Elizabeth Farmer: I'm convinced that our marriage has been one of mutual betrayals. I know it! you know it! Even Yellow Dog knows it.
Andy Farmer: I know it and you know it. Yellow Dog doesn't even know what town he's in.

Jack Sayer: You're huntin' it, ain't ya? Yeah, you're huntin' it, all right. Just like me.
Dr. Loomis: What are you hunting, Mr. Sayer?
Jack Sayer: Apocalypse, End of the World, Armageddon. It's always got a face and a name. I've been huntin' the bastard for 30 years, give or take. Come close a time or two. Too damn close! You can't kill damnation, Mister. It don't die like a man dies.
Dr. Loomis: I know that, Mr. Sayer.

Tracy: When we get out of here, Joel's going to be carrying his balls home in a knapsack.
Chris: Remind me never to piss you off, Tracy.

Vance: We do not want to end up with a low potassium level.
Pee-wee: Duh, Vance! You'd think I never went to agricultural junior college.

The Tall Man: You think that when you die, you go to Heaven. You come to us.

Wyatt Earp: How come you told Cheryl where I'm staying?
Tom Mix: Because she asked. And I figured if she asked you, you'd tell her.

Janis Zuckerman: I'm looking for a guy named Louie, fuzzy hair, crooked teeth, bug eyes. Has he been around lately?
Girl Punk: Suck shit through a tube.

Sinclair: Man, if we get outta this thing, I want you to come to the States. I'll show you some stuff that you'll never believe.
Vodovsky: No way, my friend. I'm told in the States they shoot Communists in the streets.
Sinclair: Hell, man. In Detroit, my hometown, they shoot everybody in the streets.

Garfield: In my first life, I formulated many of my likes and dislikes. I disliked my rock bed. On the other hand, you wouldn't believe the size of the pterodon drumsticks.

Angela: Too bad they haven't figured out a way to make french fries nutritious. I'm a nut when it comes to french fries.

Lt. Nikolai: You lied to me General.
General Vortek: I sent you on a mission... to help an oppresed people.
Lt. Nikolai: But you didn't tell me who the oppressors were, did you?
General Vortek: Nikolai... you were, SPETZNATS.
Lt. Nikolai: I AM SPETZNAS... but I'm no longer one of you.

Babcock: I've got a gun.
Charlie Harrison: I've got a fishing rod. Lets go camping.

Donald Blake: You are David Banner, aren't you? If you're not, I'll just apologize profusely and get out of here. I just couldn't let you zap yourself with that thing until I was sure.
Doctor David Banner: Who are you?
Donald Blake: You had a beard the last time I knew you. Harvard, ten years ago? You were the guest genius at the time, the resident Merlin and me, I was... I was in trouble a lot.
Doctor David Banner: Blake? Donald Blake?
Donald Blake: The one and only.

Lorna: You are certifiable! What is this? Some sort of smart-ass joke? You're taking cooking?
Michael: I want to learn how to cook.
Lorna: Yeah, right. You have some burning desire to learn how to make apple brown betty.
Michael: What are you doing here if you think so highly of it?
Lorna: Well, they wouldn't let me take auto mechanics, and I didn't have time to take the issue to the Supreme Court.

Ruysdael: I wanted him to be happy. I didn't know his intention.
Eric Visser: Revenge on society. Innocent people had to be slaughtered.
Ruysdael: I can't believe it. He is sick and so is society.