
Corrected entry: Samuel Jackson as a child in the apartment, right arm is in a sling. When he leaves the apartment to retrieve the package on the park bench, the sling is now on his left arm. The child uses his right hand, with no sling, to open the package.

Correction: It's always his left arm in the sling. When we first see him in the scene in question, he is reflected through a TV screen.


Corrected entry: Right before the train crashes Bruce Willis takes his wedding ring off and when he comes to in the hospital he is wearing it again.

Correction: Before the train crashes, right after the woman turns him down, he puts the ring back on.

Corrected entry: Scene where Elijah's mother has left comic books on a bench in the park. When he's indoor he has a cast on a broken arm, but, when outside, the cast is on the other arm.

Correction: He's just looking in a mirror.

Correction: In the beginning of the scene, we are looking at a reflection in the television screen, which is turned off. When we see the reflection, his right arm appears to be in the sling (which is the arm to the viewer's left), but this is his actually his left arm. When he's outside, the sling is on his left arm still.


Correction: It's not a mirror image. The sling is definitely on his right arm because you can see from the way he is facing. Then on his left arm on the bench.

Correction: The boy's arm is definitely his right that is injured when he is inside. When outside it is his left. Look again.

Correction: He has a sling but it appears that he doesn't have a cast.

Corrected entry: After Bruce Willis has made his son put the gun down, he picks it up. His left hand very clearly reaches out and grabs it, but in the next shot he's got it in his right hand. (00:59:53)

Correction: I watched this part and I'm not sure where you get that it changed hands. He picked the gun up with his right hand, emptied the bullets into his left hand, put them in his pocket, and then placed the gun on the stove with his left hand, keeping it on the gun until the scene ended.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, after Willis realizes Jackson is actually a terrorist/psychopath, he looks around the room frantically and the audio sounds like he's gasping and breathing from his mouth, but his mouth is not open.

Correction: It's very easy to breathe hard and making gasping sounds without opening your mouth.


Especially through the nose.

Corrected entry: When Willis lifts the 350 lbs. of weight while working out, the bar doesn't bend whatsoever. (00:49:15)

Correction: Bars made for working out can easily handle that kind of weight without bending, otherwise they wouldn't be much use.

Corrected entry: During the scene while Bruce Willis is looking at the old newspaper articles in the closet he does not close the door behind him, yet later in the scene his wife knocks on the closed door.

Correction: True, David does not close the closet door, but Audrey actually knocks on the closed bedroom door; David leaves the closet and opens the outer bedroom door.

Corrected entry: If Bruce Willis character had not even had a scratch in the train accident, how come he passed out and only woke up in the hospital, many hour after the accident, not remembering what happened? If he passed out, it is because he probably hit his head or something, and that would have left a bruise or something. If nothing really happened to him, he shouldn't have passed out.

Correction: Not remembering is indicative of mental trauma, not physical. And him passing out is essentially the same as fainting from fright, shock, etc.

Corrected entry: When Bruce looks at his old newspaper clipping of his icy car accident, it shows the car on its roof. The door of the car is closed. Later in the movie, when they show the flashback of the accident, Bruce crawls to the car and pries the door open. As he carries his 'soon to be wife' away from the accident, he never closes the car door.

Correction: Actually the door is open in the newspaper clipping; it's not very clear, but as the camera zooms in on the clipping, you can see the open edge of the door slightly obscuring the tire beyond it.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson first meet at the stadium the man Bruce Willis suspects of carrying a weapon is wearing a camouflage coat. In the following scene where Samuel L. Jackson follows the suspect, he is again wearing a camouflage coat, but there are suddenly much brighter colours on it. (00:36:55)

Correction: Actually, when we see the man in the camo jacket the first time, he is in the shade, as he is standing in line underneath the overhang on the stadium. The next time we see him, when Elijah spots him, he is in broad daylight, and the jacket thus appears brighter. Also, it goes back to looking dull again when Elijah sees him jump the subway turnstile, as he is now again where the sun is no longer shining on him.


Corrected entry: If David Dunn is unbreakable only in his bones (see corrections), then it would be impossible for him to survive the train crash without even one scratch on his skin.

Correction: It has been mentioned that his skin is also resistant, yet not unbreakable. It is also possible for him to not have been cut anywhere, and only bruised/hit.

That would be impossible as Dr. Duban tells David that he doesn't have a single scratch on him, Elijah states that he overheard on the news about a sole survivor that is completely unharmed and, when David has a flashback to the night of the car accident when him and Audrey were teenagers, it shows Audrey heavily bruised but David coming out completely unscathed.

Character mistake: In the final scene, one of the newspaper clippings on the killer's office wall reads something like, "Huge Mudslide in Mexico: All Killed Expect Newborn." The penultimate word should be "except." (01:35:55)

More mistakes in Unbreakable

Elijah Price: Now that we know who you are, I know who I am. I'm not a mistake. In the comics, you know how you can tell who the arch-villain is going to be? He's the exact opposite of the hero. And sometimes they're friends, just like you and me. I should have known way back when. You know why, David? Because of the kids. They called me Mr. Glass.

More quotes from Unbreakable

Trivia: The first and last name of Bruce Willis' character, David Dunn, begins with the same sound, like other comic book heroes such as Peter Parker, Clark Kent, Matt Murdock, and Bruce Banner.

More trivia for Unbreakable

Question: I was watching this film on TV the other night, and was expecting to see the train crash at the start, so I was surprised when I didn't. Has this been cut from the TV version?

Answer: No, the crash never actually happened on-screen.


More questions & answers from Unbreakable

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