Dr. Sarah Taylor: You just don't give up, do you?
Cliff Raddison: I'm Sisyphus with a hard-on.
Junior Healy: I'm getting out.
Ben Healy: You can't just get out of a moving vehicle.
Junior Healy: Well anything's better than listening to this lecture.
Det. Rocco Klein: Errol. I thought you were dead.
Errol Barnes: I was. I came back.
Lenny Nero: Look... everyone needs to take a walk to the dark end of the street sometimes, it's what we are.
Lieutenant Max Hoover: See, that's federal property. This isn't. This is L.A. This is my town. Out here you're a trespasser. Out here I can pick you up, burn your house, fuck your wife, and kill your dog. And the only thing that'll protect you is if I can't find you. And I already found you.
Calvin Fuller: Look, Your Majesty, I don't want to insult you or anything, but are you nuts? This isn't the castle. This is the real, in-your-face, carjacking, drive-by-shooting, kill-you-for-your-Reeboks street life.
Robert Merivel: I have done the one thing forbidden by the king. I have fallen in love with my wife.
Lucille: I'm not shooting for a "successful" relationship at this point, I'm just looking for something that will prevent me from throwing myself in front of a bus. I'm keeping my expectations very very low.
Rumbo: Hey. Hey! What's going on?
Young Fluke: I guess I was dreaming.
Rumbo: You were what?
Young Fluke: Uh, dreaming. I was seeing pictures inside my head.
Rumbo: Pictures ain't got no business being inside your head. Next time you just growl and chase 'em away.
Young Fluke: Rumbo, have you always been a dog?
Rumbo: What you talkin' about? What else could I have been?
Young Fluke: I don't know. A human.
Rumbo: A two-legger? Me?
Dr. Wynn: I'd like you to come back to Smith's Grove.
Doctor Sam Loomis: Dr. Wynn, you know it is not wise to play Halloween pranks.
George: Billy, Billy, Billy they're... they're calling for backup.
Billy: Wait, wait wait. What the fuck did you just call me? Did you just use my fucking name?
George: When?
Billy: Am I gonna go crazy here or he just fucking used my name?
Cafe Manager: He just fucking used you're name.
Billy: You just used my fuckin' name! You idiot! You fuckin' mo... Wait, wait did I call you an idiot? I'm sorry... george! I'm sorry.
Gilbert Sipes: Go play your banjo, Goober.
Miguel Bain: Honey? I'm going to tear your heart out.