Communication Problems (a.k.a. Theft) - S2-E1
Question: What's the name of the piece of music played when Basil turns up the radio after Mrs Richards says it (the radio) doesn't work?

Question: Assuming that Moonbase Alpha is on the side facing the Earth (which is seen on the horizon over the base in the pilot episode "Breakaway"), making travel to it and back easier, and the nuclear waste on the far side, away from Earth, wouldn't the explosion propel the moon towards the Earth, thereby dooming Alpha to certain destruction?
Answer: Not necessarily - The gravitational fields of Earth and the Sun could have deflected the moon away from the solar system.

Hit and Run - S2-E5
Question: Towards the end of this episode the squad car has to double park so Regan can use a phone box, as Regan gets out of the car a van has to drive round the squad car and the driver sounds the horn, Regan gesticulates and shouts "up yours" at the van driver. I wonder if this was scripted or was a random moment and John Thaw was ad-libbing?
Answer: Scripted.

The Amarillo Connection - S6-E2
Question: Why is there a confederate flag hanging in the Connors and Davenport office lobby when the show is set in Indianapolis?
Chosen answer: The firm had landed the "Texas Tiller" account and had decorated the office to make the people from Texas feel "at home". They felt that in addition to the Texas state flag and horns on the wall that a confederate flag was in order too (since Texas did join the Confederacy).
Answer: It's "Leisure Complex" by Dave Gold and Gordon Rees. Can be found on YouTube. The relevant clip is around 25 seconds in.