Isabelle Sorenson: You can kiss my self esteem butt, Donald Duck. Why tell your life story, and tell only the good parts?
Donald Morton: It's Donald Morton.
Isabelle Sorenson: You're missing my point.
Donald Morton: No I'm not! I just - never know what to say.
Charlie Arglist: It's Christmas, Dennis. It's God's birthday.
Santiago Munez: The only one who can tell me I'm not good enough is you. And even then I may not agree with you.
Tea Cake: Oh, Janie, you're the kind o' woman that'll make a man forget to grow old.
Kham: Where the hell is my elephant?
The Penguin: Agh! Dead guys don't do that.
Dracula: Not dead... UN-dead.
The Penguin: I think I need to UN-wet my pants.
Edward R. Murrow: Funny thing, Freddie, every time you light a cigarette for me, I know you're lying.
Evelyn Ryan: Do you know that U.S. Army research has shown a relationship between intelligence and willingness to eat unfamiliar foods?
Marienne Hotchkiss: Dance is a very powerful drug Mr. Keane. If embraced judiciously, it can exorcise demons, access deep seated emotions and color your life in joyous shades of brilliant magenta that you never knew existed. But, one must shoulder its challenges with intrepid countenance if one is ever to reap its rewards.
Frank Beardsley: Don't worry, you'll soon be doing this in your sleep.
Dylan North: I am asleep.
Rob Brydon: The thing is, I can't act.
Steve Coogan: I know that.
Rob Brydon: ...with Gillian Anderson. I have a sexual thing for Gillian Anderson.