Alice Baxter: Maybe now would be a good time to go over what you expect of me.
Tess McGill: I expect you to call me Tess. I don't expect you to fetch me coffee unless you're getting some for yourself. And the rest we'll just make up as we go along.

Danny McGavin: Is 21st street on our list?
Bob Hodges: Nah. Poor fuckers are professional victims. Get their ass kicked constantly. Kind of a mixed gang. You got Diamond street there, the ville, and the projects on the west so they gotta fight their way in and fight their way out.
Danny McGavin: They're fucked, huh?

Det. Samuel 'George' Francisco: You humans are very curious to us. You invite us to live among you in an atmosphere of equality that we've never known before. You give us ownership of our own lives for the first time and you ask no more of us than you do of yourselves. I hope you understand how special your world is, how unique a people you humans are. Which is why it is all the more painful and confusing to us that so few of you seem capable of living up to the ideals you set for yourselves.

Sarah Tobias: What the hell are you talking about? You saw me at the hospital, what you think I asked for that? Is that what you think? If that's what you think then you get the fuck out of my house.

Sadie Ratliff: You're in America now. Speak American.

Tereza: I was forced to love my mother, but not this dog. You know, Tomas... maybe... maybe, I love her more than I love you. Not more. I mean in a better way. I'm not jealous of her. I don't want her to be different. I don't ask her for anything.

Col. James Braddock: Walk or crawl, we're gonna make it.

Barry: Tell me something I-I'm curious. How do you dial a phone with a straitjacket on?

Mac: Are we limp and hard to manage?

Ducky: The tree is talking.
Littlefoot: No it isn't.
Ducky: You should not eat talking trees. Nope, nope nope.

Officer Curtis Mooney: Police station, Mooney here...What? Oh, they took your wife away in a balloon? Well you don't need the police pal, you need a psychiatrist!

Vincent: Women love men who are mysterious and devious, keeps them on their toes, it excites them. You know what I mean?
Julius: No.
Vincent: You do like women?
Julius: Oh, very much so. They're strange and sensitive. They have compassion. I have the highest respect for women.
Vincent: You're a virgin!
Julius: That's private.
Vincent: A 230-pound virgin.