Corrected entry: Kiriyama uses both grenades in the clinic. However, he does not have both grenades, since one fell out of his bag (hard to see behind the caption) as he was walking along the beach, moments after obtaining them.

Corrected entry: Before the huntsman kills the gypsies he shoots one of his arrows into the tree with a note on it. But later he says that once the arrows are shot they will not stop till they hit a heart.
Correction: Since it is a magic crossbow, it's not unlikely that the Huntsman could have some kind of control over the arrows.

Corrected entry: When William and Lester are talking in the coffee shop, William is taking notes and writes "Dont make friends w/rock stars. Righteously DUMB. Industry of COOL". Lester never mentioned anything about anyone being "righteously dumb". The internet suggests a couple of lines have been cut; "'Cause they are trying to buy respectability for a form that is gloriously And righteously dumb. Now, you're smart enough to know that. And the day it ceases to be dumb is the day that it ceases to be real, right?" (00:16:10)
Correction: Despite the editors' choice to cut dialogue from the scene, William could legitimately have written a series of notes before the audience is let into the scene. The scene begins with Lester and William already well into their conversation in the diner - reinforced by the fact that Lester's plate of food is mostly gone.

Corrected entry: When Tai calls Joe, he says, "He's the only kid I know who volunteers for summer school," indicating that it's Summer. But there's a calender on the wall that says March.
Correction: He could have been refering to previous summers, or it's possible that he volunteered for summer school really early in the year, showing eagerness.

Corrected entry: When the couch falls down the stairs, it hits Cynthia on the right side of her face, however in the library when you see her next, the bruise is on her left side.
Correction: You're right but she was sitting on a flight of stairs next to a wall when the couch came down the stairs. It likely hit her and smashed her face against the wall, thus the bruise being on the other side.

Corrected entry: Whenever the clone Meowth talks, if you listen hard enough it's possible to tell that it isn't saying its name or variants on it. Instead, it says 'nyaa' and 'nyaarth' - the Japanese name for Meowth. Apparently they decided that it sounded enough like it was supposed to to make it not worth getting a voice-actor for the Meowth clone. Interestingly enough, I believe the Meowth clone in Mewtwo Strikes Back /did/ say its American dub name.
Correction: Actually, EVERY wild Meowth has kept its Japanese voice, including the TV series and the first movie. 4Kids probably figured that the wild Meowth's "Nya" was close enough to "Meow" or that the sound was closer to sounding like a real animal (such as Gyarados). The only Meowth that have been dubbed over are Team Rocket's Meowth (before it learns to talk) and the Meowth in Boots that appears in the Hoenn League Championship (apparently so that the dubbers could add in references and jokes to Brokeback Mountain).

Corrected entry: The spinning habitation module is far too small and is spinning too slowly to produce any sort of force to simulate gravity. e.g. If you assume that the module has a radius of 5m, and is spinning at 0.2 revs/sec, then an astronaut would be subject to an acceleration of 0.2 m/s squared, or 0.02g.
Correction: Good estimations, but incorrect result. "5m radius" and "0.2 rev/sec" are very reasonable estimations. The formula for centrifugal force is "F = V^2 / r", so F = (circumference * 0.2/sec) ^ 2 / 5m = [(2*5m)*pi * 0.2/sec] ^ 2 / 5m = [(2*pi * m/s) ^ 2] / 5m = (4*pi^2/5) m/s^2 ~ 7.9 m/s^2 That's 7.9. Earth gravity is 9.8, so that's pretty close to Earth gravity: *** 0.8g in fact.

Corrected entry: When Chief Rash and Ellie are in the diner talking, Ellie pulls some nail polish out of her bag and shakes it up and the shot changes to Rona, then back to Ellie and the nail polish colour has changed from dark purple to light.
Correction: We see the bottle of nail polish Ellie uses in five shots, and it never changes.

Corrected entry: After Bruce Willis has made his son put the gun down, he picks it up. His left hand very clearly reaches out and grabs it, but in the next shot he's got it in his right hand. (00:59:53)
Correction: I watched this part and I'm not sure where you get that it changed hands. He picked the gun up with his right hand, emptied the bullets into his left hand, put them in his pocket, and then placed the gun on the stove with his left hand, keeping it on the gun until the scene ended.

Corrected entry: After Craig's father goes to the bathroom at Kay's Grill he's talking to the people sitting around the bathroom and you can see Deebo and his cousin at the phone booth in the background having the same conversation they had when they first arrived at the phone booth during the previous scene. (00:23:46)
Correction: Actually they were still talking before they called Kay's Grill, they were supposed to still be there so they could make the phone call.
Correction: You mean Deebo's little brother.

Corrected entry: In the many scenes where Marion, Harry and Tyrone are injecting drugs, the pupils dilating is a mistake. The drug used in the movie is heroin, which constricts the pupils.
Correction: The three main characters in this movie do a variety of drugs. Although no specific drugs are even mentioned once in the script of Requiem for a Dream, it is strongly inferred that the characters are doing amphetamine, coke, and heroin at the same time Methamphetamine makes pupils expand wildly. This is why we see the pupils dilate.
This correction is wrong. It is strongly inferred that the drug they are using is heroin. It even says "heroin addicted son" in the Netflix description the movie. They are not taking a cocktail of drugs, they are mentioning "pure stuff" several times in the movie. Cocktails of drugs are not sold prepackaged like that. It's seen that there is only the one drug, and what effect it has on them. They don't get up and jump around. It relaxes them, and that is an understatement. It is a mistake. As for the strong inference that they are doing amphetamines, coke and heroin at the same time, whoever wrote the correction didn't understand the scene. Mom is doing amphetamines, the girl is snorting heroin and the son and his friend are injecting heroin. Their pupils shouldn't dilate, they should contract.
I agree that Harry and Tyrone are using and dealing heroin, not amphetamines. When they are shown using the drug they bought with the money from Sara's TV, Tyrone actually says "This is some boss skag baby, I mean dy-no-mite!" Skag is slang for heroin.

