Hercule Poirot: People like to talk, and in doing so they tell the truth. It puts less of a strain on the memory.

Art Ridzik: Oh, great. We got a pro basketball team coming toward us - with guns.

Janet Cruise: It's ruined. It's totally ruined.
Eric Cruise: It wasn't me, mom! It was a little creature! I saw it.
Janet Cruise: The house is totally destroyed.
Eric Cruise: What do you want me to say?
Janet Cruise: I don't want you to say anything.

Kalgan: It was cruel fate to be born in space, but I have vowed we will not die here. It is my destiny to set my feet upon a real world to accumulate wealth and power beyond our wildest dreams. I have offered the people of the Southern Sun a rich, new life, and now they have no alternative but to accept my generosity and alter course for Corona Borealis.

Wyatt Earp: It's all true, give or take a lie or two.

Martin Thiel: I love the rain... it washes everything away... makes it clean.

Stevie: And when she turned it on it shot that metal thing right up into her face, shot it up just like a gun. Isn't that bad? It shot it up right through her eyeball.

Harry Callahan: She's right. Oh you can set yourself into a bonfire, we'll break out the marshmallows and the weenies, but you ain't gonna be on "News at Eleven."

Garfield: I learned to think on my feet in my fourth life. Thinking was all right, I guess, but now I avoid it whenever possible.

Brian Flagg: In the meantime, we're your prisoners?
Dr. Meddows: Not at all, you're my patients.

Peter Loew: I'm a vampire! I'm a vampire! I'm a vampire.