Corrected entry: In the beginning of the scene in which Sean Connery leaves his apartment to attend a basketball game he is wearing a heavy coat. Later in the same scene he is wearing a leather jacket.

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the war the town is attacked by US aircraft. The siren goes off unrealistically late, when the planes are already over the town and the first bombs detonate. (00:53:20)
Correction: When it comes to airstrike siren warnings, if the air bombings are fairly frequent in one area, the sirens usually go off only if there is certainty that the aircrafts are actually moving towards the region the warning is given. Of course then it might be too late, but it's better than giving a warning every time the airplanes are seen, since the people get used to them and start to ignore them, which can be deadlier than giving a "late warning". To put it bluntly, no, it isn't unrealistic. It is actually more realistic than you would suppose.

Corrected entry: Duncan says that Connor disappeared "ten years ago to the day." That would make it 1990. But in the television series which this movie follows, Connor and Duncan fight together in the series premiere. That was in 1992.
Correction: There was no indication that the movie took place in the year 2000. And besides, the producers keep changing the timeline for Highlander.

Corrected entry: When Chris Rock takes the photo of Renée Z. out of Morgan Freeman's hand, he rips it up into 3 pieces and drops them on the ground. Morgan Freeman only picks up 2 pieces and puts the photo back together.

Corrected entry: When Diana got her black eye, first it was her left eye then later it changed to her right eye.
Correction: No it is always on her left eye, the time that we see it on her right is when we see her reflection when she is boxing in front of the mirror.

Corrected entry: When Jimmy tries to kill Chopper, Chopper spits out blood and then tries to wipe his face (smearing blood around his mouth). Not only does no blood come out when he spits, but the blood he smears on his face comes from his thumb, not out of his mouth (00:14:50)
Correction: Read had the amazing good fortune not to have his heart, lungs, liver or stomach punctured during the attack - that's why he survived. There wouldn't, therefore, be any blood in his windpipe or mouth, and so he spits out saliva. The bloodsmear on his face is, as you note, from his thumb. It got there when he held his hand against the first stab wound.

Corrected entry: The flag in Joan Allen's office has 48 stars (Scene when she interupts her meeting to speak with Christian Slater).
Correction: The flag in question is framed on the wall, which indicates that it is a historical collectible. The flag on the pole behind her desk, her official flag, has 50 stars and is thus, correct.

Corrected entry: The scene where the heroes are in pursuit in the forest is weird. The elf who does the tracking decides they are to take a shortcut to get ahead of Damodar en route. Next thing we see is Damodar in a castle. It doesn't make sense.

Corrected entry: After the scene where Billy has a pillow fight with a little girl and leaves the room to be driven home by Julie Walters neither he nor the girl have any feathers on them in spite of being covered with them when in the bedroom.
Correction: After the pillow fight Miss (Julie Walters) calls up that it's time for Billy to leave. At this point he is covered in feathers. The next scene shows Billy and Miss (and not the daughter)in the car already at the place where she drops him off. She most likely made him brush the feathers off before getting into her car.

Corrected entry: In one of the first scenes, when all the Klumps are going to dinner, Sherman says, Klump, party of SIX. But lets count. There's Sherman, Mom, Dad, Grandma, that fat little kid, that bald guy with the mustache, Grandma's old boyfriend, and Janet Jackson, that's EIGHT. For a University Professor, he's not very good at counting.
Correction: Grandma and her old boyfriend arrive late.
You will also notice that it's Sherman's mother that says "Klump, party of six", not Sherman.

Corrected entry: During the shabbat meal Anne Bancroft's glass contains a clear liquid. When the film cuts back a couple of seconds later it is full of red wine.
Correction: It's not uncommon to have both water and wine at dinner, it could have been possible for her to change glasses.

Corrected entry: Thai is a tonal language, which means that each syllable must be stressed in a specific way in order for the word to make sense. In the scene where Richard demonstrates his knowledge of Thai, several people repeat the same sentence, but each person stresses it differently. Only one person actually gets it right.
Correction: In the scene where everyone repeats the same sentence, they aren't speaking Thai, they are speaking Serbo-Croatian. It is true that not everyone pronounces it right but Richard says it most accurately.
It's either Serbian or Croatian, Serbo-Croatian is not a language.
Https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbo-Croatian Yes it is.
It's Serbian, not Serbo-Croatian.
Correction: It doesn't matter at all Croatian or Serbian, the language is almost identical and this sentence is pronounced equally in both languages.

Corrected entry: When James Marsden goes outside onto the roof, near the end of the film, he's wet before he even goes out.
Correction: He has just returned to the apartment and was therefore outside getting wet only a few minutes before going on the roof.

Corrected entry: When Donnie first confronts Annie at her house, he's not wearing a hat. In the middle of the scene, when he turns to face her, he's suddenly wearing a baseball cap.
Correction: When Annie looks through the window, Donnie lifts his arm up to his head, presumably to take off his hat. It is not a suprise that a Southerner would take off his hat before entering someone's home. The camera was not on him for several seconds before the hat reappeared on his head and he left. This would have left him plenty of time to put on his hat, normal behavior for someone leaving.

Corrected entry: Mr. Irons, the very rich man who once owned the Witchblade and is obsess with it, never ages. We see him when Ian Nottingham is a boy and when Ian is a grown man and Mr. Irons still looks the same.
Correction: Mr. Irons isn't supposed to age. Since he was bonded to the Witchblade he still has a connection to it. All of the Wielders - Sara included, don't age, so neither does he.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Jennifer is going to break up with Ryan for Amy, Ryan is walking up stairs inside (like in an apartement) into a hallway. But in the rest of the scenes where they're at the entrance of Jennifer and Amy's dorm, the front door is outside, like a house.
Correction: The second door is to the apartment complex not to Amy's individual apartment

Corrected entry: Funny how Kim comes back with coffee and beer when she only bought beer...
Correction: She brought Jeff coffee only because he asked her to bring coffee when she was unpacking the beer.

Corrected entry: When the hero defeats the sunglass-wearing henchwoman and dumps her in the river, he steals her sunglasses and tries them on. But when the villain finds the henchwoman's body in the river, the sunglasses are back on her.
Correction: The thug with the sunglasses is a guy not a girl. Also, Prisoner KSC2303 takes the sunglasses but when the girl gives him a disapproving look he sighs and puts them back. There is no continuity error here.

Corrected entry: After David's wife passes on, in the next scene it shows him getting Chinese food at home. He picks up the dog food dish to give his dog some rice. When the dog does not follow him, he yells at him to come and there on the floor is the dog dish. Then its magically back in his hand again.
Correction: There are two dog dishes which are both the same style. Evidently one is the water dish and the other the food dish. You can see the water dish the whole time on the floor by the door while David has the food dish in his hand.

Corrected entry: When Jack Campbell purchases rock salt (for $4.99), the female customer ahead of him has a bottle of Diet Coke on the counter. The angel calls out '99 cents darling' and she hands over a one-dollar bill. The angel then not only says 'out of ten' but promptly hands the female customer $ 9.01 in change. (01:38:39)
Correction: There isn't a mistake but it isn't a gift. It's a test to see if she would speak up and say that she only gave him a dollar and that he gave her too much change. That's why he says " Character. You see that? And for what, a lousy nine bucks?"
Correction: if you look closely, you can see the black leather jacket underneath. When they return to his apartment, he is no longer wearing the yellow coat, only the leather jacket, but if you watch very closely, you will see that the yellow coat he had been wearing is draped over his arm.