Stop Me Before I Hug Again - S1-E13
Character mistake: In Brian's "Laws I Have Broken Since Joining FBI" list, item #30 misspells the word "recorded" - "30) Recoreded NFL Game Without Consent." He'd only have that knowledge if he was using NZT, and if he was, he wouldn't make a mistake like that.

Character mistake: Rodney says that one hour in real time would give them months inside the field. This is incorrect because if the ratio of time were 1:250 as stated before, one hour would only convert to 250 hours, which is 10 days and 10 hours.

Character mistake: While Clark and Chloe are at Daily Planet, Clark asks her what is wrong with her mother. Chloe responds that her mother left when she was twelve years old. In the episode Lineage, Chloe and Clark are looking for Rachael Dunleavy and Chloe says her mother left when she was five.

Nobody Knows Anything - S1-E11
Character mistake: When Tony tells Dr. Melfi he feels as though a safe might fall on his head, she replies, "a feeling of pending doom." A woman of her intellect and education should know the proper word is "impending." "Pending" means something awaiting a conclusion. "Impending" means about to occur.

The Illusion of the Lethal Playthings - S1-E20
Character mistake: A toy company would surely know better: the sign outside the toy factory misspells "Pinocchio" with only one C instead of two. (00:25:20)

Character mistake: A computer display of currency transactions shows the word "withdrawal" spelled as "withdrawl." (It is also spelled correctly higher up on the display). (00:25:05)

Character mistake: After Nick kills Calvin, and Travis arrives, Nick calls Travis "Nick" before correctly calling him Travis in his next line of dialogue.

Old Wounds - S1-E1
Character mistake: After Mercer's speech to the entire crew he dismisses everyone except for the senior staff but everyone, including the senior staff, starts walking away as if they were dismissed as well.
Suggested correction: They were walking away, but not as if they were dismissed. The group of senior officers and Mercer are in a completely different part of the room (or possible an entirely different room). Notice the doorway where Mercer is standing. At the beginning, he's in the doorway and it has a white boarder and a 2nd set of doors. Then he's standing in front of a doorway with a blue boarder and no 2nd set of doors.

Log 1: The Impossible Mission - S1-E1
Character mistake: They turn left onto Moorpark St and they say into the radio they are going east on Moorpark. However, the street sign shows they are going west. (00:10:30)

Character mistake: Tig gets bit on the right butt cheek. Tara tells Chibs to give him a local, which is a numbing injection so she can stitch him up. Problem is that Chibs does the injection in the left butt cheek. You are supposed to give the injection close to the wound to numb it before stitches.

It Happened 'That Night' - S3-E1
Character mistake: Emily's mom tells Emily that reporters were there to talk to them about "Emily's missing remains." It's supposed to be "Allison's missing remains." (00:17:00)

Character mistake: This mistake happens in the town meeting scene. They are talking about the two business owners that dated, then moved when it ended badly. It hurt the town's economy. First it was said that Faye sold flowers and the guy sold candy. Then they said that Faye sold candy.

The Way of the Warrior (2) - S4-E2
Character mistake: During the Defiant's flight to save the Cardassian officials, Worf says something to the effect of, "I've never been aboard a Federation ship equipped with a cloak before". However, he was aboard the Enterprise during the Pegasus incident, where The Ship was temporarily equipped with a cloaking device.

Character mistake: Det. Baldwin Jones calls ADA Valerie Haywood Teresa. (00:49:10)

Character mistake: When Sav asks Ali if she wants people to think she's not good enough for their family, Ali accidentally calls Sav "Ray" when she responds: "Yes, Ray, that's exactly what I want." Raymond "Ray" Ablack is the name of the actor who plays Sav. (00:17:31)
Suggested correction: Actually she says: "Yes. Right, that's exactly what I want." Not "yes Ray."
I know the subtitle says "right", but I hear "Ray" as well. Plus, it fits better in the line for her to use someone's name. Usually when someone is sarcastically agreeing they'll say "yeah, right" or "yes, [person's name]."
Yeah, it doesn't really make sense for her to say, "Yes, right" like that, and neither the intonation of her voice nor movement of her mouth match it either. The subtitles most likely said "right" to cover up the mistake.

Hercule Poirot's Christmas - S6-E1
Character mistake: After Japp's arrival, when Poirot walks up the stairs with the two male detectives, at one point he says "Mais no madame." ("But no mylady.")

Character mistake: Marissa said to Ryan (in episode "The Brothers Grim") that the last time she was in Chino, she "saved his ass". She was referring to Thanksgiving, but that's not the last time she was in Chino. The last time she was in Chino was in "The Nana" when she ran there after finding out about Luke and her mother's affair.
Suggested correction: She saved his ass when she talked to Eddie about letting him stay. So her phrasing is correct.

Unto Others - S4-E7
Character mistake: When Cutty quits the truant officer job and walks out of the office, he runs into his old girl from way back. She calls him David instead of Dennis. (00:51:00)

Remembrance - S1-E1
Character mistake: Picard and Data are playing poker at the beginning of the episode. Before the actual faces of the players are revealed, we are shown close-ups of their hands as they put down the chips for the bet. When Picard says his first line in the series it's "See", and it is literally true, because in the previous shot, Data put his 5 cards down on the table and face up. (00:00:50)

Character mistake: Several times Tommy addresses Sir Oswald Mosley as Mr Mosley instead of the correct Sir Oswald. Mosley never corrects him, which given his snobbishness portrayed throughout the series seems highly unlikely.
Suggested correction: Travis is the one who says "Nick".