The Kid: So, as just a guy who gave another guy a sandwich, you have, like, any philosophical tips or anything, for a guy on a-kind of - road trip?
Don Johnston: You asking me?
The Kid: Yeah.
Don Johnston: Well, the past is gone, I know that. The future, isn't here yet, whatever it's going to be. So, all there is, is, is this. The present. That's it.
The Kid: Are you a Buddhist?
Don Johnston: Couldn't you have rented me, like a Porsche or some car that I might really drive? I'm a stalker in a Taurus.
Sherry: I'm like your mistress, except you're not even married.
The Kid: Are you gangster?
Don Johnston: No. I wish.
Don Johnston: Wanna get a drink?
Carmen: No, I don't drink.
Don Johnston: Later, get something to eat?
Carmen: I don't... eat.