shrink her? Please Gypsy lady don't shrink me, I just want your tears.
Allison Jimeno: How am I supposed to tell Bianca that her father is dead?
Open Mic Host: We've got one spot left. You guys got any new material?
JB: What we got's gonna turn your brain into shit.
Bill Robinson: We're all getting funerals - all three of us.
Helen Robinson: Bill, get your own funeral. Timmy and I are going zombie.
Nacho: I was wondering if you would like to join me in my quarters this night... for some toast.
Louis XVI: Ooooh! Your feet are like icicles.