Corrected entry: In the bar scene, we see Rourke at the bar. He is wearing his medal of heroism, but when he goes over to speak to Gwen (Charlize Theron), the medal is gone.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, it is revealed that Big Baby Sweets is actually Officer Harry Cox. However, this would be impossible since Cox was walking around in the police station when Sugar Bear was interrogating Big Baby Sweets. For that matter, Sugar Bear told Officer Cox he was going to raid Big Baby's house. If Cox was really Big Baby, he should have been expecting Sugar Bear.
Correction: That is the joke, it's supposed to be ridiculous. The whole movie is supposed to be ridiculous. This doesn't even qualify as a deliberate mistake.

Corrected entry: Lexi tells Novellee that Forney had to get stitches because he jumped through the window, but when Novellee goes over to thank Forney a few days later, Forney doesn't have any stitches, cuts or anything. (00:30:00 - 00:40:15)
Correction: They don't indicate where he was hurt. They show him jumping sideways through the window with his arms up. When she sees him later, he is wearing long sleeves.

Corrected entry: When Carl lifts the dead girl out of the bleach bath, she moves her legs to the side to make it easier for him. (00:12:40)
Correction: You don't see the bleached girl's legs. Her face and shoulders are all that is visible.

Corrected entry: Travolta sends Pepper and crew to mine gold. He gives them all the equipment for mining including a working spacecraft. In essence, he is setting a "Batman Trap" by providing them the means of escape. The group waits for Travolta to depart and almost immediately leaves to train and gather weapons. For some reason Travolta doesn't notice that they are flying around the country or doesn't care.
Correction: You just answered your own submission. The Psychlos don't care that humans are running around the country. Humans are nothing more than trained animals to them. In their arrogance, they don't think humans possess enough intelligence to formulate a rebellion.

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie, when Norman and Claire were in the car and then in the water his face was all covered in blood and cuts. The blood was still dripping as they were being lowered into the water, when it would have dried some. Plus, when you see him in the water, he has no cuts on his face.
Correction: The cut could have opened up and begun bleeding again in all the chaos, and the water could have washed the blood away as it rose over their heads. Plus, the lighting in that final scene is very dim. The cuts could still be there, just not immediately visible.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Cale wakes up from his nightmare and looks out to see the Drifter colony. When it shows the complete shot of the Drifter colony if you look in the bottom right corner you can see the Death Star from Star Wars.
Correction: This is definitely intentional. I guess it is a tribute to the Star Wars trilogy, so it is more like a trivia than a mistake.

Corrected entry: Where does Ace go after Joker electrocutes him? Batman jumps the Joker, and Ace just disappears until Batman carries Tim out of the building. In that time period you don't even see the pup in the background.
Correction: The scene is mainly focused on Batman and the Joker (Tim). Ace is definitely around, but not shown. He'd probably gaining his strenght/resting.

Corrected entry: Clint Eastwood orders everyone to bail out, since his landing is likely to be a spectacular crash. Donald Sutherland blows the hatch and obligingly throws out the two disabled astronauts, though he and Garner stick with Clint through the hairy landing. In all the excitement, Clint forgets to tell NASA that two unconscious guys are now descending into the ocean by parachute, and must be rescued before they drown.
Correction: Mission Control was already aware of a number of other details; it's not inconceivable that the crew could have let them know at some point off-camera.

Corrected entry: In Detective Kimball's questioning Bateman, Bateman mentions that he has a lunch with Cliff Huxtable in 20 minutes. Cliff Huxtable was the name of Bill Cosby's character on "The Bill Cosby Show," a popular series on at the time of the story. Furthermore, Kimball mentions that a Hugh Ainsworth spotted Paul Allen in London. Hugh Ainsworth is a popular crime author.
Correction: Detective Donald Kimball actually mentioned a "Hubert Ainsworth," and it wasn't Hubert who spotted Paul Allen, but rather a Stephen Hughes mistook Hubert Ainsworth for Paul Allen.

Corrected entry: There are over 300 bulletholes in the embassy building. Wouldn't it be possible to determine by simple technical research (angle of bulletholes) whether bullets were fired from the crowd below?
Correction: At the intial debriefing of the character played by Bruce Greenwood, the man debriefing him explains that FBI investigation shows that all the bullet holes in the embassy wall came from directly across the way from the snipers.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Jodie, Maureen and Eva are chasing Emily down the steps they each call out 'Emily,' but someone says Emily an extra time but none of the girls' mouths move.
Correction: Jody's mouth is shown saying the E and then her face is blocked by Eva. Jody said it.

Corrected entry: While on the cargo plane, Dracula's casket is airtight and can't be pried open, yet when ghostly fog starts to seep out from under the lid, you can see the the lid is propped open with wood on the inside, letting the fog escape.
Correction: They never said the casket was airtight, they just could not get it open, and since Dracula was able to get some blood, that could explain the fog.

Corrected entry: When both of them go to the baseball game together, Ben's character sits down on her left side. When it cuts back he is sitting on the right.
Correction: The second shot happens much later in the game. They could have switched seats at any time.

Corrected entry: Dt. Thorne finds a child's finger in a candle at the Jay Cho crime scene and shortly after solves the box that, unknown to him, sends him into Hell; almost at the end he discovers that the other fingers he has found throughout the story are those of himself as a child. He shouldn't have found a finger until after he first played with the puzzle box because he was still in reality at the Jay Cho scene.
Correction: Even though he was still in reality, the finger in the candle could be from a different child, until Thorn opened the box, where in his reality/his hell, the finger is his, but in real life the finger was from another child.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Ariel is calling for Melody (after the florist has just dropped a flower), she turns to Carlotta but Carlotta has already been stood there about 3 seconds before Ariel wants to talk to her. It was as if Carlotta knew she was going to talk to her even though she would have no way of knowing.
Correction: Ariel's lived in the palace now for 12 years, so Carlotta has gotten to know her better. So Carlotta would probably know when something was wrong with Ariel.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie when the MC's are announcing the wining squads they say that the five finalist teams are presented at the end today, yet on the floor there are only four teams, the Toros, the Clovers, the Cavilers, and another team, but no fifth team.
Correction: There are two teams between the Toros and the East Compton team, the uniforms are different colors. It's hard to see, because they stand so closely together.

Corrected entry: In the last shot inside Magneto's plastic prison, when Xavier says, "And I will always be there," the guard's visible shirt pocket has a metal button.
Correction: There is no way to say with certainty that the button is metal, so it must be assumed that it is plastic.

Corrected entry: It's still some degree of daylight in the exterior shot of Rayford's plane. Inside the plane, several passengers have their window guards up, and it's pitch black outside. Outside one window you can even see the blinking red light (anyone who has sat near the wing on a red-eye flight can relate). But when Rayford decides to turn the plane around, the exterior shot still shows some daylight.
Correction: This is possible depending on which side of the plane the passengers are on and the plane's altitude. If the plane is at an average of 35-40.000 feet, if the sun is setting or rising, it's possible to have darkness on one side of the plane, as it is still in shadow, but the sky already lightening.

Corrected entry: Whenever the adult Russ and little Russ are eating, adult Russ is left-handed and little Russ is right-handed.
Correction: Russ may be ambidextrous. Some ambidextrous people, like myself, eat with a different hand when they're younger then when they get older switch what hand they eat with. When I was 8 I used to eat with my right hand, now being 14 I eat with my left.
Correction: Rourke is never actually wearing his medal in the bar scene. He's looking at it while holding it in his hand, contemplating whether or not he actually deserves it. When Carl and Gwen enter the bar his hand drops out of frame, probably putting the medal in his pocket.