Character mistake: When first discussing the projectile Murdoch has written on his board that 2 (sin45) =1. This is obviously incorrect to anyone who's studied even basic trigonometry. (00:05:54)

The Hammer - S1-E10
Character mistake: Raylan Givens tells Judge Reardon that he carries a ".45 Glock" but this is untrue. Throughout the series with the exception of the beginning of the first episode Raylan Givens carries a Glock 17, which is only chambered in 9mm parabellum. His backup can be seen to be a Glock 26 which is also in 9mm.

Character mistake: During his interrogation, Ken comments that he beat Christopher's impulsive violence out of him. But in "The Perfect Thanksgiving", he tells Erin's brother Michael that he never hit his children, choosing instead to destroy their self-esteem.

Character mistake: When John-Boy reads the nursery rhyme "Simple Simon" to his nephew, John-Boy points to the colorful illustrations in this book and tells John Curtis, "See, that's Simple Simon, he's a bear." This is incorrect. In the illustrations, Simple Simon is a donkey, and it's the pieman who is a bear (he's wearing a chef's hat and apron). (00:40:50)

Character mistake: When Kyle is re-taking the test at the end of the school day, you see him bubble in 4 answer and turn the page and continue to answer questions. However there were 7 questions on the first page so he ended up putting the answer to #8 on #5 of the scantron. Kyle is too smart to do this.

Character mistake: The party is supposed to be "One of the premiere social events of the season", but the only people invited (Higgins knows for sure who is gonna come, so it's not like there's low attendance because of the weather) are a Prince from a fictional European state nobody knows about with his commoner wife, the editor of a poetry magazine that needs Robin's funds to survive, a sports star and Robin's accountant. 5 people in total, already all in Robin's pocket, and nobody else in attendance. While you could say that having royalty and a golden glove winner is certainly noteworthy, those people don't meet anyone else. Hardly a 'social event'. (00:04:00)

Character mistake: The FBI team responds to a murder crime scene. The victim is lying face down in the bed with blood everywhere. The team leader takes the victim's wrist with his bare ungloved hand. A trained FBI agent would never touch a murder victim without gloves - one to protect himself and two not to contaminate the crime scene. (00:10:00)

Character mistake: Bucky says he read The Hobbit in 1937 when it first came out. But in 1937 he was still living in New York, and The Hobbit was only available in the UK at that time, with fairly limited numbers printed. It wasn't available in America until 1938.

Character mistake: When the private investigator shows Castle and Beckett the VIP Liaisons website, "Liaison" is misspelled "Liason." (00:17:40)

Character mistake: Congressman Weitz tells the FBI task force that Kazahrus is an "absolute monarchy." Director Hirst interrupts him to state that this means "the order of succession is based solely on heredity," which she implies is well-known to students of civics. An absolute monarchy is one where the monarch's powers are unrestricted (such as by legislative or judicial branches of government). Hirst is describing a hereditary monarchy, but not all hereditary monarchies are absolute (for example, England's constitutional monarchy is hereditary), nor are all absolute monarchies hereditary (the Vatican's elective monarchy is absolute). What Hirst says is true of Kazahrus, but not of absolute monarchies, the term Weitz was defining. Weitz is presented as an expert on the topic, but doesn't correct her.

Character mistake: At the Life Guard Trials, Kelly is the first Angel to arrive. She finishes 20th. Then, four other competitors arrive (21st / 22nd / 23rd / 24th). Then, Kris arrives. The judge says to her "You're 23." (00:11:15)

Character mistake: A shot shows Djimon Hounsou completing his year entry on a large chalk board. The entries are 20 years apart. The third entry on the second line is 2274, the next should be 2294, but instead it records 2394. The one after corrects the sequence with 2314. Considering there is an entry only every twenty years, you would think he'd be more careful. (00:20:15)

Character mistake: Batwoman does everything she can to rescue the elevator falling down after the villain detonates the bomb, but does nothing for the second one Tommy blows up to make her lose her footing when she is vulnerable. There is no message from Luke telling her anything, and she is not shown having a HUD with thermal readings or something like that, so there is simply no reason why she would risk everything to stop one elevator and completely ignore the fate of the next one which could be full of civilians as well.

Character mistake: When Johnny is at the hospital, having a vision of his mother, Gene Purdy and Sarah is waiting for news of him following his accident, he states that a vision earlier was related to his accident 'Nine years ago'. Later, when he is in the ambulance on the way to where his accident occurred, he asks the paramedic if it was the same ambulance. The paramedic replies, 'Yeah, I've been driving the same rig for nearly eight years'.

Character mistake: One character says a concentration of 0.09 parts per million in the water is bad: "if it were salt it'd taste like you were drowning in the ocean." Rubbish. The concentration of salt in seawater is about 35,000 parts per million.

Character mistake: In the tent Djem reaches for food with his left hand. Totally a big no-no in the Arab and many other cultures! He would never lean on his right and leave his left arm - his unclean hand free.

Character mistake: The 'perfect' German postcard Rollin has written is full of mistakes: 1) The 'sie' must have a capital 'S' because it's a personal pronoun; 2) The only sentence stops in the middle and makes no sense; 3) The word 'Besten' has to be written without a capital because it's not a noun; 4) In Germany the house number stands after the street name, not before; 5) The streetname makes no sense. Too many mistakes for a so-called 'perfect' card. (00:04:40)

Character mistake: The first time Arnold tries Rhonda's marriage predictor test, he says his favorite number is five, but Rhonda actually makes six moves. The second time, Arnold says it's three, but Rhonda counts off four.

Character mistake: Patterson - the oceanographer - at one point claims that Lithuania is land-locked. She should know better; in fact, Lithuania has a coastline of close to 100 km on the Baltic Sea.