Corrected entry: There is a scene in the film where the little Chinese girl beats the crap out of everyone in some kind of bar. She beats one of the guys up and he falls out of the balcony and breaks it. Then, a few minutes later, it shows a view of the bar from the outside and the balcony is completely intact.

Corrected entry: During the cup final at Maine Road, the first half of the match is played in broad daylight, and the second half at night.
Correction: This entry is not entirely correct because I was there in that scene and what happened was we moved around. It was light in one place and then it was really dark, but it wasnt day and night, just day.

Corrected entry: When Vincent and Justin run away from the store after having stolen some stuff, Barry is first out the door chasing them, followed by Rob who stops to pick up the skateboard they drop behind. In the next shot, just outside the door and before they've even reached the corner, Rob is ahead and Barry's a good bit behind. (00:50:35)
Correction: Rob could have been running faster than Barry, considering Barry was overweight.

Corrected entry: In every single underwater scene the water is perfectly clear. Still, the underwater camera in the dummy's eye can't get anything but a blurry image.
Correction: The water isn't clear. They are just using a good camera. But of course the dummy wouldnt have a great camera because the people might not want to use a high tech camera.

Corrected entry: When the electricity goes off, Allie's mom is still talking on the cordless phone. Cordless phones are electric, so if the electricity went off, she couldn't still be talking, the phone would go off.
Correction: Cordless phones run on battery. Their chargers run on electricity, but the phones themselves do not. As long as the battery on the phone was charged, the phone itself would not go off with the electricity.

Corrected entry: When Vic asks Gracie why New Jersey is called the "Garden State" and Gracie gives her answer, she then says that it is fixed to where she will make it into the Top Five. But then later when Vic is about to leave because the FBI is leaving, Gracie says after the Top 10 she is on her own. (00:58:15 - 01:17:55)
Correction: That is because the FBI was leaving, Grace was no longer required to be in the final 5 (since the job was over), so if she wanted to continue, she would be on her own (no help to advance in the contest and no FBI backup).

Corrected entry: In the shot that had the camera peering down into the bag of cash, you can clearly see that the money is motion-picture-use money--it says so on the money. This is a particularly confusing faux pas because it is supposed to be real money, but if you see that it's motion-picture-use money, that changes the plot.
Correction: Exactly. One: the production was running out of money, so to overcome their problem, they use fake money to bribe the guy. Two: the 'good' guy is bribed to drop the charges, but they trick him by using fake money.

Corrected entry: When Hamlet's father first visits him he is holding a jacket and wearing one. When he leaves he is no longer holding it.
Correction: The Ghost put his coat down when he was inside.

Corrected entry: In the scene when they are climbing the bridge there is a zoomed out shot. You can see 5 people climbing in the same area, when there should only be 4. I think the extra one is between the two girl and the two guys. Then the shot is zoomed in and there are 4 again.
Correction: The 5th person is probably a guide, do you really think they could go up there all alone with no professional?

Corrected entry: On the second day of the tournament, at the first tee, there are gale force winds. A mere three holes later, the weather is calm and beautiful. (01:22:25)
Correction: Since 3 holes can take upwards of 45 minutes it is perfectly reasonable to assume that the weather may have changed.

Corrected entry: When the Douglas couple is driving home, they're talking about boredom. When they arrive, she drives away again. Something silly happens here: first she drives backwards and turns around the corner that way, in the very next shot that follows you see her driving forward and she makes the same corner again. (01:15:30)
Correction: Though this does LOOK like a mistake, it's actually not. It takes place about halfway through the movie, and up to that point, and beyond, that type of jumpy, double-view editing had been used throughout the film. It's true that it's a rather bizarre use of it, but it's not a mistake.

Corrected entry: While Entei is fighting Pikachu, he uses a number of fire attacks, yet the ice (which is completely surrounding him) doesn't melt at all. (01:06:10)
Correction: Actually, I don't think it was ice. It was a crystal formation created by the Unown so it wouldn't have melted when hit with a Fire-type attack. Another explanation would be that if it was ice, Molly didn't want it to melt because it was part of her dream world and the Unown made her dreams a reality.

Corrected entry: In the beginning of this film, Gene Hackman's character calls his bird "Tango". A moment later, it's the dog who's called "Tango".
Correction: Gene Hackman was making up the story about the dog called "Tango", so it's likely he used the name of his bird.

Corrected entry: When Kevin and Perry go into the newsagents to buy a porn magazine, they hand it to the person behind the counter who hands it back to them without a bag around it, but as they walk down the street after it is it a brown paper bag which then gets ripped after they bump into Kevin's dad.
Correction: Look carefully, as Kevin swipes it away from the person behind the counter so quickly, it only looks as if it is on its own, but pause it, as there IS a bag around it.
Correction: If you look closely you can see that the intact balcony/fence is being painted - so we can assume some time has passed between the scenes and it has been fixed.