Corrected entry: Piper asks Mahree if she wants to see Freaky Friday, despite the story taking place in 1977. This means the 1976 film Freaky Friday would've been in theaters for a year.

Corrected entry: When the Grinch and Cindy Lou are coming down the mountain on the sleigh, and nearly crash into Lou and the Christmas tree, when Cindy's mum goes to get her off the sleigh, you can hear Cindy say "Mommy", but her lips don't move.
Correction: Her lips do move.

Corrected entry: Kirsten Dunst refers to Alex wearing makeup several times, even though he is not wearing any at all, the marks on his face are the results of burns.
Correction: She thinks it's make-up because the way it is around his eyes looks similar to make up.

Corrected entry: In the scene when Nicky and Valerie are flying they encounter the blind man. The blind man says something about them and somehow Nicky and Valerie hear him resulting in Nicky making the fire hydrant burst making the blind man fly through the window close to him. Nicky and Valerie were pretty high up so how could they have heard the blind man when the blind man wasn't yelling?
Correction: Nicky is the Spawn of Satan he is able to do those things.

Corrected entry: When Jody and the other girl are in the police station after her first attack, Jody's friend tells her that Cindy is holding a meeting at lunch. But the clock behind her say 2:30 which would be near the end of the last period.
Correction: The clock is wrong. It happens.

Corrected entry: Before Erin gets her $2m cheque she takes an address from someone on the phone. We hear the pen scratching over the paper, but when the camera angle changes she has no pen in her hand. (01:58:35)
Correction: There is actually no pen scratching. Erin is not writing the information down; she's memorizing it just like she did all along. Remember when Kurt Potter's assistant Theresa tells Erin that she doesn't have phone numbers/addresses for some of her plaintiffs? Erin rattles them off from memory.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the film, in the scene where they return to the Indians' celebration, the Indian woman addresses Roy as Owen, the name of the actor who plays Roy in the film.
Correction: She does actually say "Roy", but she has a strong Indian accent, and can't speak English perfectly.

Corrected entry: The film is supposed to take place in New York City, but there are trains that say "Canada" on them. The film was shot in Canada.
Correction: The stickers on the trains could be advertising something for Canada for example tourism etc.

Corrected entry: About the middle, when Nick walks in to Darcy's office, she thinks and speaks at the same time, which confuses Nick as it comes to him in a jumble. He asks for clarification, which she does, but for both. She then repeats both, first her speech, then her thoughts. Why is she thinking the same thing twice? This seems to be in here only because the filmmakers wanted to clarify what Dracy said and thought so that the audience could follow.
Correction: This was obviously done on purpose, so this isn't a mistake.

Corrected entry: The movie starts with a service, covering all the habits of the village people and stressing their conformity. Why then does the lady wake up her husband, who sits sleeping through a song while everyone else is standing, only when the song is over? (00:02:35)
Correction: Just because people are expected to conform, does not mean that they always do so. She is prodding him to wake him up before the mayor notices.

Corrected entry: In the last scene, when Orlock is going to suck Gretta's blood, the actress screams that she can't see his reflection in the mirror. In the 1922 film, however, his reflection is quite visible.
Correction: This movie is not an accurate historical piece. It uses facets of the 1922 filming of Nosferatu as a basis for a fictional "what if" story in which the actor Max Schreck (who plays Orlok) is an ACTUAL vampire. In order to convey this in the story his reflection does not appear in the mirror thus making Gretta scream. In the 1922 film Max Schreck was, however, a real person who did not drink the blood of his co-stars and had a visible reflection.

Corrected entry: The helicopter para-rescuer crew member that went missing was called Sgt. "Jonesy" Jones in the movie. In real life, the para-rescuer that was missing and never found was named Sgt Millard Jones.
Correction: The real-life name of the missing jumper is Rick Smith, as stated in the novel. The film changes the names of every real person, save for the crew of the Andrea Gail and their families.

Corrected entry: Orlando Jones is supposed to be lightning fast with no hands. He would have been made a cornerback if he couldn't catch the ball.
Correction: Underdog football movies like this one always have a receiver who is fast, but can't catch (see Necessary Roughness and Little Giants). Coach McGinty explains to his offensive coach that Clifford Franklin (Orlando Jones) can't catch and tells him, "That's what I have you for," meaning the coach will need to teach Franklin to catch.

Corrected entry: Dora is running through Grand Central Station to catch the 11:50 train. The clock on top of the booth in the middle of the station shows that it is 10:00. Yet she still misses the train.
Correction: The clock says 11.50.

Corrected entry: When the migration is taking place, Aladar is speaking with one of the lemurs who are riding on its back. Where are the other three lemurs? The four lemurs where on its back a few shots before, but now there's only one. The next shot, however, show the other three lemurs again on its back, appearing from nowhere.
Correction: They don't appear from 'nowhere'. If you watch closely, throughout the whole middle part of the movie, they are constantly jumping on and off of his back.

Corrected entry: When Gwen and Jasper drive up to the church for the wedding, Gwen gets out on the left side of the car when she was really on the right.
Correction: It is two different cabs. The first, is a yellow cab in Manhattan, that drives them to the train, where she says, "Thank God for bar cars." The second green cab took them from the train to the church.

Corrected entry: When Octavio runs the red light and crashes the car, it is an older model than the one he was driving just before.
Correction: I am Mexican and - by the way - a personal friend to director Alejandro Gonzáles Iñarritu, and I of all people can tell you that - for budget reasons - the crash scene was only filmed once, as they had only one model of each car, so it is not likely that an older model had appeared.

Corrected entry: Russell Crowe is wearing a plaster on his eye. In one scene it's on his left eye and a few scenes later it's on his right eye.
Correction: When the plaster in on the wrong side, what we're seeing is his reflection in the window overlooking the city.

Corrected entry: When Natalie is about to save Bosley she gets a call on her mobile, before answering she shouts out "Pete!" only when we later see him on the phone he is calling from a payphone, so how would she know it was him? (01:09:45)
Correction: She could just be hoping. As she didn't get his number, an unknown number on her phone could make her think that it was Pete, especially as he had promised to call her.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Maggie meets Ryan by their lockers in the hallway at school, Maggie addresses Ryan by his real life name: Shane.
Correction: Maggie doesn't say the name "Shane", she says "champ". I have seen the scene over and over I am pretty sure she doesn't say "Shane"
Correction: What is the mistake? There are lots of theaters that don't run first run movies, and show them for a discounted ticket price. And there have been these types of theaters since the 70s. If the movie took place in 1975 and the movie they want to see wasn't produced till '76, there's a problem, but not the other way around.