Corrected entry: The milk cartons they drink at football camp are the same milk cartons that I buy at school. I doubt that back in 1971 milk cartons had cartoons about the food groupies(yes, groupies) and health facts that weren't known back then, let alone web addresses on the bottom.
Correction: How would you know if they have health facts or web addresses on them? Could it be possible that the milk cartons are the same shape and size of the ones at your school and just have writing on them?

Corrected entry: There is a scene where Robo-Reptar has the snail's eye in its butt. In the next few shots, it's gone.
Correction: There is plenty of time off camera for the eye to fall out and roll away.

Corrected entry: There is a scene in a movie when Russian techs dressed into chemical protection suits are fueling the missiles. The problem is that Russian missiles that are shown in the movie use liquid fuel that is highly corrosive (that is one of the reasons the techs are wearing protection suits). So, according to the Soviet Army regulations, missiles are fueled only on one occasion - if they are to be launched as soon as the fueling is done. But there are no nuclear attacks in the movie, though there had to be some, as those missiles can't be stored in a fueled state. As for the real life, according to the Soviet officers who were on Cuba during the real Missile Crisis, no orders concerning preemptive nuclear strike against US were given and the missiles were never fueled.
Correction: In the movie, it is never made clear that these missiles were actually being fueled, even though fueling hoses were attached to the missiles. It would be quite common to have fueling drills, with the crew in full gear, even though no fuel would actually be passed into the missiles.

Corrected entry: In the Third Quarter 1988-89 scene where Quincy asks his father to leave his life, there is a poster of the Dream Team on the back of the door. The Dream Team was assembled for the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona Spain. Three years after the scene allegedly takes place.
Correction: The poster was out at that time, as I had one myself. The Dream team was a concept before the 92 Olympics, plus the members on the poster were not all members of the Olympic team in 1992.

Corrected entry: When Carrie Anne Moss is talking to the Earth Base Station, she says there was a proton burst from a flare, however, she also said that it was a gamma burst. Gamma Radiation is uncharged, unlike proton radiation, alpha radiation, which is positively charged.
Correction: Carrie Anne Moss actually says that they "experienced a massive proton field upset sequel to a solar flare." While electromagnetic radiation does not in itself have the property of NET electric charge, that does not mean it cannot interact with charged particles. The 'electro' component of this radiation does have an alternating electric charge that is perfectly capable of moving charged particles around. Take microwave ovens for instance: if microwave radiation did not interact with the dipole in water molecules, it would be incapable of generating heat, i.e. it would not function.

Corrected entry: The song "All of Your Toys" is said in this film to have been released on the "Headquarters" album. It was recorded during the "Headquarters" session, but due to a copyright dispute, was dropped from the album before its release.
Correction: Nowhere is it implied that "All of Your Toys" made it onto the "Headquarters" LP. Many songs were recorded, with some featured in the show that were never initially released, or were re-recorded for release later. Most have since seen release as bonus tracks or on rarities collections.

Corrected entry: You can't really apply a lot of real logic to a 'Flintstones' movie, but they must at least adhere to their own logic set-up through the story line: When Fred is taking his 'driver's test' to be a bronto-crane operator, he takes the test on a mechanical, fully-functional simulation of a real living bronto-crane. This makes no sense, for the only reason they use animals for the mechanical devices in their 'world' is because they haven't yet reached an industrial stage in their evolution and don't have the knowledge or skill to build complicated mechanical devices. Yet, they somehow have built a giant mechanical bronto-crane, which is an improvement and advancement over the living version.
Correction: Mechanical bronto-cranes are likely to be very expensive to build and maintain, therefore it would make sense to use live bronto-cranes.

Corrected entry: When Tripp, Crabtree, and Antonia arrive at the Gaskells' home Sara comes down the hallway with an almost empty wine glass. While they are talking she holds the glass in the right hand. Then her dog comes to attack Tripp, and when she grabs him at the collar the glass is suddenly in her left hand, and has changed to an almost full champagne glass. (00:08:20)
Correction: I have watched this scene dozens of time. In each instance, first when she starts to fall and prof. Tripp catches her, she is holding a martini glass, clear liquid, large olive in glass. When she asks Crabtree to take the dog and also hands him her drink it is the same martini as all other instances.

Corrected entry: When the children first go to school, the teacher says "welcome to 7th grade." Later, he asks them a question and Trevor McKinney says "because we're eleven." Children entering 7th grade in the United States would be at least 12 (a child must be at least five years old in September to enter kindergarten that year, 6 to enter 1st grade, etc.). There may be some exceptions - a child who skipped a grade could be 11 though it's more likely to find a child held back a year at 13 - but since he said "we're," it could be assumed that most of the children are the same age, i.e. 12 going on 13.
Correction: Actually, it isn't uncommon at all for a child to be 11 when first entering seventh grade, and without skipping a grade. For example, my birthday is in October, so I was eleven at the beginning of my seventh grade school year. Many kids are the same. Also, someone is most likely to refer to themselves, even when saying "we're" and he was eleven at that point, so it would be a character mistake if anything, not a movie mistake.
Correction: The grenade didn't fall out of the bag - I just watched the scene in a slo-mo about 10 times. The sound that you hear is Kiriyama stepping in a puddle.
Grigory the Wanderer