Lieutenant Max Hoover: See, that's federal property. This isn't. This is L.A. This is my town. Out here you're a trespasser. Out here I can pick you up, burn your house, fuck your wife, and kill your dog. And the only thing that'll protect you is if I can't find you. And I already found you.
General Timms: A hundred die so that a thousand may live.
Eddie Hall: I don't understand how anybody can live at the beach. Those waves crashing and flopping all the time - drive me crazy.
Arthur Relyea: I'm with you, Eddie. I like the sound of traffic when I'm sleeping.
Jimmy Fields: I find it very peaceful. Most people do. I guess cops are just different.
Hoover: How come you got a hot dog in your mouth while you're threading the projector? Why do you eat while you're working? Why do you eat all the time?
Coolidge: It's all psychological, Max. I eat so I don't think about food.
Hoover: Oh... So you eat so you don't think about food.
Coolidge: Yeah.
Hoover: I don't want to butt into your business, but this psychiatrist, the guy you're going to, I think he's in worse shape than you are.
Coolidge: Max, I'm shot.
Hoover: Oh my God. Oh, no. Oh, no.
Coolidge: My psychiatrist is not gonna like this, Max.
Hoover: Here's something that doesn't cost you 25 bucks an hour: You carry your own water, Ellery. You understand? You carry your OWN water.
Hoover: Why do you eat while you're working? Why do you eat all the time?
Coolidge: It's all psychological, Max. I eat so I don't think about food.
Hoover: We go where the case takes us.
Fitzgerald: Not if it takes you here you don't.