Corrected entry: In the first segment of the movie, Kari is about two or three years old. And yet she has an almost perfect vocabulary.
Corrected entry: During the battle between Greymon and Kabuterimon and Infermon, each Digimon Digivolves several times, but there is no electrical surge.
Correction: In the first segment, when the Botamon digivolved several times, there was an electrical surge. But because Greymon, Kabuterimon, and Infermon were all in a computer, there was no reason for a electrical surge.
Corrected entry: When Tai calls Joe, he says, "He's the only kid I know who volunteers for summer school," indicating that it's Summer. But there's a calender on the wall that says March.
Corrected entry: MAJOR plot hole. Willis clearly has one of the orginial digivices - which means he can't use digiarmor to make Terriormom digivolve with the Golden Armor. And yet he does. If this COULD happen, then the entire second season would have been completely and utterly pointless.
Correction: Will did not use the digivice since he had the armor right there. But also the new digivices only hold onto the eggs.
Correction: The movie is set 4 years before the first adventure, where Kari was 8 or 9. So she's 4 or 5 and not 2 or 3, which is a big difference.