Officer Curtis Mooney: Police station, Mooney here...What? Oh, they took your wife away in a balloon? Well you don't need the police pal, you need a psychiatrist!
Officer Dave Hansen: One Baker Five. Curt, do you read me? Over.
Officer Curtis Mooney: This is Mooney speaking. I was a little worried about you. Thought the big bad clowns got ahold of you. Over.
Officer Dave Hansen: Mooney, I want you to listen to me and don't say anything. I want you to call the state police and get help. There are clowns and they are killing people. Over.
Officer Curtis Mooney: OK, let me get this straight. You say there are clowns and you've seen them. OK Dave, that's it. Screw you and your college flunkies. I've had enough of this from you and from everyone else. I know what you guys are trying to do: break me down, drive me out of the force. Well it's going to take a hell of a lot more than a lame prank like this to get Curtis Mooney to throw in his badge. So fuck you! Over.
Mik Tobacco: It was a spaceship. And there were these things, these, uh, killer clowns and they shot popcorn at us! We barely got away!
[Mooney whistles].
Officer Curtis Mooney: Killer clowns from outer space? Holy shit!
Debbie Stone: Popcorn! Why popcorn?!
Mike Tobacco: Because they're clowns, that's why!
Farmer Gene Green: What in the blue blazes is the circus doing here in these parts?
Farmer Gene Green: Where's the dang ticket booth?
Farmer Gene Green: Where's my dog! Where's my Pooh Bear.
Security Guard: What're ya gonna do with those pies, boys?
Curtis Mooney: I made it through Korea I can make it through this bullshit.
Farmer Gene Green: I don't know Pooh, you know there's something kinda peculiar around here.
Biker: Whatta ya gonna do? Knock my block off?
Answer: I checked the Internet and read up on the Killer Klowns production and there is no mention of Michael J. Fox being in the movie. I do not know who the actor in the scene is, and while it's possible that it was Fox, it does not really resemble him, in my opinion.
raywest ★