Audio problem: During the "Sparke Motion" dance scene, the dance instructor is mouthing the wrong words to the song the girls are dancing to. "West End Girls" by the Pet Shop Boys was originally going to be the dance number, and that is actually the song playing for the recording of the scene. Richard Kelly couldn't get permission to use it, and "Notorious" by Duran Duran was substituted. The teacher is plainly mouthing words from the wrong song.

Audio problem: When Jack says "Anyway, the conch doesn't count on this side of the island", he is clearly biting his banana and eating it, however the dialouge is heard perfectly clear, even though he is eating.

Audio problem: The wheels of the police car screech when there's gravel on the street.

Audio problem: When Bud White goes into the records room to 'handle' Exley, he begins to beat him. When Exley pulls out White's handgun and points it at him you hear him cock it. The next shot is of him holding the gun but the gun isn't cocked.

Audio problem: When Jason Patric is pursuing Willem Dafoe and firing a shotgun, the gun is a semi-automatic (self-loading) model. However, the sound mix includes the very distinctive noise of a pump-action shotgun being cycled manually before each shot.

Audio problem: When Michael bursts through the door at the hospital, Loomis fires his gun and Michael stabs him. He drops his gun on the floor and it makes no sound when it hits.

Audio problem: Nancy is watching 'The Evil Dead' in order to stay awake, but the audio of the film heard doesn't match with what scene is playing on the TV. (00:33:10)

Audio problem: After Stark escapes, he is walking in the desert, and crests the brow of a sand dune. Then, helicopters burst into view over him and you hear them for the first time. Stark was on the brow of the dune and should have heard them long before.

Audio problem: When Tina is in the car with who she thinks is her boyfriend but is really Michael Myers; watch her lips when she says the line "Nothing Mike, that's what I get, Nothing." It is obvious that this line was dubbed in over something else as her lips do not match that particular line. (00:42:55)

Audio problem: At the start of the movie when Shao Kahn and Raiden are fighting, Shao Kahn smashes Raiden into a pile of bricks. Then Shao Kahn says "You will never win". Watch when he says it because his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When Mario and Luigi are in the cave, walking along the cliff, Mario shouts "Watch out" but his mouth never moves. (00:21:25)

Audio problem: In the scene at Willard Whyte's house where Thumper and Bambi are fighting Bond, Bond gets thrown into 3 cylindrical statues. Just as the shot cuts, you can see the last column beginning to topple but there is no sound as it crashes to the floor in the next shot.

Audio problem: When Callahan gets out of his car to stake out the robbery, he shuts the car door, and the sound of the door closing is heard after the door is shut.

Audio problem: In the early stages of Kong's fight with the Tyrannosaur, Kong throws two (nonconsecutive) standing punches that don't hit but make noise anyway.

Audio problem: When Andy jumps on his Mums bed, on the morning of his birthday, he shouts "Wake up, Mummy, Wake up." but his mouth doesn't move. (00:08:50)

Audio problem: When Kirk says, "Stop energizers," watch his lips closely - he really says, "Stop engines." Mike Okuda points this out in the text commentary on the Director's Edition DVD. The reason the line (and also the one following it) was redubbed was because someone pointed out during post-production that the engines couldn't simply be stopped on a dime. (00:39:08)

Audio problem: When you first see Stokely she says 'crash and burn, Casey' but if you look carefully you notice that her lips don't move with what she is saying.

Audio problem: When Willa Harper is lying in bed talking to Harry her mouth movements are out of sync with the dialogue.

Audio problem: When Tom Skerritt first "interfaces" with Mother after being awoken, he says, "Good morning, Mother" - it is not even close to being Tom Skerritt's voice. According to the book 'The Making of Alien' this line was dubbed in by Ridley Scott as Tom Skerritt wasn't available at the time.

Audio problem: After disposing of Dr. Drew's supposedly dead body, Miriam tells Charlotte to get out of the car and go up to her room. Charlotte has been wearing thin slippers on her feet yet when she steps onto the porch, you can hear the sound of heels as she walks. (01:57:25)