Replacements - S1-E4
Question: When Bull is hiding in the barn after being hit by shrapnel, he takes something from the end of his rifle and bites a big chunk off it and starts chewing. What is this?
Chosen answer: It's chewing tobacco.

Question: At the end of the last ever episode, when Claire is taking the family photo, Nate whispers in her ear 'You can't take a picture unless it's already gone.' What does he mean by that?
Answer: Nate actually say "You can't take a picture of this, it's already gone." It's kinda hard to explain, but he's referring to the fact that the moment Claire wants to take a picture of is over already, and she can't take a photo of it, just a different, lesser moment.

Doppelganger - S1-E5
Question: When discussing the bomb plot, there's something odd with the audio. When Sloane's talking, at two points he says "UCO", but it's obviously been dubbed over - the shot's from behind but the tone is different. Arguably just post-production looping, but because the pitch is so noticeably different I'm assuming they mentioned some organisation they couldn't refer to, so changed it. Can't be the UN, as they mention that earlier in the scene. Anyone know why that was changed? (00:35:05)
Chosen answer: It does sound overdubbed, but there was no change in the organization. UCO is United Commission Organization. There are signs when Patel is coming that say UCO so obviously it wasn't changed.

Question: The show's theme song is played at the start of each episode. For the life of me, I cannot understand the first line. "...back to the past, Samurai Jack." What is that first line of that theme?
Chosen answer: Gotta get back, back to the past...

Question: In one episode (I think it's My Balancing Act) Dr Kelso is trying to scare the interns, so he pulls his face off and 'becomes' a guy with crazy ginger hair and a very annoying loud voice. I'm a Brit so that's maybe why I don't recognise this guy. Is he supposed to be someone famous?
Answer: This is an American comedian called Scott Thompson, more widely known by his stage name of "Carrot Top".

Question: Why does Vicky hate Timmy so much?
Answer: I don't think Vicky necessarily hates Timmy. She is just a malicious and sadistic person.

Question: Who is Raven and where did they come from?
Answer: They came from Azarath aka Earth.

Question: Did the actress who plays Nina know the entire time that she was supposed to be bad, or was this written into the show mid-season?

Jimmy Was Kung-Fu Fighting - S1-E12
Question: How can Sister Helen give Lily detention when she sees Lily's tongue ring? She is at the Finnerty's house. Piercings are often a violation of school dress codes, but Sister Helen has not seen the piercing while at school.
Answer: It happens. One of my middle school/junior high classmates was suspended for fighting another classmate during the weekend, at a location nowhere near the school. Also, after Jimmy and Lily created the fake image of Sister Helen, it's easier for Sister Helen to get away with assigning an unfair detention.

Question: It's approximately 100 ly to Qunos. Captain Archer says it'll take four days. How long will it really take at warp 4.5?
Answer: Warp factor has always been inconsistent and hard to pinpoint, or there's too many episodes that contradict the conversion rates. Changes were made in converting warp factor into actual speed between TOS and TNG. It seems ENT reverted back to using TOS method, which is "warp factor cubed" equals how many times the speed of light they traveled. So warp 4.5 means 91.125 times the speed of light (c). Although in "Broken Bow", with the travels from Earth to Neptune and back in about six minutes means warp 4.5 is about 86*c. However, in "The Expanse" episode, warp 5 was 200*c (instead of 125). 1 ly at 91.125*c is about 4 days, but 100 ly would be 400 days.

Question: In the first part of Jr's graduation episode, after Michael says "Let's be nice babe" What does Claire say? I can't make out what her joke is. I thought it was something to do with Vanessa since Jay just said something about her.
Answer: After Janet makes the comment about Junior majoring in "Vanessa-ology" if he goes to Reddington, Michael tells her, "Let's be nice...," then Claire asks, "Yeah, what fraternity are you gonna pledge, 'felt-a-bit-a-thigh'?" which is a crude play on fraternity names.

Question: Why did Kira not disappear with the Kandorians when Clark opened the portal, since she is Kryptonian as well and was not infected with blue Kryptonite?
Answer: It is most likely that Kara was not on earth at the time. She had gone off on her own to look for Kandorians, not knowing the survivors she heard rumors of were the ones Tess releases. How she leaves earth is never fully explained, but since the Martian Manhunter was introduced, he may have lent her a ship. She only returns to earth when Jor'el calls her when he feels Clark will not be able to defeat Darkseid.

Question: What breed of dog is Barbara-Jean's dog, Broq?
Answer: Broq is a Yorkshire Terrier.

Initiation - S3-E1
Question: In this show, Green Lantern is a black guy with a different name. What happened to Hal Jordan and why is he not Green Lantern any more?
Chosen answer: In this series, Hal Jordan never became Green Lantern. Kyle Rayner did instead. John Stewart is Rayner's partner and serves as Green Lantern in the Justice League.

Question: If David Brent is such a poor unresponsible boss and no good at his job as he is portrayed, then how did he get into such a good position of being a branch manager in charge of so many staff?
Answer: In the Christmas specials, David states the documentary crew stitched him up. In other words, he was made to look like an idiot by the way it was put together, but in actuality, he may not have been as bad as the documentary had made out. In addition, it's clear he let his upcoming celebrity status get to his head, something that would not have happened prior to the documentary crew's arrival. At the end of series 1, he mentioned one of his achievements was cutting expenditure without losing any staff.
Chosen answer: This is known as The Peter Principle - the theory that employees within an organization will advance to their highest level of competence and then be promoted to and remain at a level at which they are incompetent.

The End of Time: Part 3 - S1-E40
Question: Why did Gluto decide to freeze himself?
Answer: Gluto has quite a cowardly personality and never contributed too much in fighting against the Power Rangers. When he felt that the final battle was getting too intense for him, he decided that he would rather be frozen than participate.
Answer: He bit off a piece of a cigar.